SAFETYLOCK:保护您的交易免受剧烈市场反转的影响 在金融市场进行交易涉及高风险,尤其是在剧烈的市场反转期间。SAFETYLOCK 是一个独特的工具,帮助交易者通过自动为现有头寸下反向订单来最小化损失。现在,您可以自信地进行交易,知道意外的市场波动不会影响您的交易。…
X 和 xCustomEA:测试和优化
SWING 摇摆策略(摆动)。自动开启2个相反的挂单,OCO订单。

关于 通过加法关闭亏损
该专家顾问 (Expert Advisor, EA)旨在通过识别并关闭盈利头寸来平仓亏损头寸。
此助手在所有头寸中搜索 MetaTrader 终端中最不盈利的头寸。
通过加法关闭亏损 在图表上的工作原理
- 您以1.600的价格开设一个买入 #1头寸;
- 价格下降到1.550,导致当前亏损-50 点;
- 盈亏平衡点 (平均价格) = 1.600;
- 如果我们开设卖出 #2、卖出 #3和卖出 #4;
- 专家顾问 (EA)开始执行主要算法。
- 然后,总利润将为+$5;
- EA 激活算法,必须关闭4个头寸。
通过加法关闭亏损 的工作原理是什么?
人们如何评价Close Minus by Plus ?
Close Minus by Plus 您可以免费下载助手
CLP CloseIfProfitorLoss with Trailing. 利润跟踪控制总利润或亏损。
专家顾问 (EA) 提供用于管理和关闭 MetaTrader 中头寸的高级功能,特别是在达到预定的总利润或亏损水平时。启用利润跟踪功能后,EA 会动态调整止损水平以确保利润增长。
通过识别并关闭盈利头寸来平仓亏损头寸 (通过加法关闭亏损)
- 此助手在MetaTrader终端中所有头寸中搜索最不盈利的头寸。
- 此外,通过搜索剩余的盈利头寸,它计算出一系列头寸,当一个或多个头寸的利润超过另一个头寸的亏损时,可以覆盖损失。
- 如果找到这样的头寸集合,顾问将关闭它们。
- 一系列头寸可以由任何头寸组成。
- 最大数量可以在顾问设置中调整。
- 您还可以指定搜索的最小亏损和关闭头寸所需的额外利润。
我们最后一篇描述为交易员提供帮助的文章,即 总利润或亏损的平仓,带有利润跟踪,取得了相当不错的成果。
专家顾问 通过加法关闭亏损 可以通过识别并关闭盈利头寸来平仓亏损头寸。
此助手在您的MetaTrader终端中搜索所有头寸中最亏损的头寸 (交易) 并进行平仓。
此外,通过搜索其他头寸,它计算出一系列头寸 (交易),当这些头寸的总利润超过不盈利头寸的亏损时,将其平仓。
这系列头寸 (交易) 可以包括任何头寸 (买入或卖出)。
助手 通过加法关闭亏损 的工作
该过程包括将专家顾问放置在单独的图表上(例如 EURUSD),安装 EA,并继续在您的终端上工作。
示例 #1: 通过加法关闭亏损
开始工作并开设 买入
额外的 卖出
################################################################################ close #2 sell 0.01 EURUSD at 1.22309 at price 1.21746 close #3 sell 0.01 EURUSD at 1.22078 at price 1.21746 close #4 sell 0.01 EURUSD at 1.22168 at price 1.21746 Tickets of profitable positions: ..2.4.3. close #1 buy 0.01 EURUSD at 1.22524 at price 1.21708 Tickets of loss positions: 1 Numbers of positions to Close: 3 All profit from open positions: $13.17 Maximum profit ticket: 2 Maximum profit: $5.63 Maximum loss ticket: 1 Maximum loss: -$8.16 Overlapping loss positions by closing profitable positions started using the minus: ################################################################################
示例 #2: 通过加法关闭亏损
16:57:34 Exp - Exp - CloseMinusByPlus GBPUSD, H1: initialized 16:58:41 Exp - Exp - CloseMinusByPlus GBPUSD, H1: Overlapping of loss-making positions by closing of profitable positions started: 16:58:41 Exp - Exp - CloseMinusByPlus GBPUSD, H1: 最大亏损: -51 点 16:58:41 Exp - Exp - CloseMinusByPlus GBPUSD, H1: 最大亏损票号: 222064678 16:58:41 Exp - Exp - CloseMinusByPlus GBPUSD, H1: 最大盈利: 22 点 16:58:41 Exp - Exp - CloseMinusByPlus GBPUSD, H1: 最大盈利票号: 222064722 16:58:41 Exp - Exp - CloseMinusByPlus GBPUSD, H1: 找到的头寸总利润: 72 点 16:58:41 Exp - Exp - CloseMinusByPlus GBPUSD, H1: 需要关闭的头寸数量: 5 16:58:41 Exp - Exp - CloseMinusByPlus GBPUSD, H1: 关闭亏损头寸的票号: 222064678 16:58:42 Exp - Exp - CloseMinusByPlus GBPUSD, H1: 关闭 # 222064678 买入 0.10 GBPUSD 于 1.65055 价格 1.65004 16:58:42 Exp - Exp - CloseMinusByPlus GBPUSD, H1: 关闭盈利头寸的票号: 222064722, 222064691, 222064750, 222064878, 222064715 16:58:53 Exp - Exp - CloseMinusByPlus GBPUSD, H1: 关闭 # 222064878 卖出 0.10 EURUSD 于 1.35773 价格 1.35774 16:58:54 Exp - Exp - CloseMinusByPlus GBPUSD, H1: 关闭 # 222064750 卖出 0.10 GBPUSD 于 1.65034 价格 1.65025 16:58:54 Exp - Exp - CloseMinusByPlus GBPUSD, H1: 关闭 # 222064722 卖出 0.10 GBPUSD 于 1.65039 价格 1.65025 16:58:55 Exp - Exp - CloseMinusByPlus GBPUSD, H1: 关闭 # 222064715 卖出 0.10 EURUSD 于 1.35765 价格 1.35773 16:58:56 Exp - Exp - CloseMinusByPlus GBPUSD, H1: 关闭 # 222064691 卖出 0.10 GBPUSD 于 1.65038 价格 1.65024
在设置中,我们配置了在最大不盈利头寸亏损达到-50点时开始计算(MinLossInUnit = -50),并且找到的总利润超过20点(AdditionalProfitInUnit = 20)。
此外,我们设置了关闭订单不超过5个的限制(MaxPos_in_Class = 5)。
- EA 找到了一个亏损为-51点的头寸。
- 此外,一系列订单的利润为+72点。
- 然后,它关闭了亏损头寸和盈利头寸的系列。
CLP CloseIfProfitorLoss with Trailing. 利润跟踪控制总利润或亏损。
专家顾问 (EA) 提供用于管理和关闭 MetaTrader 中头寸的高级功能,特别是在达到预定的总利润或亏损水平时。启用利润跟踪功能后,EA 会动态调整止损水平以确保利润增长。
SafetyLOCK PRO 通过使用相反的挂单锁定您的头寸保护。锁定对冲
SAFETYLOCK:保护您的交易免受剧烈市场反转的影响。在金融市场上交易涉及高风险,特别是在剧烈的市场反转期间。SAFETYLOCK 是一种独特的工具,帮助交易员通过自动为现有头寸下达对冲订单来最小化损失。您现在可以自信地交易,
Market Time Pad。带有交易时段的 MetaTrader 指标
时间指标显示主要全球市场的当前时间,并突出显示活跃的交易时段。它易于使用,占据图表上的最小空间,非常适合与专家顾问和其他工具(如 VirtualTradePad)的无缝集成。
名称 | 描述 |
TypeOfUnitToClose | 利润和亏损的类型。 以美元或点(点数)计。 |
MinLossInUnit | EA 考虑的头寸最小亏损单位(TypeOfUnitToClose)。 亏损“MinLossInUnit”单位(美元或点数)的订单必须处于负区。 这对于识别亏损头寸非常重要。 例如: MinLossInUnit = -100 TypeOfUnitToClose = 美元, EA 寻找或期望亏损达到 -100 美元或更多的头寸, 例如,-100 美元,-150 美元,-200 美元等。 亏损为 -99 美元的头寸将被忽略。 |
AdditionalProfitInUnit | 覆盖亏损所需的利润单位数。 总利润超过亏损“AdditionalProfitInUnit”单位的头寸(一个或多个交易)。 例如: AdditionalProfitInUnit = 10 MinLossInUnit = -100 TypeOfUnitToClose = 美元: 顾问寻找至少两个头寸,一个亏损为 -100 美元,另一个盈利为 +110 美元。 如果找到这样的头寸(交易),专家顾问 (EA) 将关闭这些头寸(交易)。 |
MaxPos_in_Class | “MaxPos_in_Class” 参数限制要关闭的盈利头寸数量。 例如: MaxPos_in_Class = 3,那么 EA 将从最多3个盈利头寸加1个亏损头寸中寻找一个关闭集合。 |
FirstSymbolClose | 搜索头寸对,仅关闭正在处理的货币对。 您可以关闭 (false) FirstSymbolClose 参数; 然后,EA 将关闭整个账户中任何亏损和盈利头寸的货币对,无论货币对是什么。 当您开启 (true) FirstSymbolClose 时,EA 会监控并关闭来自一个货币对的一系列头寸。 |
OpenHoura OpenMinutea | 专家顾问的开始时间。 |
CloseHoura CloseMinutea | 专家顾问的结束时间。 |
OrderToClose | 头寸类型: -1 = 所有订单, 1 = 卖出, 0 = 买入。 |
MagicToClose | 头寸的魔术号码: -1 = 任何魔术号码。 您可以为要处理的头寸指定唯一的魔术号码。 您可以指定多个用逗号分隔的魔术号码。 例如: 777,888,999 |
SymbolToClose | 监控的货币对: -1 = 所有符号 1 = 仅当前符号(安装 EA 的符号) 您可以列出多个用逗号分隔的货币对。 例如: EURUSD, USDCHF, USDJPY |
关于 Close Minus by Plus 的常见问题解答
您可以在文件部分下载我的 EA!
如果您想感谢此项目的作者 – 您可以点击 感谢 按钮。
通过加法关闭亏损 EA 如何识别不盈利头寸?
EA 会扫描终端中的所有开放头寸,找到最不盈利的头寸,并通过盈利头寸来平仓它。
EA 使用什么标准来平仓头寸?
EA 会根据最小亏损阈值来平仓头寸,并需要额外利润来覆盖亏损,确保平仓头寸带来净正结果。
是的,EA 可以平仓的头寸最大数量可以在顾问设置中调整,允许交易员根据其交易策略进行定制。
如何安装通过加法关闭亏损 EA?
要安装 EA,请将其放置在您MetaTrader终端中的单独图表上(例如 EURUSD),然后激活 EA 以根据您配置的设置开始其操作。
EA 中可以配置哪些设置?
您可以配置诸如触发 EA 的最小亏损,覆盖亏损所需的额外利润以及同时平仓的最大头寸数量等设置。
EA 是否支持买入和卖出头寸?
是的,EA 可以处理买入和卖出头寸,允许它平仓任何符合定义标准的头寸类型。
EA 如何计算要平仓的头寸?
EA 计算出一系列盈利头寸,其总利润超过不盈利头寸的亏损,确保通过平仓这些头寸有效覆盖亏损。
EA 可以处理的头寸数量有限吗?
EA 可以处理的头寸最大数量是可配置的,允许交易员根据其交易量和风险管理偏好进行设置。
我可以为 EA 指定最小亏损吗?
是的,您可以在 EA 设置中设置一个最小亏损阈值,决定 EA 何时开始搜索盈利头寸以抵消亏损。
AdditionalProfitInUnit 参数是什么?
AdditionalProfitInUnit 参数指定从平仓头寸中获得的额外利润,以确保总利润超过亏损一定数量。
EA 如何处理多个亏损头寸?
EA 会识别 最大的亏损头寸,并尝试通过平仓一系列盈利头寸来覆盖其亏损,有效地通过优先处理最大的亏损来管理多个亏损。
EA 可以平仓任何大小的头寸吗?
是的,EA 可以平仓任何大小的头寸,只要它们符合顾问设置中定义的最小亏损和额外利润标准。
EA 是否支持利润跟踪?
是的,EA 支持 利润跟踪,允许它在管理和关闭头寸以优化整体性能的同时锁定累积的利润。
EA 如何确保不会平仓过多头寸?
EA 使用 MaxPos_in_Class 设置来限制它一次可以平仓的头寸数量,防止过度平仓并保持对交易活动的控制。
EA 生成什么样的报告?
EA 生成详细的 报告和日志文件,其中包括已平仓头寸、利润、亏损以及算法的整体性能信息。
通过加法关闭亏损 EA 适用于所有交易策略吗?
虽然 EA 很灵活,但它最适合那些积极管理多个头寸并寻求通过盈利头寸自动化过程来减轻亏损的交易员。
我可以定制 EA 以适应我的交易需求吗?
是的,EA 提供了各种可定制的设置,包括亏损阈值、额外利润要求和最大平仓头寸数量,允许您根据特定的交易策略进行调整。
EA 是否支持所有货币对?
EA 可以应用于您的 MetaTrader 终端中任何可用的 货币对,为您提供在不同市场上使用它的灵活性。
使用通过加法关闭亏损 EA 的好处是什么?
EA 能生成多少利润有限制吗?
潜在利润取决于可用于抵消亏损的盈利头寸的数量和大小,以及您在 EA 中配置的设置。
EA 如何优先选择要平仓的头寸?
EA 优先首先平仓 最大亏损头寸,然后选择总利润能够覆盖亏损的盈利头寸,确保高效的亏损缓解。
EA 可以处理不同手数大小吗?
是的,EA 可以管理不同手数大小的头寸,只要它们符合设置中定义的亏损和利润标准。
使用 EA 需要高级交易知识吗?
虽然对交易概念有一些了解是有益的,但 EA 旨在自动化复杂任务,即使是具有基本知识的交易员也可以轻松使用。
EA 如何影响我的整体交易策略?
EA 通过自动平仓不盈利头寸来补充您的交易策略,让您能够专注于交易的其他方面,同时有效地管理风险。
EA 是否提供客户支持?
是的,我们的团队提供 客户支持,协助您进行安装、配置以及在使用 EA 时遇到的任何问题。
我可以在多个图表上同时使用 EA 吗?
是的,您可以在多个图表和货币对上同时部署 EA,有效地管理不同市场上的头寸。
EA 需要持续监控吗?
一旦配置完成,EA 会自动运行,无需持续监控,尽管定期查看其性能是明智的。
EA 如何处理部分平仓?
EA 可以根据设置执行头寸的 部分平仓,允许灵活管理利润和亏损。
更新日志 Close Minus by Plus
Version 24.404 2024.04.04
Global Update EAPADPRO v55
-Added: information about profit from closed positions to the chart.
The information is displayed for each bar of the current timeframe.
You can change the timeframe to see the result of trading on a certain bar of the current timeframe.
If several positions/deals are closed on one bar of the current timeframe, the trading result is summarized, and the total information for a certain bar is displayed.
The information is updated when the next position/deal is closed.
You can turn off showing history in the panel settings.
-Added: The status of the Expert Advisor operation if it was launched on the server from "VPS MQL MetaQuotes".
When Expert Advisor is running on the server from MetaQuotes, a message will be created on the home computer that Expert Advisors are running on the server "VPS MQL MetaQuotes". The smiley face is blue.
Attention: If an Expert Advisor is launched on both the server and the home computer, it can trade in parallel on 2 terminals (server "VPS MQL MetaQuotes" + home computer); there may be conflicts.
Attention: If the Expert Advisor is launched on the server "VPS MQL MetaQuotes", do not Turn it on work on the home computer to avoid conflicts.
Frequency of polling the status of work on the server = 1 day.
After deinitialization of the Expert Advisor on the server - It will get the status - stopped.
To test the work on the server from "VPS MQL MetaQuotes", pending orders are created!
-Added: The error status of the Expert Advisor operation can now be read on the EAPADPRO panel.
You can click on the Smile or the Expert Advisor operation status bar and you will be shown a message about current errors of Expert Advisor operation.
If you click on the Smile button on the panel, you will be shown the causes and errors and their solutions with pictures.
-Added: Notification of errors and opening/closing of trades to the chart in the form of InfoBox.
Notification is shown for 4 types:
---Opening a new trade;
---Closing a deal;
---Modification of a trade;
---Error received by Expert Advisor from the server;
In the EAPADPRO panel settings, you can turn on or off the notification type you need.
Notifications can be viewed as they arrive in the notification queue.
Notifications are accumulated in a data array each time you install/reinstall/change Expert Advisor settings.
In the EAPADPRO header you can also enable disable INFOBOX.
-Added: Working with Telegram (Beta version)
For Expert Advisor to work with the Telegram bot, you need to set up the bot on your phone and create a "public" or "private" channel.
To receive notifications from your account, you need to assign your bot as an administrator of your "public" or "private" channel.
Attention! Sending notifications and working with commands takes computer resources! Use the Telegram bot only for your own needs.
New settings for working with Telegram:
EAPadPRO2=" =============== Telegram bot ";
==input ENUM_UPDATE_MODE TG_UpdateMode=UPDATE_SLOW --> Update Mode. Timer speed, to receive commands from Telegram bot. The faster the timer runs, the more computer resources will be used! Please do not change it unnecessarily. 2sec,3sec,10sec
==TG_PRIORITY=TG_HOME_VPS --> Priority of work. This is the priority mode when the Telegram bot works on the MetaQuotes VPS server and your home computer.
TG_HOME_ONLY=1, // Only the HOME bot. The Telegram bot works only on the home computer.
TG_VPS_ONLY=2, // Only the VPS bot. The Telegram bot works only on the MetaQuotes VPS server.
TG_VPS_HOME=3, // First VPS bot, second HOME bot. The Telegram bot works on the MetaQuotes VPS server if you upload it to the server. If not, it will work on your home terminal. Check the work on the VPS server every 10 minutes.
TG_HOME_VPS=4, // First HOME bot, second VPS bot. The Telegram bot works on a home computer, but if the home computer/terminal is turned off, it will work on the VPS server from MetaQuotes. Check the VPS server's work every 10 minutes.
Attention! Screenshots are not available on the VPS server from MetaQuotes!
==TG_Token="" --> Token bot. Token (unique code) of the bot that will send notifications and receive commands
==TG_ChannelName="" --> --> Public Channel Name @. Or "private" ID starts -100 of the private channel. That will send notifications about opening/closing/modification/errors and screenshots from the terminal.
==TG_UserNameFilter="" --> Whitelist Usernames. List of users, starting with @, who can use the bot.
Attention! Sending notifications and working with commands takes computer resources! Use the Telegram bot only for your own needs.
==TG_UseBotTimer=false;//TG_UseBotTimer --> Working with the bot from the phone
New notification type added to EAPADPRO panel settings:
==Notice Open TG - Send a notification to the Telegram channel if a trade is open;
==Notice Close TG - Send a notification to the Telegram channel if a trade is closed;
==Notice Modify TG - Send a notification to the Telegram channel if a trade is modified;
==Notice Error TG - Send a notification to the Telegram channel if an error is received;
==ScreenShot TG - Send a screenshot to the Telegram channel if a trade is opened or closed;
Attention! This is a beta version of working with the Telegram bot. We are working on improving and adding new features.
If you have any suggestions, please write in the "Comments" section.
-Improvement: Code optimization to increase speed.
-Improvement: The speed of the panel update in the strategy tester is now calculated automatically depending on the speed of quotes arrival.
This is done to increase the speed of the program in the strategy tester.
Information update is now equal to 1 real second.
-Improvement: The speed of the program running EAPADPRO in the strategy tester.
Attention! Events in the strategy tester are processed only when a new tick is created.
If a new tick (minimum price movement) is not created, then the panel waits for the next tick.
With Visualization:
Version 48: 390sec (TickSniper 2024-2024)
Version 55: 244sec >>159% (TickSniper 2024-2024)
w/o Visualization:
Version 48: 363sec (TickSniper 2020-2024)
Version 55: 220sec >>165% (TickSniper 2020-2024)
with Visualization:
Version 48: 15750sec (TickSniper 2020-2024)
Version 55: 6220sec >>253% (TickSniper 2020-2024)
-Improvement: The color of the button to close a position on the chart changes depending on the current profit of this position.
-Improvement: Graphic improvements to optimize the Expert Advisor's performance
-Improvement: The account deposit Symbol is cent ¢, USD $, or eur €. All others are the first letter of the deposit currency name.
-Improvement: When visual testing is completed, objects are not removed from the graph.
-Improvement: When creating screenshots after opening/closing positions, the EAPAPDPRO Control Panel will be expanded to show full information.
This is done in order to study the trading history of Expert Advisor on the visualization graph after testing is completed.
-Fixed: Managing positions and orders from the chart when the panel is minimized.
-Fixed: Corrected the error of clearing the chart from unused order labels.
-Fixed: AutoSize when switching charts.
-Fixed: Drawing errors to Print when the Expert Advisor runs on "VPS MQL MetaQuotes"
Version 24.127 2024.01.28
+Added languages Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Turkish.
+Added full control from the chart. Closing positions/orders, removing Stop Loss / Take Profit.
For full management and testing of Expert Advisor in the strategy tester.
Version 24.125 2024.01.25
Eapadpro v47
Version 23.999 2023.12.27
Version 23.913 2023.09.18
-Last Build Compilation
Version 22.114 2022.01.14
Косметические изменения
Version 22.110 2022.01.12
Version 21.614 2021.06.12
Correction of information output on Inputs
Version 21.612 2021.06.12
EAPADPRO v40 update, according to the new rules for using the MQL5 Market
Version 21.432 2021.04.30
Version 4/32
Version 21.431 2021.04.30
Up Up date date
Version 21.430 2021.04.30
-Added additional information that will be displayed on the "Strategy" tab of our panel.
This will help monitor the current situation when closing positions.
Version 20.119 2020.01.19
Исправлена ошибка с MagicToClose
Version 20.116 2020.01.15
Version 20.115 2020.01.15
Исправление ошибки SymbolToClose
Version 20.112 2020.01.12
Closing algorithm update.
Version 19.999 2019.12.24
Version 19.802 2019.08.03
Added tooltips for parameters in external settings.
Version 19.107 2019.01.07
- Update EAPADPRO v25;
- Additional languages added to the panel: Spanish, Portuguese (Brazil), German, Chinese, Japanese;
The translation was made using the GOOGLE Translator + MQL + Terminal site!
if you find an error in your language, please report it in messages. Thank!
- Increase the speed of the panel;
Version 18.830 2018.08.30
Close Minus by Plus Update EAPADPRO v 20
Version 18.515 2018.05.29
- Updated EAPADPRO v2.0 info panel;
- Renamed the parameters:
TypyClose = TypeOfUnitToClose
MinLossPoss_in_unit = MinLossInUnit
ProfitPerLoss_in_unit = AdditionalProfitInUnit
MagikToClose = MagicToClose
Version 17.208 2017.02.14
Version 17.123 2017.01.27
- Added the EAPADPRO information panel
Details on the panel in our blog:
Version 16.121 2016.04.07
Fixed the error of closing the profitable trades when there are no unprofitable ones and the MinLossPoss_in_unit parameter is set to +
MinLossPoss_in_unit - should be set in the negative zone. This is the upper limit when searching for unprofitable positions.
If the parameter is set to MinLossPoss_in_unit=-10, then the unprofitable trade (covered by the profitable ones) must be less than -10 dollars (points)
MinLossPoss_in_unit = parameter that limits the EA operation if the negative trade is greater than the MinLossPoss_in_unit. For example, when opening a trade, it profit = -spread.
Version 15.731 2015.08.03
Added the message to the strategy tester stating that the product cannot be tested in the strategy tester.
Version 15.729 2015.07.30
Added: disabling algorithm if there are more than 1 positive trade.
The algorithm works if there are 2 or more positions to be closed.
Version 14.965 2014.12.23
- Compiled under new build.
- Added enumerations to select calculation and close type.
Version 14.709 2014.07.09
Added array release before every pass to avoid closing positions with the same tickets.
关于 Close Minus by Plus 的评论
Zhong Liang Zhao
My admiration for you is as vaet as the surging river!!!It would be nice if it could be operated on the panel.
Darrel Balucos
this tool is very good. because of this, it is easy for me to calculate hedging trades because the total lots that I should counter in case I make a mistake in my setup are displayed immediately
магики через запитую не подхватывает. берет в работу только один магик тот что первый в строке Хорошо бы исправить
У меня все четко это один из 3 советников который стоит у меня в терминале
У меня все четко это один из 3 советников который стоит у меня в терминале
Valery Kokoritch
Valery Kokoritch 2021.12.10 12:57
было бы интересно, если советник "откусывал" от убытка. по минимальному лоту
Gellet Manchenella
Gellet Manchenella
the best utility I have used. Easy to set up and works great to recover losses. But if it can close a partial lot of the profit-making trade in the direction of the trend will be better. In my case, a profit-making trade of $400 was closed against a trade of $-100. There was potential to make more money. When profit is higher than loss-making trade (with profit target) you should consider closing to the extent of loss+profit target. Hope you will consider.
111992086 2022.05.02 09:26
Советник заинтересовал, но не работает,видимо снова надо обновить
Vadim V
Vadim V. 2022.01.12 03:26
The EA does not work in new update MT5. See my mote in the Comments.2022.01.12 08:57Please Update
So far the best utility I have used. Easy to set up and works great to recover losses. It's actually amazing to watch results. No setfiles are needed because all accounts are different. Read the instructions and practice on a demo account. Play with the settings and once you find the best settings, set it up on live account. Works great.
Vadim V.
Vadim V.
I love that EA - Utility. Designed very smart-well. I run it on a demo live acct and the results just excellent covering losses and minizine trading risks. I plan to use it in my live acct next week. Close + by - utility works well with other EAs too. My 5 stars to Vladislav for his work business and IT development creativity. FYI, I use TickSniper EA on live acct and like it. Well done, Vlad.
ROBERT URBANSKI 2020.08.06 13:55
Excellent Utility and very usefull. Many time rescue my .... :). Thank you Vladislav and you team
Vasil lupanov
Vasil lupanov 2019.12.30 19:40
Five stars for the helper and 10 gold stars for its creator. Well done !!!
Staffan Ofwerman
Staffan Ofwerman
This is a great EA to add to every setup. Great help from the seller and it works fantastic. It will take away the worst trade with the help of your profit trades. And with the latest update it's even better when you can see so much info about what is happening. Is it possible to give it 6 stars?
eriva 2019.01.13 11:08
I use many products from Vladislav, the utilities are exceptional even if they require a bit of patience to find the right settings based on their use. Each reviewed utility is used in my real account. Vladislav is a kind and helpful person for any help required. Great Vladislav !!
Gusstaw 2015.05.16 12:17
работает на 5+,любой счет,любой депозит,полезен новичкам,те постоянно в минуса лезут,закрывает и -10 и -100,настройки минимальны и очень просты,авторы всегда помогут,если и закрывает с минусом,то минимальным..поверьте-это один из лучших помошников
Alexey Lushnikov
Alexey Lushnikov 2015.04.09 23:00
я так понял главное правильно настроить. И в принципе из 10 пар закрывает пачку ордеров плюс минус.
Close Minus by Plus 的评论
10 responses to “Close Minus by Plus,通过搜索和关闭盈利头寸来平仓亏损头寸”
Are swap costs included in the calculations? If not, could that be added as an option?
Are swap costs included in the calculations? If not, could that be added as an option?
Are swap costs included in the calculations? If not, could that be added as an option?
If TypeOfUnitToClose ==2 clauses are used, then commission and swap are not taken into account. Only clauses.
If deposit currency is used TypeOfUnitToClose=1, then both swap and commission are used
Are swap costs included in the calculations? If not, could that be added as an option?
Are swap costs included in the calculations? If not, could that be added as an option?
Are swap costs included in the calculations? If not, could that be added as an option?
Are swap costs included in the calculations? If not, could that be added as an option?
Are swap costs included in the calculations? If not, could that be added as an option?
Are swap costs included in the calculations? If not, could that be added as an option?
TickSniper 和 Expforex 最佳顾问的交易报告
描述 我们汇总了专家顾问 TickSniper、 Good Santa、 Tick Hamster、 The X,在我们的真实交易账户上的总结和详细交易结果。我们的专家顾问的交易统计。 让我们详细检查报告并得出结论。 前言 可能每三个问题中就有一个是关于我们的机器人: 通过使用您的顾问,我能获得多少利润? 与专家合作的交易增长百分比是多少? 每月EA能赚多少钱? 回撤是多少? 应该选择哪个顾问? 我将尝试简要描述我们的外汇交易程序并回答您的问题。这些不仅仅是言语,而是带有实时交易账户的真实报告! 还能有什么更好的呢? 我们将讨论哪些交易专家顾问? TickSniper – 专业人士可调节设置的自动交易顾问 Good Santa – 为初学者提供小设置的自动交易顾问 Tick Hamster – 为初学者提供无需设置的自动交易顾问 The X – 具有21个标准指标和许多处理仓位功能的通用交易系统。 我将借助EA回答关于每月利润金额和最大回撤的问题: 交易机器人(EA)的盈利能力和回撤不仅取决于交易EA,还取决于其他因素: 此外汇交易信号来自报价!所有取决于当前价格,形成交易信号; 交易账户的初始余额; 在此交易余额中使用的风险; 交易手数; 影响报价走势并决定未平仓头寸命运的全球因素和新闻。 最佳交易顾问就在这里! 推荐经纪商和交易账户: 推荐存款 低风险 为 $ 1,000,最小手数 0.01 3个货币对(例如EURUSD、USDCHF、USDJPY) 推荐存款 中风险 为 $ 300,最小手数 0.01 1个货币对(例如EURUSD) 推荐存款 高风险 为 $ 100,最小手数 0.01 1个货币对(例如EURUSD) 浮动点差(禁止零点差!) 杠杆比例为1:300及更高 对于存款超过$1,000的账户,推荐使用PRO Standard或ECN PRO类型的账户。 对于存款少于$1,000的账户,推荐使用PRO Cent账户类型。 时间框架无关紧要。顾问仅在报价上工作。 货币对:您可以选择任何货币对。我交易EURUSD、USDCHF、USDJPY。 分析工具 Extra Report…
The X – 通用外汇专家顾问 (EA) 使用标准指标
通用专家顾问 (EA) 适用于 MetaTrader,功能强大 专家顾问 The X 是 MetaTrader 的多功能交易工具,提供广泛的功能和可定制的设置。 它使用标准指标,并包含内置的策略构建器,允许交易者创建和调整策略以满足他们的需求。…
MQL 开源模板. 创建智能交易系统的模板
简介 使用任何指标创建专家顾问(Expert Advisors, EAs)来测试您的策略,确实可以通过使用模板和开源资源来简化。开源的优势之一是可以使用现有的代码来节省时间和精力。 以下是使用来自Expforex.com的MQL 开源模板在仅5分钟内创建EA的分步指南。 使用开源模板创建EA的分步指南 下载开源模板: 访问,导航到开源部分,您可以在那里找到适用于MetaTrader 4 (MT4)和MetaTrader 5 (MT5)的MQL模板。 下载适合您平台(MT4或MT5)并基于您希望使用的指标的EA模板。 理解模板结构: 模板将包括预先编写的代码,处理EA的基本功能,如初始化、开仓和平仓,基于指标的信号。 模板的主要元素包括: …
CLP CloseIfProfitorLoss。使用跟踪利润控制总利润或损失
专家顾问(EA)为在 MetaTrader 中管理和关闭头寸提供了高级功能,特别是在达到预定的总利润或损失水平时。 启用利润跟踪功能后,EA 动态调整止损水平以确保利润的增长。…
EAPADPRO 库 – 将我们的面板添加到您的 EA 中
EAPADPRO 库 – 使用我们的信息面板增强您的专家顾问 (EA) EAPADPRO 库为希望提升其 MetaTrader 平台上专家顾问 (EA) 功能的交易者提供了强大的解决方案。…
Partial Close and Trailing. 回滚时部分平仓
Partial Close and Trailing 是一个 EA 助手,在回撤期间部分平仓(即部分手数)。 当价格首先朝利润方向移动然后回撤时,EA 会部分平掉有利可图的仓位。…
xCustomEA 顾问在 PipFinite Trend PRO 上。自动 EA 编程开发
描述 编写 PipFinite Trend PRO 指标 (Indicator) 策略和使用我们的通用交易系统 Exp – The xCustomEA 进行交易的编程示例。 在本文中,我们将详细分析从 MQL5 市场 (MQL5 Market) 下载的自定义 指标 PipFinite Trend…
EA The xCustomEA: 通用交易顾问用于自定义指标。自定义策略构建器
通用交易顾问用于 MetaTrader 的自定义指标。 Exp – The xCustomEA 通用交易顾问用于自定义指标。The xCustomEA 适用于自定义指标,并且可以为 MT5 和 MT4 终端编程其交易策略。 换句话说:The xCustomEA 与可以从互联网或 mql5 市场下载的自定义指标有连接。 任何来自互联网的自定义指标! 策略构建器。…
EAPadPRO – 我们专家的信息面板。专家顾问的仪表板
所有我们的顾问和MetaTrader终端的实用工具的信息面板。 关于管理和使用我们交易专家顾问中的EAPADPRO面板的基础知识的详细说明。 友好、直观的用户界面,便于顺利使用我们的实用工具。 即使在策略测试器中也是如此!…
SWING 摇摆策略(摆动)。自动开启2个相反的挂单,OCO订单。
Duplicator – 在 MetaTrader 终端上复制交易/持仓
Exp-Duplicator 是一个自动化的专家顾问,旨在在您的 MetaTrader 账户上预设次数复制交易和持仓。 它无缝复制所有持仓——无论是手动开启还是由其他 EA 开启的,并允许您增加这些持仓的手数(量)。…
Assistant – 最佳免费交易面板,支持持仓并处理真实/虚拟止损 /获利 /跟踪止损 交易
自动设置止损、获利、跟踪止损、保本水平,启用虚拟止损。 Exp Assistant 将帮助您组织持仓的维护。 此专家顾问将为您的持仓设置所有必要的止损和获利水平。 所有专家顾问操作均通过图表上的控制面板管理。…
Market Time Pad. MetaTrader 指标,带有交易时段
时间指标显示主要全球市场的当前时间,并突出显示活跃的交易时段。 它易于使用,占用图表空间最小,非常适合与专家顾问和其他工具(如 VirtualTradePad)无缝集成。…
X 和 xCustomEA:测试和优化
描述 The X 和 The xCustomEA 是 Forex 交易社区中两款突出的 专家顾问 (Expert Advisors, EAs),在过去五年中获得了广泛的普及。这些工具旨在满足希望 自定义 (customize) 其 交易策略 (trading strategies) 并专注于 测试…
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