Extra Report Pad 트레이더 일지. 이는 MetaTrader용 거래 계좌 분석을 제공하는 통계 패널입니다.
분석 결과는 실시간으로 차트에 표시됩니다. 다중 통화 거래는 매우 인기가 있습니다. 그러나 거래 수가 많아질수록 각 거래의 수익성을 분석하는 것이 더 어려워집니다. 월별 거래의 전문적인 분석과 거래당 통계 계산은 더욱 도전적인 과제입니다. Extra Report Pad 패널은 계정을 분석하고 HTML, CSV 또는 차트에서 실시간으로 상세한 통계를 준비하는 효율적인 솔루션을 제공합니다. MyFxBook처럼 거래 시스템의 성과를 포괄적으로 이해하려는 경우, 이 목표를 달성하는 데 도움이 되는 여러 도구가 있습니다. Extra Report Pad는 보고서, 통계, MyFxBook, 거래 일지, 계정 분석, 성과 통계, 애널리틱스 (analytics), 그리고 혁신적인 대시보드 (dashboard)를 포함합니다. Extra Report Pad를 활용하면 거래 시스템의 성과를 매우 상세하게 분석하고 강점과 잠재적 약점에 대한 귀중한 통찰력을 얻을 수 있습니다.
신규 트레이더로서 성과를 향상시키려 하거나 경험 많은 트레이더로서 거래 전략을 최적화하려는 경우, 이 Extra Report Pad는 정보에 입각한 결정을 내리고 재무 목표를 달성하는 데 필요한 정보를 제공할 수 있습니다.
Extra Report Pad는 어떻게 작동합니까?
Extra Report Pad 트레이더의 일기 – 귀하의 거래 계정을 전문적으로 분석합니다. 실시간 차트의 MyFxBook
Extra Report Pad의 주요 기능-
Extra Report Pad 온라인 모드에서 닫힌 거래/오더에 대한 상세 보고서
Extra Report Pad 날짜, 심볼 (symbol), 매직 (magic), 댓글 (comment)로 거래 필터링
Fabrizio Malavasi
This reporting app it's a very useful tool to analyse the trades order history.The "Time" button that show the profit/entry along the time It's interesting too. It has a very nice graphic form. You made as usual an excellent job!
Thanks a lots!
Jcb Mlwijk
Excellent reporting functionality that provides you with detailed insights into their trading performance. The tool generates trade history reports, including key metrics such as profit/loss analysis, drawdown, and risk exposure.
Yong Chan Kow
Very useful. It can generate reports that include magic numbers, comments and other fields. This enabled me to analyse performance from various angles.
Fantastic tool, much better than anything I have seen on the market. I am not sure how the filtering at the bottom is working, for example when clicking on just one Magic number it does say Updating at the top, but the table remains the same with the previous information on it, also if there could be an option to Sort from A-Z / Bigger-Smaller...etc on the actual panel that would be amazing. Also not sure if it has already this function but to be able to display the number of pips/points per magic number or comment would be great because this way easily EA's can be compared between two different platforms with different balance lot sizes. Anyway, it is the best tool I have seen so far. Well done to the developer. Great job.
At last, I've discovered exactly what I needed! I'd been searching for a tool to assess the performance of various EAs over time, but couldn't find one. The program I downloaded earlier lacked the feature to label prices traded by specific EAs. This tool fulfills my requirement perfectly. I'm extremely grateful for the expertise behind its development and the superior ability to download information. Thank you so much!
Tolles Tool. Sehr viele Informationen die man bisher nicht hatte. Für mich besonders gut weil ich die Daten jetzt besser nach Excel übertragen kann ohne das die Formatierung leidet. Danke
Yusuf Mansawala
It's a useful tool for Fund Mangers and Clients trading with multiple signals or multiple copy trading services, as it can sort out your account statement into a powerful decision making tool.
Ron Inchess
Really useful product, just what I was looking for. The author's site is also interesting. Worth a visit. Some difficulty in configuring the MT5 dimensions. The reports to download are excellent and clear. Very useful for work evaluations.
Prodotto veramente utile, proprio quello che cercavo. Anche il sito dell'autore è interessante. Da visitare. Qualche difficoltà a configurare le dimensioni di MT5.I reports da scaricare sono ottimi e chiari. Molto utili per le valutazioni di lavoro.
월별 기간 동안 테스트한 후, 우리는 보고서를 수동으로 분석하여 어떤 쌍이 수익성이 있는지, 그리고 데이터를 기반으로 시스템을 더욱 정교하게 조정해야 했습니다.
우리는 이 문제에 대한 해결책을 찾았고, 계좌를 자동으로 전문적으로 분석 (Professionally Analyze)하고 실시간 (Real-Time)으로 가능한 한 자세하게 정보를 표시할 수 있는 EXTRA REPORT PAD 지표를 만들었습니다!
우리의 지표 (Indicator)는 Forex 거래를 실시간으로 분석하도록 설계되었습니다. MetaTrader 터미널에서 추출할 수 있는 모든 데이터와 종합적인 통계를 활용하세요!
MyFxBook Mini가 터미널 창에 통합되어 항상 손끝에 있습니다!
HTML로 업로드된 자세한 보고서는 표준 MT 보고서보다 500% 더 많은 정보를 포함합니다.
구버전 MetaTrader 상세 보고서
Extra Report Pad에서 생성된 새로운 상세 보고서
HTML 및 CSV로 내보내기
우리는 Extra Report Pad에 HTML로 내보내기 (EXPORT to HTML) 버튼을 추가하여 차트의 전체 보고서를 별도의 HTML 파일로 내보낼 수 있게 했습니다. 모든 거래는 패널에서 사용된 필터에 따라 필터링됩니다. 예를 들어, 특정 통화쌍 하나, 특정 매직 넘버, 또는 특정 월만 선택할 수 있습니다. 생성된 보고서에는 필터링된 데이터만 포함됩니다.
HTML 상세 보고서를 열려면:
데이터 폴더를 엽니다.
보고서 파일은 다음 폴더에 생성됩니다: YOUR TERMINAL \ MQL4 \ Files \ EXTRAREPORTPAD \ EXTRAREPORTPAD AccountNumber.html
HTML 예시:
CSV 예시:
탭 및 컨트롤
현재 우리 패널은 9개의 탭으로 구성되어 있습니다:
TRADES – 현재 열려 있는 거래를 표시합니다.
HISTORY – 과거의 종료된 거래를 표시합니다.
ALL TRADES – 열려 있는 거래와 종료된 거래 모두를 표시합니다.
REPORTS – 거래 계좌의 종료된 거래에 대한 자세한 보고서를 보여줍니다.
GRAPH PROFIT CHART – 시간에 따른 수익 추세를 시각적으로 나타내어 전체 거래의 수익성을 평가하고 거래 성과의 패턴이나 변동을 볼 수 있습니다.
DISTRIBUTION Symbols – 총 수, 그리고 각 통화쌍별로 수익성 있는 거래의 수와 함께 BUY 및 SELL 거래의 분포를 보여줍니다. 또한 각 통화쌍별로 수익성 있는 거래의 분포, 총 수익, 롯 크기와 각 심볼별로 손실 거래의 분포를 표시합니다.
DISTRIBUTION by Comments – 특정 댓글에 따라 분류된 거래의 분포를 보여줍니다. 여기에는 BUY 및 SELL 거래의 총 수, 수익성 있는 거래, 총 수익, 각 고유 댓글을 기반으로 한 롯 크기가 포함됩니다. 또한 각 댓글 범주별로 손실 거래의 분포를 보여줍니다.
DISTRIBUTION by Magic Numbers – 매직 넘버에 따라 분류된 거래의 분포를 보여주며, 각 매직 넘버별로 BUY 및 SELL 거래의 총 수, 수익성 있는 거래, 총 수익, 롯 크기를 상세히 보여줍니다. 또한 각 매직 넘버별로 손실 거래의 분포를 표시합니다.
DISTRIBUTION Time – 거래 수와 함께 시간별, 요일별, 월별로 수익 또는 손실을 표시합니다. 열 이름을 보면 각 범주의 데이터를 얻을 수 있습니다.
답변: Extra Report Pad은(는) 거래 계좌를 효과적으로 분석하도록 설계된 전문 도구입니다. 이는 실시간으로 포괄적인 통계 분석을 제공하여 트레이더가 MyFxBook과 같은 표준 도구에 비해 거래 성과를 더 정확하게 모니터링하고 평가할 수 있게 합니다.
Extra Report Pad는 MyFxBook과 어떻게 비교됩니까?
답변: MyFxBook이 거래 계좌에 대한 실시간 차트 분석을 제공하는 반면, Extra Report Pad는 HTML 보고서를 통해 500% 더 많은 정보와 함께 보다 상세한 분석을 제공합니다. 이는 열린 거래와 닫힌 거래를 분석할 뿐만 아니라 심층적인 통계 데이터와 월별 성과 통찰력을 제공하여 전문 트레이더에게 더 우수한 선택이 됩니다.
Extra Report Pad를 사용할 때의 주요 이점은 무엇입니까?
답변: Extra Report Pad의 주요 이점은 다음과 같습니다:
실시간 분석: 최신 통계 및 데이터를 제공합니다.
포괄적인 보고서: 광범위한 정보가 포함된 상세한 보고서를 생성합니다.
맞춤 설정: 심볼, 날짜, 매직 넘버 및 코멘트로 필터링을 허용합니다.
사용 용이성: MetaTrader 터미널에 통합되어 원활하게 접근할 수 있습니다.
향상된 통계: 표준 보고서에 비해 더 심층적인 분석을 제공합니다.
Extra Report Pad를 사용하여 거래 데이터를 어떻게 내보낼 수 있습니까?
답변: Extra Report Pad는 거래 데이터를 HTML 및 CSV 형식으로 내보낼 수 있습니다. EXPORT to HTML 버튼을 클릭하면 선택한 기준(예: 특정 통화 쌍, 매직 넘버 또는 월별)에 따라 필터링된 상세한 보고서를 생성할 수 있습니다. 내보낸 파일은 YOUR TERMINAL \ MQL4 \ Files \ EXTRAREPORTPAD 디렉토리에 저장되어 MetaTrader 플랫폼 외부에서 거래 성과를 쉽게 접근하고 검토할 수 있습니다.
Extra Report Pad에서 사용할 수 있는 필터 유형은 무엇입니까?
답변: Extra Report Pad는 분석을 사용자 지정하기 위해 여러 가지 필터 옵션을 제공합니다:
심볼별 필터: 특정 통화 쌍을 선택합니다.
날짜별 필터: 특정 거래 기간을 선택합니다.
매직별 필터: 매직 넘버를 기반으로 거래를 필터링합니다.
코멘트별 필터: 코멘트로 거래를 정렬합니다.
맞춤 날짜 및 코멘트: 보다 정밀한 분석을 위해 개인화된 필터를 생성합니다.
이러한 필터는 거래 성과의 특정 측면을 분리하고 조사하는 데 도움이 됩니다.
Extra Report Pad는 여러 통화 쌍을 동시에 처리할 수 있습니까?
답변: 예, Extra Report Pad는 여러 통화 쌍을 동시에 관리하고 분석하도록 설계되었습니다. 이는 여러 통화를 동시에 거래하는 현대적인 거래 전략에 필수적이며, 여러 거래를 처리하는 복잡성을 단순화하여 상세하고 조직적인 통계 데이터를 제공합니다.
Extra Report Pad에서 사용할 수 있는 언어는 무엇입니까?
답변: Extra Report Pad는 다양한 사용자 기반을 만족시키기 위해 여러 언어를 지원합니다. 사용 가능한 언어는 다음과 같습니다:
이 다국어 지원은 다양한 지역의 트레이더들이 도구를 효과적으로 활용할 수 있도록 보장합니다.
Extra Report Pad는 표준 MetaTrader 보고서에 비해 거래 분석을 어떻게 향상시키나요?
답변: 표준 MetaTrader 보고서는 개별 거래, 수익성 있는 통화 쌍, 월별 통계에 대한 상세한 데이터를 제공하지 않습니다. Extra Report Pad는 이러한 한계를 보완하여 다음과 같은 기능을 제공합니다:
상세 거래 데이터: 거래의 개별 정보, 열림/닫힘 시간, 가격, 이익/손실 등을 포함한 포괄적인 정보.
월별 분석: 추세 분석을 개선하기 위해 거래 성과를 월별로 분류.
고급 통계: 이익 계수, 복구 계수, 드로다운 등과 같은 지표를 계산.
실시간 업데이트: 데이터를 10초마다 지속적으로 업데이트하여 트레이더에게 최신 정보를 제공합니다.
이러한 향상된 기능은 트레이더가 거래 활동을 보다 철저하고 전문적으로 분석할 수 있도록 합니다.
Extra Report Pad는 MetaTrader와 쉽게 설치 및 통합됩니까?
답변: 예, Extra Report Pad는 MetaTrader 터미널과 원활하게 통합되도록 설계되었습니다. 설치는 MQL4(5) \ Indicators 디렉토리에 지표 파일을 배치하는 것을 포함합니다. 설치가 완료되면 도구가 MetaTrader 내에 통합된 패널로 나타나 거래 워크플로우를 방해하지 않고 모든 기능에 쉽게 접근할 수 있습니다.
Extra Report Pad 사용자에게 제공되는 지원 및 리소스는 무엇입니까?
답변: Extra Report Pad 사용자들은 다음과 같은 다양한 지원 및 리소스에 접근할 수 있습니다:
포괄적인 문서: 지표 기능 사용에 대한 상세한 가이드 및 지침.
다운로드 가능한 파일:파일 섹션에서 쉽게 접근 가능한 지표 파일.
고객 지원: 기술 문제나 문의 사항에 대한 지원.
커뮤니티 리소스:VIRTUALTRADEPAD 및 EAPADPRO와 같은 관련 제품 및 추가 도구에 대한 링크로 향상된 거래 분석을 제공합니다.
또한, 사용자들은 Thank You 버튼을 클릭하거나 다
변경 기록 Extra Report Pad
Version 25.1112025.01.12
We are excited to introduce new languages to our functionality. Users can now enjoy an even wider range of language options for their convenience and comfort. Here’s the list of newly added languages:
THAI=12 — Thai
INDI=13 — Hindi
MALAY=14 — Malay
INDONEZIA=15 — Indonesian
ARAB=16 — Arabic
VETNAM=17 — Vietnamese
BALKAN=20 — Balkan
POLAND=21 — Polish
CHEZH=22 — Czech
Update your application and enjoy working in your native language! 🌐
Version 24.9262024.09.26
-- Modified data markup in the Filters block.
Version 24.924 2024.09.22
— When loading the indicator onto the chart, trading levels and trading history are now disabled to prevent overlapping objects.
— Added Stop Loss and Take Profit values in the deposit currency to the Stop Loss and Take Profit fields (Show_SLCurrency and Show_TPCurrency in the settings).
— Introduced a parameter for filtering history by a custom date:
DatesOfHistory = “Custom date yyyy.mm.dd-yyyy.mm.dd”; // Custom Dates of history Start-End: yyyy.mm.dd-yyyy.mm.dd
Set in the format: StartYear.StartMonth.StartDay-EndYear.EndMonth.EndDay.
You can forcibly specify the history period that the indicator will use.
For example: 2024.09.15-2024.09.21
Version 24.921 2024.09.21
— Compiled for the latest versions of MetaTrader terminals.
— Minor bug fixes to enhance performance.
— Major overhaul of language translations.
— New languages added: Ukrainian, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, French, German, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Turkish.
— HTML reports can now be generated in multiple languages, with all words and phrases translated into the 12 main interface languages.
— Significant improvements to HTML reports:
— — Enhanced user interface for better usability.
— — Added histograms to “Overview” tables, displaying key metrics categorized by comments, magic numbers, and symbols.
— — The history table is now paginated for improved readability and reduced system resource usage.
— — Columns in the history table can now be sorted by selected parameters.
— — A search feature has been added to the history table, allowing users to find specific tickets in the report.
— — The balance graph is now interactive, displaying additional information when hovering over points, showing balance details for the selected time.
Version 23.913 2023.09.20
-Last Build Compilation
Version 22.121 2022.01.19
Update Update
Version 22.120 2022.01.19
-Updating the design of the HTML report.
Version 22.119 2022.01.18
Update Update
Version 22.118 2022.01.18
Update filtering by comments.
All [sl] [tp] comments will be moved to a single group to the main comment:
Correction of a report error when calculating Profit Trades in the presence of Pending Orders that are different from
“canceled “comments.
Version 21.944 2021.11.12
Optimization of the code and the speed of the indicator.
Version 21.943 2021.11.11
Update Update
Version 21.942 2021.11.10
Update for Last build MetaTrader4
Version 21.941 2021.10.10
Версия 21.941
Version 21.940 2021.10.10
– Modification of the drawing function to increase the speed of the History tabs!
– Increased the speed of the indicator due to the use of CACHE account history data.
– Added Debug functions to explore ways to minimize system load.
Version 21.910 2021.09.08
Version 21.909 2021.09.08
Metaparameter for Excel added to CSV Export: sep =; to correctly define the “Separator” for our CSV report;
Version 21.908 2021.09.07
The “Chart” section, when using filters, can now show the balance line separately for the selected filters, without taking into account the change in the total balance on the account.
Version 21.907 2021.09.07
Улучшение отображение графика
Version 21.906 2021.09.06
-Added Graph Tab: Displaying a balance graph based on your trading account.
The balance chart is built on the basis of the History of trade deals and the selected filters!
When exporting a report to HTML, the balance chart will be additionally saved.
Balance chart added to HTML report!
-General performance and graphics improvements.
Version 21.613 2021.06.13
-New sections have been added to the Dates filter block: Today / Yesterday / Current week / Previous week;
–Attention: For correct filtering of this data, it is necessary that the indicator be set to a symbol with a loaded history of quotes (at least for a month)
-Added a subsection to the “Time” block – Lots by day / week / month, displaying the profitability of such data.
-Changing the color scheme of the “Time” section for a more understandable display of information;
-Updating EAPADPRO, according to the new rules for using the MQL5 Market;
Version 21.605 2021.06.03
Optimization of the code and a significant increase in the performance of the indicator.
Version 21.601 2021.06.02
– MT4Orders update for Ind version – ExtraReportPad MT5;
– Added parameter FilterOnlyif2orMore – Take into account and form the list of comments / magic in filters only if there are 2 or more identical deals in the comment / magic.
Previously, we did not take into account the comment / magic of only 1 deal in the filtering (Filters tab),
since some advisors use the comment / magic field as a unique ticket number!
In order not to overload the filter system,
we have not included such single trades for filters.
– Added all deals of one comment with the prefixes [sl] and [tp] to the filtering mode by comments
– Added “Export to CSV” button – exports text data to Excel – CSV format!
For some needs and requests, we made a report output in CSV format – this format is needed to form your own criteria in Excel tables.
This mode is not as pretty as the HTML report, but it is suitable for generating your own reports from the data!
– Added restriction on the number of filtered items to the filter tab.
– Sorted in Symbols / Magics / Comments from highest to lowest.
Also filter names by Symbol / Magic / Comment are sorted from highest to lowest.
Version 21.1 2021.01.11
– Added the FilterDepositByTime parameter: When using the time filter, the deposit / withdrawal of funds that do not fall into the time filter are removed from the report.
To filter deposits / withdrawals by time, use FilterDepositByTime = true;
Attention! It is not recommended to enable filtering of deposits / withdrawals because it may affect the calculated data and statistics output.
– Added lots to the TIME table (Time report), when you hover over the data columns, the amount of lots is shown in the tips!
Version 20.935 2020.10.15
– Added the ability to rewrite HTML data file for use in EXCEL RewriteHTMLReport:
true = Overwrite HTML file on export.
false = Old version, adds a unique report number to the end of the file name.
–Fixed error in displaying current open deals when using the CustomDate parameter
Version 20.225 2020.02.26
–Added parameter CreateImages: Save / Do not save images when creating an HTML report.
– When scanning the history, the indicator will automatically add currency pairs that are not in the “market watch”, but are in the “Account history”.
Attention: For the indicators to work properly, you must add all currency pairs (Symbols) to the “market watch”
Version 20.210 2020.02.10
– Increased data processing speed on accounts with a large history> 1000 positions in history.
– Added LABEL that data is being updated and needs to wait.
– Calculation of Maximal DrawDown and Recovery Factor updated
Version 20.209 2020.02.09
–Table separation for HTML report:
Now Open Trades and History Trades are different tables.
For ease of import into Excel
–When saving the report in HTML, images are also saved for easy upload to different sites.
Version 19.816 2019.08.16
0. Added the ability to specify the reporting period in Filters in the format: yyyy.mm.dd-yyyy.mm.dd
Attention! Carefully check the date request format: yyyy.mm.dd-yyyy.mm.dd, for example: 2018.05.25-2018.12.25
1. Added variable AccountHolderName = Print the name of the account holder in HTML!
3. A line has been added to the Current open positions tab with a total statistics of all open positions.
4. Fixed error updating the list of open positions. Data is recalculated when changing the list of open positions.
5. Max and Min balance, the algorithm is updated! The indicator starts to count from the next minute bar after opening a position.
6. In the statistics of open positions added time retention of current open positions!
7. Added unit selection (deposit currency, points) in Column_Max and Column_Min columns.
8. When you create an HTML report, the selected filters will be added to the end of the report!
Version 19.315 2019.03.15
Version 19.314 2019.03.14
Version 19.313 2019.03.13
Increased speed and accuracy.
Version 18.989 2018.12.10
Maximal DrawDown FIX
Version 18.964 2018.11.08
Исправлена ошибка загрузки индикатора на счет, где отсутствуют комментарии
Version 18.914 2018.09.14
The error of profit display on some accounts with the commission is corrected.
Version 18.828 2018.08.28
Statistics will be collected only when the window with the indicator is active!
Changed the function Scrolling.
Filter function by comment is changed. Only the 20 most frequently used comments will be shown.
Changed the color scheme of the HTML page (highlighting the Stoploss / TakeProfit closing), Leveraged currency pairs are highlighted.
Fixed bugs reported by users.
Version 18.827 2018.08.27
Sort by date modified. If the position was opened last year, then the filter is carried out over the past year.
Added filters for comments (Warning: The filter gets those comments that have more than 1 position in the history.)
Added filter for user comment (Just enter part of the comment, the indicator looks for all positions where the comment contains user-defined text, for example Copy_)
Version 18.820 2018.08.20
Full redesign of the indicator!
Version 16.906 2016.09.19
Fixed errors.
Added the ‘EXPORT to HTML’ button downloading the entire report from the chart to a separate HTML file.
All trades are sorted by the filters applied in the panel.
For example, you can select only one currency pair, a certain magic number or a certain month.
The generated report is to contain only sorted data.
The report file is generated in the folder: YOUR TERMINAL MQL4 Files EXTRAREPORTPAD EXTRAREPORTPAD Account number.html
Version 16.405 2016.04.07
Added the ‘Distribution Time’ tab for distributing the trades by hours, days and months. with an indication of profit and loss.
Jcb Mlwijk
Excellent reporting functionality that provides you with detailed insights into their trading performance. The tool generates trade history reports, including key metrics such as profit/loss analysis, drawdown, and risk exposure.
Ron Inchess
Really useful product, just what I was looking for. The author's site is also interesting. Worth a visit. Some difficulty in configuring the MT5 dimensions. The reports to download are excellent and clear. Very useful for work evaluations.
Prodotto veramente utile, proprio quello che cercavo. Anche il sito dell'autore è interessante. Da visitare. Qualche difficoltà a configurare le dimensioni di MT5.I reports da scaricare sono ottimi e chiari. Molto utili per le valutazioni di lavoro.
At last, I've discovered exactly what I needed! I'd been searching for a tool to assess the performance of various EAs over time, but couldn't find one. The program I downloaded earlier lacked the feature to label prices traded by specific EAs. This tool fulfills my requirement perfectly. I'm extremely grateful for the expertise behind its development and the superior ability to download information. Thank you so much!
Yong Chan Kow
Very useful. It can generate reports that include magic numbers, comments and other fields. This enabled me to analyse performance from various angles.
Tolles Tool. Sehr viele Informationen die man bisher nicht hatte. Für mich besonders gut weil ich die Daten jetzt besser nach Excel übertragen kann ohne das die Formatierung leidet. Danke
Fantastic tool, much better than anything I have seen on the market. I am not sure how the filtering at the bottom is working, for example when clicking on just one Magic number it does say Updating at the top, but the table remains the same with the previous information on it, also if there could be an option to Sort from A-Z / Bigger-Smaller...etc on the actual panel that would be amazing. Also not sure if it has already this function but to be able to display the number of pips/points per magic number or comment would be great because this way easily EA's can be compared between two different platforms with different balance lot sizes. Anyway, it is the best tool I have seen so far. Well done to the developer. Great job.
Alex Candela 2022.12.21 19:53
Es una buena herramienta, hay que tener un poco de paciencia al cargar datos, pero cumple su cometido por el "precio" que tiene. Muchas gracias por la utilidad!!!
Yusuf Mansawala
It's a useful tool for Fund Mangers and Clients trading with multiple signals or multiple copy trading services, as it can sort out your account statement into a powerful decision making tool.
I Made Gede Arjana 2022.02.26 03:28
Thank you. It's a great tool. It will be perfect, if you add the feature to show the trade position at the certain of date including details of floating order, pending order, balance, equity, margin, free margin, margin level.
rav5612 2022.02.06 01:55
quite usefull BUT i'd prefer a trade manager who controls BASKETS, instead this indicator can only observe individual trades.Pity
Timothy Joseph Derkitt 2022.01.28 05:02
Thank you Vladislav, I was wondering how I was going to analyze my strategy which involves trading 28 pairs on one magic number on a 1 minute timeframe and 28 pairs on second magic number on a 10 minute timeframe. This is the solution. Well done!
Viktor Bobrov 2022.01.13 16:20
Нужная вещь. Но шрифт на моём экране очень мелкий. Может потому-что у меня 4к. Хотел добавить скрин но не нашел , как это сделать.
Владислав Спасибо за подсказку , всё получилось .Спасибо !
За оперативность тоже Спасибо!
Maksym Steplyuk 2021.11.08 14:01
Thank you. That report pad is super cool and exactly what I was looking for. I love report by comments. that in simple way demonstrate effectivness of each EA I am testing. I have only one request if possible. On the summary report by magic and by comments Add please average performance per day.
Ramego 2021.10.22 11:27
Очень полезная вещь! Спасибо большое за ваш труд! P.S. Мне не хватает фильтра по сортировке суммы лотов открытых ордеров как для лонгов так и для шортов. Такой фильтр необходим для хэджирования если много маленьких ордеров застряли в минусовой территории (например исправлять "косяки советника" в ручную 🙂
Gladiator WXT 2021.10.09 13:50
Утилита в целом хорошая, но есть несколько недостатков, мешающих пока поставить 5. 1. Сильно тормозит ПК, постоянно жрет ресурсы. Рекомендую сделать настройки "Период обновления" с заданием стандартных MT5 тайм-фреймов по выбору пользователя, это позволит регулировать нагрузку. 2. Нет кнопок для быстрого закрытия позиций, или закрытия всех позиций.
Спасибо за честность. Панель обновляется редко и это регулируется в настройках панели. 2. Это индикатор, он в принципе не может торговать. Это информационный индикатор. Вы что-то перепутали.
Shine Scariah 2021.06.08 08:50
Dear Friend, Thank you for the nice Tool.
I am giving Rating 4 as it is excellent but can still be improved. Will inform further in due course of time
Mostafa Au Ismail 2021.06.01 07:04
This is an excellent tool. I cannot wait to get the updated version to export to excel, even if I have to pay for it.
Update: I see the export to cSV files option has been added. Great. I hope it will work smoothly.
Andigho 2020.12.22 16:56
This is a fabulous indicator. Personally speaking, it is the most comprehensive reporting tool i have found in the market. The best part is, it updates in real time. I don't have to run the application every time i want to see an updated report - fantastic! As you plan future updates, could you kindly add percentage growth in the Detailed Report Tab? I think information about the percentage growth of the account for the specific period chosen is essential to account reporting. Thanks again for your hard work.
David Little 2019.07.01 18:02
Very Glad I came across this reporting tool! I too had a bit of a learning curve about what was (and wasn't) showing in the report, but a few exchanges and I was educated on how it works. Greatly appreciate your efforts and in sharing such a tool!!!
Any way of allowing only one trade to show up on the report?
Fabrizio Malavasi
This reporting app it's a very useful tool to analyse the trades order history.The "Time" button that show the profit/entry along the time It's interesting too. It has a very nice graphic form. You made as usual an excellent job!
Thanks a lots!
Kristina Suh 2018.09.14 09:51
Amazing support. I had an issue with the display of the Money value.
He fixed it in minutes and updated the file..
Great job.. Thanks 🙂
Alexander Jeffrey Klein 2018.08.28 13:29
Wonderful reporting tool. Had an issue at first whereby not all trades were showing but after a couple of email exchanges with Vladislav, he kindly reviewed it and fixed my issue. Very helpful and prompt in getting back.
Thank you and wish you well.
Megatrader777 2018.08.20 16:35
Отличный индикатор. Есть некоторые помарки, но в целом - отличный инструмент для анализа счета.
myfxbook на графике в реальном времени
Sergey Demin 2017.02.28 09:19
Хорошая работа.
Как и все работы Автора.
Заказываю себе советники у Владислава - всегда будет сделано лучше, чем мое техническое задание.
Сильно рекомендую данного программиста. ОСОБЕННО, если у вас серьезные требования.
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