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The time indicator displays the current time and session in major world markets. It is user-friendly and compact.

The time indicator is a useful feature that displays the current time and session in major world markets.

It is designed to be user-friendly and compact, making it easy to keep track of time across different time zones.

This feature is especially helpful for individuals who work in international business or frequently travel across the globe.

With the time indicator, you can stay organized and keep track of time seamlessly.

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Version 22.1 2021.12.29


Version 21.999 2021.11.16

Update for Last MT

Version 21.965 2021.11.15

Обновление для новой версии терминала

Version 15.965 2015.11.06

Added options:

Block amendment GMT
GMT Offset = 0; – Amend GMT time;
TokioGMT = 9; – Amend Tokyo time relative to GMT;
SydneyGMT = 11 – Amend Sydney time relative to GMT;
LondonGMT = 0; – Amend London time relative to GMT;
NewYork = -5; – Amend NY time relative to GMT;

Block Notices for Trading Sessions
ASIAstop = false; – AlertNotificationPush at the beginning of the Asian session;
EUROPEstop = false; – AlertNotificationPush at the beginning of the European session;
USAstop = false; – AlertNotificationPush at the beginning of the American session;

Block notifications appointed time
TimeSecondsToStop = 300; – number of seconds for the AlertPush trade appointed time
MondayTimeStop = “”; – Set Monday time
TuesdayTimeStop = “”;
WednesdayTimeStop = “”;
ThursdayTimeStop = “”;
FridayTimeStop = “”;
An example of the work at the appointed time:
Hh: mm, for example, to put AlertPush at 12:30 and 15:45, enter 12: 30,15: 45, then from 12:30 until 12:35 (TimeSecondsToStop – the time in seconds), there will be a sound AlertPush on start and end time, and beginning from 15:45, there will be an AlertPush at the start and end time.

Block notifications:
AlerT = true; – Issue an alert on the screen;
Mail = true; – Send a message;
Push = true; – Send a PUSH to the phone.

Version 14.929 2014.09.30

Time doesn’t stop when the panel is minimized.


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