描述 我们汇总了专家顾问 TickSniper、 Good Santa、 Tick Hamster、 The X,在我们的真实交易账户上的总结和详细交易结果。我们的专家顾问的交易统计。 让我们详细检查报告并得出结论。 前言 可能每三个问题中就有一个是关于我们的机器人: 通过使用您的顾问,我能获得多少利润? 与专家合作的交易增长百分比是多少? 每月EA能赚多少钱? 回撤是多少? 应该选择哪个顾问? 我将尝试简要描述我们的外汇交易程序并回答您的问题。这些不仅仅是言语,而是带有实时交易账户的真实报告! 还能有什么更好的呢? 我们将讨论哪些交易专家顾问? TickSniper – 专业人士可调节设置的自动交易顾问 Good Santa – 为初学者提供小设置的自动交易顾问 Tick Hamster – 为初学者提供无需设置的自动交易顾问 The X – 具有21个标准指标和许多处理仓位功能的通用交易系统。 我将借助EA回答关于每月利润金额和最大回撤的问题: 交易机器人(EA)的盈利能力和回撤不仅取决于交易EA,还取决于其他因素: 此外汇交易信号来自报价!所有取决于当前价格,形成交易信号; 交易账户的初始余额; 在此交易余额中使用的风险; 交易手数; 影响报价走势并决定未平仓头寸命运的全球因素和新闻。 最佳交易顾问就在这里! 推荐经纪商和交易账户: 推荐存款 低风险 为 $ 1,000,最小手数 0.01 3个货币对(例如EURUSD、USDCHF、USDJPY) 推荐存款 中风险 为 $ 300,最小手数 0.01 1个货币对(例如EURUSD) 推荐存款 高风险 为 $ 100,最小手数 0.01 1个货币对(例如EURUSD) 浮动点差(禁止零点差!) 杠杆比例为1:300及更高 对于存款超过$1,000的账户,推荐使用PRO Standard或ECN PRO类型的账户。 对于存款少于$1,000的账户,推荐使用PRO Cent账户类型。 时间框架无关紧要。顾问仅在报价上工作。 货币对:您可以选择任何货币对。我交易EURUSD、USDCHF、USDJPY。 分析工具 Extra Report…
Close Minus by Plus,通过搜索和关闭盈利头寸来平仓亏损头寸
Tick Hamster 自动交易机器人。无任何额外功能!
钟摆 (Pendulum) 或 Swing 策略涉及依次开立增加手数的挂单。核心原理很简单:下达两个挂单,当其中一个被激活时,另一个会自动被替换为新的挂单。这个过程会持续,直到通过达到止盈 (take-profit)目标而关闭所有交易。
该策略利用市场波动 (market swings),旨在通过多个头寸捕捉利润,同时通过适当的订单管理 (order management)来最小化风险。
- 安装后自动开仓(Instant Opening AutoTrade)
- 手动启动后开仓和维护(Manual Opening ManualTrade)
- 在高低水平开仓(High Low for the Past Bar TFTrade)
OCO (One-Cancels-the-Other) 订单是一种条件订单,由两个订单组成。如果第二个订单被执行,第一个订单会自动被取消。
- 启动时,顾问在当前价格的StopOrderDeltaifUSE距离处设置两个Buy Stop和Sell Stop订单。
- 如果Buy Stop被触发,Sell Stop会被删除,并替换为手数乘以Martingale的新Sell Stop。
- 如果Sell Stop被触发,Buy Stop会被删除,并替换为手数乘以Martingale的新Buy Stop。
- 当止盈 (take-profit)达到时,所有订单会被删除,过程重新开始!
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著名的钟摆 (Pendulum)策略模型(OCO订单)是依次开立增加手数的挂单。
原理很简单:下达两个挂单,当一个订单被激活时,第二个订单会在整个交易组被止盈 (take-profit)关闭之前被替换为新的挂单。
- 安装后自动开仓(Instant Opening AutoTrade)
- 手动启动后开仓和维护(Manual Opening ManualTrade)
- 在高低水平开仓(High Low for the Past Bar TFTrade)
启动时,顾问在当前价格的StopOrderDeltaifUSE距离处设置两个Buy Stop和Sell Stop订单。如果Buy Stop被触发,Sell Stop会被删除,并替换为手数乘以Martingale的新Sell Stop。如果Sell Stop被触发,Buy Stop会被删除,并替换为手数乘以Martingale的新Buy Stop。
当止盈 (take-profit)达到时,所有订单会被删除,过程重新开始!
- AI Sniper。Metatrader的自动智能专家顾问。
- EA The xCustomEA:iCustom指标的通用交易顾问。自定义策略构建器
- The X – 使用标准指标的外汇通用专家顾问 (EA)
- Assistant – 最佳免费交易面板,支持真实/虚拟止损 / 止盈 / 跟踪止损
- Tester Pad 是用于策略测试的外汇交易模拟器。使用指标进行交易。
- 安装后自动开仓,
- 手动启动后开仓和维护,
- 在高低水平开仓!
TypeofTrade – 选择专家顾问交易模式!
AutoTrade 或安装后开仓 EA:
- 启动时,顾问在当前价格的StopOrderDeltaifUSE距离处设置两个Buy Stop和Sell Stop订单。
- 如果Buy Stop被触发,Sell Stop会被删除,并替换为手数乘以Martingale的新Sell Stop。
- 如果Sell Stop被触发,Buy Stop会被删除,并替换为手数乘以Martingale的新Buy Stop。
- 如果头寸亏损,当前系列被视为未关闭,顾问继续使用该算法操作。
- 如果头寸达到止盈 (take-profit),头寸会被关闭,过程重新开始。
ManualTrade 或手动开仓后的跟踪:
在此模式下,EA 等待交易者使用我们的 EAPADPRO顾问面板 开立头寸。
- 启动时,专家顾问 (Expert Advisor) 等待用户通过我们的EAPADPRO面板开立头寸。
- 只有在交易者使用我们的面板开立头寸后,顾问才会下达相反的挂单,并根据系统设置修改止盈 (take-profit)和止损 (stop-loss)。
- 如果开立了Buy头寸,EA 会设置一个手数乘以Martingale的新Sell Stop。
- 如果开立了Sell头寸,EA 会设置一个手数乘以Martingale的新Buy Stop。
- 如果头寸亏损,当前系列被视为未关闭,顾问继续使用该算法操作。
- 如果头寸达到止盈 (take-profit),头寸会被关闭,过程重新开始。
- 顾问会停止工作,直到交易者开立新的头寸。
TFTrade 或基于高低水平的工作:
在此模式下,专家顾问 (Expert Advisor) 根据以下变量设置的高低水平进行操作:
TFTrade_PERIOD = PERIOD_D1; – 顾问用于确定高低水平的时间框架。
TFTrade_Num = 1; – 用于确定水平的柱数。
StopOrdersDistance = (iHigh(Symbol(), TFTrade_PERIOD, iHighest(Symbol(), TFTrade_PERIOD, MODE_HIGH, TFTrade_Num, 1)) -iLow(Symbol(), TFTrade_PERIOD, iLowest(Symbol(), TFTrade_PERIOD, MODE_LOW, TFTrade_Num, 1))) / MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_POINT);
- 启动时,专家顾问 (Expert Advisor) 根据设定的时间框架计算高 (HIGH)和低 (LOW)水平。
- 使用提供的公式,EA 计算距离并在当前价格的StopOrderDeltaifUSE距离处下达两个挂单 (pending orders),Buy Stop和Sell Stop。
- 如果Buy Stop被触发,Sell Stop会被删除,EA 会设置一个手数乘以Martingale的新Sell Stop。
- 如果Sell Stop被触发,Buy Stop会被删除,EA 会设置一个手数乘以Martingale的新Buy Stop。
- 如果头寸亏损,当前系列被视为未关闭,顾问继续使用该算法操作。
- 如果头寸达到止盈 (take-profit),头寸会被关闭,过程重新开始。
我们基于钟摆 (Pendulum)算法开发了此顾问。
专家顾问 (Expert Advisor) 的操作逻辑设计用于执行数学算法。
TypeofTrade = Manual Trade 和 AutoTrade 的优化
Manual Trade – 维护手动开仓。
Auto Trade – 持续开立挂单。
- 例如,如果这是EURUSD货币对,并且您在M30时间框架上交易,平均价格移动50根柱 = 7500点,那么将此参数设置为优化起始值 = 0,步长 = 100,终止值 = 1000。
- 例如,如果这是XUGUSD货币对,并且您在M1时间框架上交易,平均价格移动50根柱 = 100点,那么将此参数设置为优化起始值 = 0,步长 = 10,终止值 = 100。
- 例如,如果您需要第一个信号的确认,并且该期间的平均价格移动为100根柱 = 1000点,那么将起始值 = 0,步长 = 50,终止值 = 500。
- 起始值 = 0;步长 = 1;终止值 = 10;
起始值 = 0.1(如果手数 > 最小手数);步长 = 0.1;终止值 = 2;
- 如果Martingale小于1,每个后续头寸及其手数将小于前一个。
- 如果值小于1,仅在手数 (Lots)头寸大于服务器上的最小手数时使用它。
- 如果Martingale大于1,每个后续头寸及其手数将大于前一个。
- Martingale的值越高,交易顾问的风险越大。
- Martingale是一种非常简单且风险较高的策略。
TypeofTrade = TFTrade 的优化
TFTrade –
在此模式下,专家顾问 (Expert Advisor) 根据以下变量设置的高低水平进行操作:
TFTrade_PERIOD = PERIOD_D1; – 顾问用于确定高低水平的时间框架。
TFTrade_Num = 1; – 用于确定水平的柱数。
- 起始值 = PERIOD_M1;终止值 = PERIOD_D1;
- 起始值 = 0;步长 = 1;终止值 = 10;
Number | Operation Type | Ticket | Lot | Opening Price | Stop Loss | Take Profit | Profit | Balance |
1 | buy stop | one | 0.01 | 1.20304 | 0.00000 | 1.20614 | ||
2 | sell stop | 2 | 0.01 | 1.20272 | 0.00000 | 1.19962 | ||
3 | sell | 2 | 0.01 | 1.20272 | 0.00000 | 1.19962 | ||
4 | delete | one | 0.01 | 1.20304 | 0.00000 | 1.20614 | ||
5 | buy stop | 3 | 0.02 | 1.20304 | 0.00000 | 1.20335 | ||
6 | modify | 2 | 0.01 | 1.20272 | 1.20304 | 1.19962 | ||
7 | s / l | 2 | 0.01 | 1.20304 | 1.20304 | 1.19962 | -0.32 | 9999.68 |
8 | buy | 3 | 0.02 | 1.20304 | 0.00000 | 1.20335 | ||
9 | sell stop | four | 0.04 | 1.20271 | 0.00000 | 1.20239 | ||
10 | modify | 3 | 0.02 | 1.20304 | 1.20271 | 1.20335 | ||
11 | s / l | 3 | 0.02 | 1.20271 | 1.20271 | 1.20335 | -0.66 | 9999.02 |
12 | sell | four | 0.04 | 1.20271 | 0.00000 | 1.20239 | ||
13 | buy stop | five | 0.08 | 1.20304 | 0.00000 | 1.20335 | ||
14 | modify | four | 0.04 | 1.20271 | 1.20304 | 1.20239 | ||
15 | s / l | four | 0.04 | 1.20304 | 1.20304 | 1.20239 | -1.32 | 9997.70 |
16 | buy | five | 0.08 | 1.20304 | 0.00000 | 1.20335 | ||
17 | sell stop | 6th | 0.16 | 1.20270 | 0.00000 | 1.20238 | ||
18 | modify | five | 0.08 | 1.20304 | 1.20270 | 1.20335 | ||
19 | s / l | five | 0.08 | 1.20270 | 1.20270 | 1.20335 | -2.72 | 9994.98 |
20 | sell | 6th | 0.16 | 1.20270 | 0.00000 | 1.20238 | ||
21 | buy stop | 7th | 0.32 | 1.20304 | 0.00000 | 1.20335 | ||
22 | modify | 6th | 0.16 | 1.20270 | 1.20304 | 1.20238 | ||
23 | s / l | 6th | 0.16 | 1.20304 | 1.20304 | 1.20238 | -5.44 | 9989.54 |
24 | buy | 7th | 0.32 | 1.20304 | 0.00000 | 1.20335 | ||
25 | sell stop | eight | 0.64 | 1.20270 | 0.00000 | 1.20237 | ||
26 | modify | 7th | 0.32 | 1.20304 | 1.20270 | 1.20335 | ||
27 | s / l | 7th | 0.32 | 1.20270 | 1.20270 | 1.20335 | -10.88 | 9978.66 |
28 | sell | eight | 0.64 | 1.20270 | 0.00000 | 1.20237 | ||
29 | buy stop | 9 | 01/01/28 | 1.20304 | 0.00000 | 1.20335 | ||
30 | modify | eight | 0.64 | 1.20270 | 1.20304 | 1.20237 | ||
31 | s / l | eight | 0.64 | 1.20304 | 1.20304 | 1.20237 | -21.76 | 9956.90 |
32 | buy | 9 | 01/01/28 | 1.20304 | 0.00000 | 1.20335 | ||
33 | sell stop | ten | 01/02/56 | 1.20270 | 0.00000 | 1.20237 | ||
34 | modify | 9 | 01/01/28 | 1.20304 | 1.20270 | 1.20335 | ||
35 | s / l | 9 | 01/01/28 | 1.20270 | 1.20270 | 1.20335 | -43.52 | 9913.38 |
36 | sell | ten | 01/02/56 | 1.20270 | 0.00000 | 1.20237 | ||
37 | buy stop | eleven | 05/12/24 | 1.20304 | 0.00000 | 1.20335 | ||
38 | modify | ten | 01/02/56 | 1.20270 | 1.20304 | 1.20237 | ||
39 | s / l | ten | 01/02/56 | 1.20304 | 1.20304 | 1.20237 | -87.04 | 9826.34 |
40 | buy | eleven | 05/12/24 | 1.20304 | 0.00000 | 1.20335 | ||
41 | sell stop | 12 | 01/10/24 | 1.20270 | 0.00000 | 1.20237 | ||
42 | modify | eleven | 05/12/24 | 1.20270 | 1.20304 | 1.20237 | ||
43 | t / p | eleven | 05/12/24 | 1.20335 | 1.20270 | 1.20335 | 158.72 | 9985.06 |
参数 | 描述 |
Trade_ | “交易设置”部分。 |
TypeofTrade | 选择专家顾问交易模式。 |
StopOrderDeltaifUSE | 挂单距离(点 (Pips))(默认值 = 100)。 |
MaxOrders | 系列中的最大订单数。系列包括所有订单/头寸,直到它们在止盈 (Take Profit)处关闭。 |
Magic | 交易的魔术号码(默认值 = 777)。 |
StopLoss | 止损 (Stop Loss),默认不使用(0)。如果设置,则包含点差。以点 (Pips)为单位测量。 |
ModifyStopLossAtOrdersopen | 将交易的止损 (Stop Loss)修改为挂单的开仓水平。 |
TakeProfit | 默认不使用(0)。如果设置为-1,则TakeProfit = StopOrdersDistance + 点差。以点 (Pips)为单位测量。 |
AdjustTP | 在开立挂单时调整止盈 (Take Profit)。以点 (Pips)为单位测量。 |
AdjustAfter | 调整发生后的步骤数。 |
StopDayTradingEaAfterTP | 如果最后一个头寸在止盈 (Take Profit)处关闭,EA 将停止交易,直到第二天。 |
DeleteOppositeOrder | 当当前订单被触发时删除相反订单(OCO订单)。 |
CloseOppositePositionsAfterTP | 如果当前订单在止盈 (Take Profit)处关闭,则关闭相反订单/头寸。 |
MaxSpreadToNotTrade | EA 可以开立网格的最大点差。 |
MinSpreadToNotTrade | EA 可以开立网格的最小点差。 |
Lots | 固定起始手数(默认值 = 0.1)。 |
LotFix | 通过逗号分隔的手数,用于开立订单,例如“0.1,0.2,0.3,0.6,0.8,1”。起始手数始终等于Lots,后续订单由LotFix定义。 |
Martin | 下一个开立订单手数的Martingale比率(默认值 = 2)。Martingale 仅与Lots一起使用,如果设置了LotFix则被忽略。 |
MartinFix | 通过逗号分隔的Martingale系数,用于开立订单,例如“2,3,1,5,2,1”。与Lots一起使用,如果设置了LotFix则被忽略。 |
timetrade_ | “交易时间设置”部分。 |
OpenHour | 交易开盘小时(默认值 = 0)。 |
OpenMinute | 交易开盘分钟(默认值 = 0)。 |
CloseHour | 交易关闭小时(默认值 = 23)。 |
CloseMinute | 交易关闭分钟(默认值 = 59)。 |
Trailing_ | “跟踪止损设置”部分。 |
TrailingStopUSE | 使用跟踪止损(默认值 = false)。 |
IfProfTrail | 盈亏平衡模式,仅用于盈利头寸(默认值 = false)。 |
TrailingStop | 跟踪止损距离,默认为允许的最小值(0)。 |
TrailingStep | 跟踪止损的距离步长(默认值 = 1)。 |
StartPointToTrail | 开始跟踪止损的利润水平(以点为单位)。 |
RollbackPoint | 用于部分关闭头寸的回滚点数。 |
PercentLotToClose | 关闭头寸的第一个手数(量)的百分比。 |
StepPointToFixLevel | 固定下一个水平的点数。 |
MovingInWLUSE | 在跟踪止损的第一个水平将头寸移动到盈亏平衡。 |
TradebyVolatility | 在开立初始订单网格时考虑波动性。 |
TFVolatility | 计算波动性的时间框架。 |
BarVolatility | 用于确定波动性的柱数。 |
PointVolatility | 用于确定波动性的点数。 |
Slippage | 滑点 (Slippage) 设置(默认值 = 0)。 |
MarketWatch | 交易模式(默认值 = false)。如果设置为true,初始头寸/订单会在没有止损的情况下下达,然后使用止损 (Stop Loss)和止盈 (Take Profit)进行修改。 |
关于 SWING 摇摆策略的常见问题解答
Swing (Pendulum) 策略是什么?
Swing策略涉及下达两个相反的挂单(Buy Stop 和 Sell Stop)。当一个订单被激活时,另一个订单会被增加手数所替换。此过程会重复,直到达到止盈 (take-profit)。
三种模式是AutoTrade(自动开仓),ManualTrade(手动开仓后),和高低交易 (High-Low Trade)(基于高低水平)。
OCO代表“One Cancels the Other”,意思是如果一个订单被执行,另一个订单会自动被取消。
当止盈 (take-profit)达到时,两个订单会被关闭,策略重新启动。
Swing策略可以与专家顾问 (EAs) 一起使用吗?
是的,该策略支持使用专家顾问 (Expert Advisors)自动开仓和管理交易。
更新日志 SWING 摇摆策略
ersion 24.404 2024.04.04
Global Update EAPADPRO v55
-Added: information about profit from closed positions to the chart.
The information is displayed for each bar of the current timeframe.
You can change the timeframe to see the result of trading on a certain bar of the current timeframe.
If several positions/deals are closed on one bar of the current timeframe, the trading result is summarized, and the total information for a certain bar is displayed.
The information is updated when the next position/deal is closed.
You can turn off showing history in the panel settings.
-Added: The status of the Expert Advisor operation if it was launched on the server from "VPS MQL MetaQuotes".
When Expert Advisor is running on the server from MetaQuotes, a message will be created on the home computer that Expert Advisors are running on the server "VPS MQL MetaQuotes". The smiley face is blue.
Attention: If an Expert Advisor is launched on both the server and the home computer, it can trade in parallel on 2 terminals (server "VPS MQL MetaQuotes" + home computer); there may be conflicts.
Attention: If the Expert Advisor is launched on the server "VPS MQL MetaQuotes", do not Turn it on work on the home computer to avoid conflicts.
Frequency of polling the status of work on the server = 1 day.
After deinitialization of the Expert Advisor on the server - It will get the status - stopped.
To test the work on the server from "VPS MQL MetaQuotes", pending orders are created!
-Added: The error status of the Expert Advisor operation can now be read on the EAPADPRO panel.
You can click on the Smile or the Expert Advisor operation status bar and you will be shown a message about current errors of Expert Advisor operation.
If you click on the Smile button on the panel, you will be shown the causes and errors and their solutions with pictures.
-Added: Notification of errors and opening/closing of trades to the chart in the form of InfoBox.
Notification is shown for 4 types:
---Opening a new trade;
---Closing a deal;
---Modification of a trade;
---Error received by Expert Advisor from the server;
In the EAPADPRO panel settings, you can turn on or off the notification type you need.
Notifications can be viewed as they arrive in the notification queue.
Notifications are accumulated in a data array each time you install/reinstall/change Expert Advisor settings.
In the EAPADPRO header you can also enable disable INFOBOX.
-Added: Working with Telegram (Beta version)
For Expert Advisor to work with the Telegram bot, you need to set up the bot on your phone and create a "public" or "private" channel.
To receive notifications from your account, you need to assign your bot as an administrator of your "public" or "private" channel.
Attention! Sending notifications and working with commands takes computer resources! Use the Telegram bot only for your own needs.
New settings for working with Telegram:
EAPadPRO2=" =============== Telegram bot ";
==input ENUM_UPDATE_MODE TG_UpdateMode=UPDATE_SLOW --> Update Mode. Timer speed, to receive commands from Telegram bot. The faster the timer runs, the more computer resources will be used! Please do not change it unnecessarily. 2sec,3sec,10sec
==TG_PRIORITY=TG_HOME_VPS --> Priority of work. This is the priority mode when the Telegram bot works on the MetaQuotes VPS server and your home computer.
TG_HOME_ONLY=1, // Only the HOME bot. The Telegram bot works only on the home computer.
TG_VPS_ONLY=2, // Only the VPS bot. The Telegram bot works only on the MetaQuotes VPS server.
TG_VPS_HOME=3, // First VPS bot, second HOME bot. The Telegram bot works on the MetaQuotes VPS server if you upload it to the server. If not, it will work on your home terminal. Check the work on the VPS server every 10 minutes.
TG_HOME_VPS=4, // First HOME bot, second VPS bot. The Telegram bot works on a home computer, but if the home computer/terminal is turned off, it will work on the VPS server from MetaQuotes. Check the VPS server's work every 10 minutes.
Attention! Screenshots are not available on the VPS server from MetaQuotes!
==TG_Token="" --> Token bot. Token (unique code) of the bot that will send notifications and receive commands
==TG_ChannelName="" --> --> Public Channel Name @. Or "private" ID starts -100 of the private channel. That will send notifications about opening/closing/modification/errors and screenshots from the terminal.
==TG_UserNameFilter="" --> Whitelist Usernames. List of users, starting with @, who can use the bot.
Attention! Sending notifications and working with commands takes computer resources! Use the Telegram bot only for your own needs.
==TG_UseBotTimer=false;//TG_UseBotTimer --> Working with the bot from the phone
New notification type added to EAPADPRO panel settings:
==Notice Open TG - Send a notification to the Telegram channel if a trade is open;
==Notice Close TG - Send a notification to the Telegram channel if a trade is closed;
==Notice Modify TG - Send a notification to the Telegram channel if a trade is modified;
==Notice Error TG - Send a notification to the Telegram channel if an error is received;
==ScreenShot TG - Send a screenshot to the Telegram channel if a trade is opened or closed;
Attention! This is a beta version of working with the Telegram bot. We are working on improving and adding new features.
If you have any suggestions, please write in the "Comments" section.
-Improvement: Code optimization to increase speed.
-Improvement: The speed of the panel update in the strategy tester is now calculated automatically depending on the speed of quotes arrival.
This is done to increase the speed of the program in the strategy tester.
Information update is now equal to 1 real second.
-Improvement: The speed of the program running EAPADPRO in the strategy tester.
Attention! Events in the strategy tester are processed only when a new tick is created.
If a new tick (minimum price movement) is not created, then the panel waits for the next tick.
With Visualization:
Version 48: 390sec (TickSniper 2024-2024)
Version 55: 244sec >>159% (TickSniper 2024-2024)
w/o Visualization:
Version 48: 363sec (TickSniper 2020-2024)
Version 55: 220sec >>165% (TickSniper 2020-2024)
with Visualization:
Version 48: 15750sec (TickSniper 2020-2024)
Version 55: 6220sec >>253% (TickSniper 2020-2024)
-Improvement: The color of the button to close a position on the chart changes depending on the current profit of this position.
-Improvement: Graphic improvements to optimize the Expert Advisor's performance
-Improvement: The account deposit Symbol is cent ¢, USD $, or eur €. All others are the first letter of the deposit currency name.
-Improvement: When visual testing is completed, objects are not removed from the graph.
-Improvement: When creating screenshots after opening/closing positions, the EAPAPDPRO Control Panel will be expanded to show full information.
This is done in order to study the trading history of Expert Advisor on the visualization graph after testing is completed.
-Fixed: Managing positions and orders from the chart when the panel is minimized.
-Fixed: Corrected the error of clearing the chart from unused order labels.
-Fixed: AutoSize when switching charts.
-Fixed: Drawing errors to Print when the Expert Advisor runs on "VPS MQL MetaQuotes"
Version 24.130 2024.01.31
Version 24.127 2024.01.27
+Added languages Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Turkish.
+Added full control from the chart. Closing positions/orders, removing Stop Loss / Take Profit.
For full management and testing of Expert Advisor in the strategy tester.
Version 24.126 2024.01.26
MarginCheck for XAUUSD
Version 24.125 2024.01.25
Version 21.917 2021.09.17
Version 20.325 2020.03.24
Update Up-date
Version 20.324 2020.03.24
-Fixed a bug in the TrailPartionClose function in the Magic Number.
TrailPartionClose function restored!
Version 20.128 2020.01.28
Version 19.991 2019.12.02
Fixed error setting your own take profit when using TakeProfit other than -1
Version 19.906 2019.09.06
Перепутанная версия
Version 19.806 2019.08.06
Code optimization to increase the speed of testing and optimization;
EAPADPRO v31 update;
Update TrailPartionClose function;
Version 19.520 2019.05.20
Fixed error with enabling trailing stop when using manual mode and disabling ModifyStopLossAtOrdersopen.
Version 19.501 2019.05.01
EAPADPRO v28 update
Optimized the work of the EA in the Manual Trade mode when using the EA with different magic numbers on the same currency pair.
Version 19.107 2019.01.07
- Update EAPADPRO v25;
- Additional languages added to the panel: Spanish, Portuguese (Brazil), German, Chinese, Japanese;
The translation was made using the GOOGLE Translator + MQL + Terminal site!
if you find an error in your language, please report it in messages. Thank!
- Increase the speed of the panel;
Version 18.910 2018.09.10
MovingInWLUSE (true - false) LevelWLoss (in points) LevelProfit (in points).
These parameters adjust the possibility to modify deals moving the Stop Loss to break even at the earliest opportunity.
For example:
You would like to set Stop Loss in the break-even, when the deal will score +10 points of profit:
MovingInWLUSE = true, LevelWLoss=0, LevelProfit=10.
You want to set Stop Loss in +5 points when the deal will score +20 points of profit:
MovingInWLUSE = true, LevelWLoss=5, LevelProfit=20.
Therefore, the difference between LevelProfit-LevelWLoss must always be greater or equal to the minimum stop on the server.
Version 18.830 2018.08.30
Обновление EAPADPRO v20
Version 18.829 2018.08.28
New version
Version 18.828 2018.08.28
Auto-save notification settings on the DEMO account.
Disable notifications in the Real account by default.
Added check of the status of PUSH notifications, if they are included in the terminal settings.
Added the CheckBox to enable/disable the creation of screenshots in the settings of the Panel: on the Opening / Closing.
Screenshots are created in the folder of your terminal Files Expert name , with a size of 1024 * 768.
Added a variable in the AutoMinimize panel settings in seconds (60 seconds by default) 0 - disabled.
Automatic minimization of the EAPADPRO window after a specified number of seconds to reduce the load on the computer when the user does not interact with the GRAPH.
Any inactivity on the graph: clicking on the graph, clicking on objects, resizing the graphs - leads to the automatic minimization of the window of our EAPADPRO panel.
If the window is in focus (selected) - automatic minimize is disabled!
To disable auto minimization - set in the panel settings in the AutoMinimize = 0 field.
Replacement of fonts for correct display on computers without Russian language.
Version 18.515 2018.06.06
- Updated EAPADPRO v2.0 info panel;
- Added the EA operation type:
The EA provides three types of opening pending orders (TypeofTrade)
Auto-opening after placement (Instant opening AutoTrade)
Opening and management after manual opening (Manual opening ManualTrade)
Opening by High/Low levels (High Low for the past bar TFTrade)
TFTrade_PERIOD - timeframe for the EA to determine the High and Low levels
TFTrade_Num - the number of bars for determining a level.
- Improved the TakeProfit parameter.
If TakeProfit=-1, then TakeProfit = StopOrdersDistance
- Renamed the variables:
Version 17.730 2017.08.02
Fixed an error in the algorithm when using more than 3 currency pairs simultaneously.
Version 17.331 2017.04.06
- Increased the algorithm processing speed towards performance and receiving signals.
- Added the SecondsToRefresh parameter to the EAPADPRO block - refresh rate of the information on the chart (default is 10 seconds). This is done to reduce the CPU load.
Version 17.208 2017.02.14
Version 17.118 2017.01.27
- All external parameters are grouped for ease of use.
- Modified the logic of opening pending orders.
- Fixed the error when opening opposite order in certain cases.
- Parameter Z was renamed to MaxOrders - The maximum number of opened pending orders.
- Fixed error of accounting the current position in the series when restarting the terminal Expert.
- Added parameter
DeleteOppositeOrder - Delete the opposite order when triggered.
This function allows to accumulate orders without resetting the lot.
It should be noted that positions will be closed by stop loss. It is also possible to disable closing trades by stop loss: ModifyStopLossAtOrdersopen = false
This will make the grid accumulate lots and close by take profit.
- Added parameter
MaxSpreadToNotTrade and MinSpreadToNotTrade
MaxSpreadToNotTrade - Maximum spread, at which the EA can open a grid
MinSpreadToNotTrade - Minimum spread, at which the EA can open a grid
Attention: This filter is used only! for opening the First 2 pending orders.
All other functions operate as usual, including the order reversal and maintenance of orders to take profit!
- Added parameter
LotFix - lots for opening reversal, separated by commas, for example: "0.1,0.2,0.3,0.6,0.8,1"
then a custom lot size will be used for each reversal: 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.6, 0.8, 1, 1, 1.....
Attention: The first lot for the first 2 pending orders is set in the Lotes parameter
- Added parameter
MartinFix - Martingale coefficient for opening reversal, separated by commas, for example: "2,3,1.5,2,1"
then martingale will be considered in each reversal, which corresponds the number of trade.
If the initial lot is 0.1, the next will be 0.2(2), 0,6(3), 0.9(1.5), 0.18(2), 0.18(1), 0.18.....
- Added parameter
CloseOppositePositionsAfterTP - Close opposite orders/positions if the current ones closed by take profit.
For example, you can disable modification ModifyStopLossAtOrdersopen = false and enable CloseOppositePositionsAfterTP =true
then, if SELL positions close by take profit, then all BUY positions and orders will be closed forcibly.
The difference between CloseOppositePositionsAfterTP and ModifyStopLossAtOrdersopen is that
in the first case, there is a LOCK until all series is closed by take profit and closure of the opposite grid. But in this case, there may not be enough margin for opening the next leg.
In the second case, the position is immediately closed by stop loss, and only 1 position with an increased lot is kept in the market.
- Added block for accounting volatility of the currency pair for opening trades
Volatility LIMIT Sets
TradebyVolatility - Consider volatility when opening the initial grid of orders.
TFVolatility - Timeframe to calculate the volatility.
BarVolatility - The number of bars to determine volatility.
PointVolatility - The number of points to determine volatility.
- Added the EAPADPRO information panel
Details on the panel in our blog: https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/687140
- The Trail Partion Close algorithm has been updated
Version 16.831 2016.09.01
Fixed the conflict between the ModifyStopLossAtOrdersopen and the Trailing stop function.
Version 16.211 2016.02.16
Added the AdjustTP parameter - correction of take profit during the opening of pending orders.
Added the AdjustAfter parameter - the number of the section after which the adjustment will take place.
Once the EA places AdjustAfter number of orders, the take profit of the next trade will be increased by AdjustTP * (NumberOfSections-AdjustAfter) points.
When a position is closed by the stop loss, we not only lose the stop loss level, but also the spread, especially if it is floating.
In order to earn a take profit, which will cover our last stop losses, we need to increase the take profit after each new pending order.
This functionality allows you to do this.
关于 SWING 摇摆策略的评论
Dear Vladislav I try your EA in Demo..the results very very good..best features..i want try to real trading..i hope same results like demo thanks so much Vladislav..
Amamzing EA lovet. in just 1 hour. I went from 141 usd to 152 usd. hope to have the upgrade of it!!!!!! very smart calculation!!!!
It is good strategy. I made a video.I used TDS(with tick data) for backtesting. performance was awesome. You should watch to this, when you have time.
krutov64 2023.10.13 08:25
Поставил советник, но потом убрал - не подходит к моей стратегии, увы.
Muslim Ruziev
Muslim Ruziev 2023.10.06 08:14
скачал советник пока работает нормально но не понравился один параметр ,,, советник работает гдето час и потом не открывает сделок занова нужно изминит значение 59 на 59 потом еше час работает но когда значение 59 изменить на 500 или 1440 он не открывает сделок, Как сделат так чтобы он работал кругло суточно?
ilvento12 2023.05.13 01:19
IS a very interesting EA,Would be good if would be possible to have an option to hide stop loss and take profit from broker
Manuka Pradeep De Silva
Manuka Pradeep De Silva
if you know how to handle martingale, this is a very good EA for that !! Best feature of this EA is, it has partial closing of trades option which can be use to increase your profits. if you can add an option to change the settings of orders(stop order distance, its take profit value, partial closing trailing start point and rollback points) after given number of orders it would be more functional and safe. ( currently i'm doing it by manually after few swings to protect the capital) . other problem is with its time calculator. it uses local system time rather than broker time. so i had to change time values each time i change the vps with different system time.( some time i trade only in specific time periods) thank you very much for this FREE EA and highly appreciate your hard working !
ss life
ss life
i would say Very smart hardworker robot, seems realy good in High volume market range, but we need to modify the "stop orders distance" @ 50 work great in small target(5pips), against high volume market.
dody.juna 2022.10.13 07:12
Hi Swing EA it's very good and simple operation but some one help me to in crease take profit because i'm not smart for setting TP tq2022.10.13 08:05Hello. You can set takeprofit in ea settings.
Hi Swing EA it's very good and simple operation but some one help me to in crease take profit because i'm not smart for setting TP tq
Reply from ExpForex:
Hello. You can set takeprofit in ea settings.
I tested it on a real cents account with all kinds of pairs. It's no use. Of 10 dollars that would be 1000 units, investing in cents with the smallest lots, of 0.01 and doing martingale with those lots, in the end, I only kept 7 cents of a dollar. I don't recommend it to anyone. Very bad robot.
marcetech 2022.10.11 21:37
I tested it on a real cents account with all kinds of pairs. It's no use. Of 10 dollars that would be 1000 units, investing in cents with the smallest lots, of 0.01 and doing martingale with those lots, in the end, I only kept 7 cents of a dollar. I don't recommend it to anyone. Very bad robot.
Cristian Mihail Pauna
Cristian Mihail Pauna 2022.09.29 04:38
Positive feedback! This EA can be definitely improved!
belurum 2022.08.01 12:30
very good ea, but beware in low volatile market / pair and big gap on weekend, it could screw the EA algo.
very good ea, but beware in low volatile market / pair and big gap on weekend, it could screw the EA algo.
thank you Can I work on a real account?
Reply from ExpForex:
Hello. This is free version. For all accounts.
The results were not as per the strategy tester. The problem is that when the spread changes, especially during high volatility such as when an indicator is announced, the Tp/SL value is also rewritten by itself.
Mojtaba 900
Mojtaba 900 2023.04.08 12:34 # RU This expert needs updating and unfortunately the developer does not respond! A few things need to be added to make it work. 1. lots based on Xbalance 2. reverse signal 3. Custom Lots And . .2023.04.08 15:45this EA does not need to be updated. if you need an adviser "for you personally" use freelance.
Советник поработал около месяца на демо счете, потом перестал работать. Подскажите в чем причина ? Заново загрузить и установить не получается.2022.03.31 09:04:28.035 HistoryCenter: 2080 bars imported in 'AUDUSD1440' - из журнала. Проблема решена, в целом советник нравится, потому что на данном этапе результат на тестере и демо счете совпадает.
Reply from ExpForex:
Причин может быть миллионы. Нужно открыть журнал эксперта и смотреть ошибки.
I have used this EA for a day and at first everything was fine in fact i was able to gain 5 USD. Before i go to slept that evening i let my laptop open and run my mt4 and this ea for non stop. In the next morning i was excited to see the result wether it was gaining or losing but i was surprised i have a lot of losses. The problem i got is am losing my money by the big stop losses being automatically closed by this system. My suggestion is that maybe we can adjust the settings to close stop losses if its reaching 1.5 USD and also close the order at 2 to 3 usd profit . I hope the developer can see my comments.
Manase Mlangeni
good job i am using the AE on my real account but u need to optimzation any just to give u guys same so you can check it out try this EA on EURAUD or GBPJPY the profit factor plus 4.65 to 6.04 or more on high risk
Reply from ExpForex:
Thank you.
Fanstastik, I tested this robot and this bot brings a lot of profit compared to losing 🙂
Reply from ExpForex:
Thank you
Is a fantastic EA for short term trading!! Is it possible to make the comment editable? Would be a valuable help! ***** How much would it cost if you included a comment field in the EXP-SWING? This would be extremely interesting for me! Greetings Indigotom
Reply from ExpForex:
Thank you. Comment is fixed with technical info.
what does it mean EA does't works Check Algo Trading
Reply from ExpForex:
Hello. Please click to algorrading button in your terminal.
髙 Yama Hiroshi Ki
Straightforward and straightforward strategy. And it's sure to build up your profits. Be sure to do a back test before you use it. This EA works almost exactly like the backtest, so the backtest results are very helpful. As you can see from the test, the possibility of failure clearly increases in currencies with high volatility. Look for a safe combination of currencies.
Reply from ExpForex:
Thank you
Anton Yapryncev
У меня нет времени сидеть торговать, торгую только поле работы уставший, так что этот советник крут для пассивного дохода с правильными настройками. Самое крутое что если с вашим терминалом что то случилось, отрубили инет, отрубили электричество, вы не сольете депо. Автору большое спасибо за бесплатный крутой продукт.
Reply from ExpForex:
Спасибо 🙂
я тестирую в каких соотношениях это работает доп. и вы можете предоставить готовые настройки для паритетов.
Andrey Bakulin
Советник хорош если правильно настроить,и автор молодец респект ему,отзывчивый ,отвечает на каждый вопрос в обсуждениях,вообщем класс
Alice Seifert
I let this EA run on Bitcoin for 2 days and it produced huge losses ! A crazy amount of pips and worse in money ! Just terrible on Bitcoin ! Next week I will test on a currency pair..... This week I run this EA (dafault settings) on UK100. First it produced smal losses, then smal wins... Then losses again and increased the position after a new loss until the position became giant ! Also were the losses GIANT ! No more wins ! I will not waist more time with this ! This EA (default settings) is just HORRIBLE 1 star is too much !
поставил на реал,подобный советник у меня уже есть но в этом много полезных дополнений.
Перспективный алгоритм, прост и надежен как автомат калашникова! Во время выхода новостей очень быстро наращивает депозит. Автор отвечает на все вопросы, и обещал добавить много разных плюшек для повышения стабильности результатов. В общем, ждем обещанных доработок )
SWING 摇摆策略的评论
CLP CloseIfProfitorLoss。使用跟踪利润控制总利润或损失
专家顾问(EA)为在 MetaTrader 中管理和关闭头寸提供了高级功能,特别是在达到预定的总利润或损失水平时。 启用利润跟踪功能后,EA 动态调整止损水平以确保利润的增长。…
Extra Report Pad – 交易者日记。专业分析您的交易账户。实时图表中的 MyFxBook。ExtraReportPad
Extra Report Pad – 专业的交易账户分析解决方案 今天,必须同时交易多个货币对。但是交易越多,分析账户盈利能力就越困难。按月分析交易更加困难。更不用说单独计算每笔交易的统计数据了。 我们找到了一个解决方案:我们的面板可以实时分析您的账户,并尽可能详细地编制统计数据。…
Close Minus by Plus,通过搜索和关闭盈利头寸来平仓亏损头寸
通过识别和关闭盈利头寸来平仓亏损头寸。 专家顾问(EA)旨在通过识别和关闭盈利头寸来平仓亏损头寸。…
Market Time Pad. MetaTrader 指标,带有交易时段
时间指标显示主要全球市场的当前时间,并突出显示活跃的交易时段。 它易于使用,占用图表空间最小,非常适合与专家顾问和其他工具(如 VirtualTradePad)无缝集成。…
InfoPad,MetaTrader 的在线信息面板
InfoPad 是一个非常有用的信息面板,旨在提供 MetaTrader 终端中选择的特定货币对的关键信息。 该面板提供深入和实时的数据,如当前买价和卖价、点差、最高价和最低价等。…
SafetyLOCK PRO 通过使用相反的挂单开仓来锁定您的头寸。锁定对冲
SAFETYLOCK:保护您的交易免受剧烈市场反转的影响 在金融市场进行交易涉及高风险,尤其是在剧烈的市场反转期间。SAFETYLOCK 是一个独特的工具,帮助交易者通过自动为现有头寸下反向订单来最小化损失。现在,您可以自信地进行交易,知道意外的市场波动不会影响您的交易。…
Forex Tester Pad 是一个用于策略测试器的外汇交易模拟器。使用指标进行交易。
在策略测试器图表上的一键交易。该工具允许您在策略测试器中手动测试您的策略。在可视化图表上一键交易。 现在,策略测试器中也提供了便捷且完整的交易技能测试功能。…
xCustomEA 顾问在 PipFinite Trend PRO 上。自动 EA 编程开发
描述 编写 PipFinite Trend PRO 指标 (Indicator) 策略和使用我们的通用交易系统 Exp – The xCustomEA 进行交易的编程示例。 在本文中,我们将详细分析从 MQL5 市场 (MQL5 Market) 下载的自定义 指标 PipFinite Trend…
X 和 xCustomEA:测试和优化
描述 The X 和 The xCustomEA 是 Forex 交易社区中两款突出的 专家顾问 (Expert Advisors, EAs),在过去五年中获得了广泛的普及。这些工具旨在满足希望 自定义 (customize) 其 交易策略 (trading strategies) 并专注于 测试…
Tick Hamster 自动交易机器人。无任何额外功能!
Tick Hamster – 具有自动优化功能的专家顾问,适用于 MetaTrader 中的任何交易品种 Tick Hamster 是一款全自动专家顾问(Expert Advisor),专为新手交易员和那些偏好无需设置的用户设计。该交易EA无需手动配置,能够自动优化任何交易品种的所有参数。…
EAPadPRO – 我们专家的信息面板。专家顾问的仪表板
所有我们的顾问和MetaTrader终端的实用工具的信息面板。 关于管理和使用我们交易专家顾问中的EAPADPRO面板的基础知识的详细说明。 友好、直观的用户界面,便于顺利使用我们的实用工具。 即使在策略测试器中也是如此!…
AI Sniper。MetaTrader 的自动智能专家顾问。
AI Sniper 是一个智能的、自我优化的交易机器人,设计用于 MT4 和 MT5 终端。它利用智能算法和先进的交易策略来最大化您的交易潜力。 凭借在交易所和股票市场 15 年的经验,我们开发了创新的策略管理功能、额外的智能功能和用户友好的图形界面。…
平均头寸。利用总利润的通用移动止损功能,在趋势中和逆趋势中开设额外头寸! 该顾问可以在趋势中和逆趋势中开设额外头寸! 包含一系列头寸的平均移动止损! 增加和减少手数。…
Partial Close and Trailing. 回滚时部分平仓
Partial Close and Trailing 是一个 EA 助手,在回撤期间部分平仓(即部分手数)。 当价格首先朝利润方向移动然后回撤时,EA 会部分平掉有利可图的仓位。…
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