TickSniper Optimisation MT5.set

File for Optimization The X
File for Optimization The X
TickSniper Optimisation MT5.set
TickSniper Optimisation MT5.set

TickSniper Optimisation MT5.set




 Can an Expert Advisor be optimized in the MetaTrader 5 Strategy Tester?

If you want to optimize the EA, despite all my answers above, then I can give you a couple of tips and data to be optimized:

Minimum requirements for terminal setup:

You can try to optimize the following parameters:

Parameter (1 – check the box) Default Start (2) Step (3) Stop (4)
Timeopen 1500 500 500 5000
DistanceTickSpread 2 1 1 5
PercentDDMAX 10 5 5 30
MaxOrders 5 5 5 20
TakeProfitTickSpread 50 5 5 50
StoplossTickSpread 250 10 10 250
DistanceAverageSpread 75 10 10 250
TrailingStopTickSpread 5 1 1 10
Averaging_LotsMartin 1 1 1 5
DynamicLot false false true
LotBalancePercent 1 1 1 5
Set_StopLoss_to_the_next_profitable_position_level true true false
MovingInWLUSE true true false


How to optimize Expert Advisors: Optimizing and Testing an Expert Advisor, basic rules.

A  “.Set” file for optimization based on our example: Download TickSniper Optimisation MT5.set

Why are the results of the strategy tester different from the result on your real account?

My real account has existed for more than 3 years. In this account,

I tested all versions of my expert from the initial release to the last.

Every time I post an update, I also update the expert on my real account.

Each update is done to improve the profitability of my trading robot.

The results can not be the same.

They are always different.

This is forex. Forex market is a 100% risk of losing all your money on the account.

Version: 2024

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