Ind - Ghost. Price movement within the day

Ind – Ghost. Price movement within the day

Exp – OrderSPY
Scalping systems based on the rate of quotes! Underwater rocks!
Exp – OrderSPY
Scalping systems based on the rate of quotes! Underwater rocks!


An indicator that displays the price movement in the current day, from the opening point of the day (The day can be virtually shifted by hours to minutes for brokers where the time is not displayed in UTC).

The width of the price movement cell is adjusted in the input parameters.

The indicator displays information on the following:

  1. the current day in the lower right corner;
  2. opening point ;
  3. High Low of the current day (for a virtual day, display accordingly) ;
  4. Your broker’s time ;
  5. Price change in % in relation to the opening point of the day;
  6. Minimum stop level on the server;
  7. Spread;

The green lines of the indicator show the price behavior in the buy trend, respectively, and the red lines show the price movement along the sell trend based on the opening point of our day.

Dashed lines show the possible price direction. 


Indicator Options:

  1. StartHour=0; //- hour of the beginning of the virtual day according to the terminal time. The default is 22. 
  2. StartMin=0; //- start time of the virtual day. It must be a multiple of 15 minutes. The default is 00.
  3. CellPip=50; // – Cell width in pips
  4. DaysIndicated=10; //- number of days for which to display the indication.
  5. YOUR_GMT_TIME=2; // Your UTC offset (Clock settings – time zone. )


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