描述 编写 PipFinite Trend PRO 指标 (Indicator) 策略和使用我们的通用交易系统 Exp – The xCustomEA 进行交易的编程示例。 在本文中,我们将详细分析从 MQL5 市场 (MQL5 Market) 下载的自定义 指标 PipFinite Trend…
Forex Tester Pad 是一个用于策略测试器的外汇交易模拟器。使用指标进行交易。
Extra Report Pad – 交易者日记。专业分析您的交易账户。实时图表中的 MyFxBook。ExtraReportPad

关于 Duplicator
Exp-Duplicator 是一个 自动专家顾问 (Expert Advisor),旨在 复制交易 (duplicate trades) 并在您的 MetaTrader 账户上预设次数进行仓位复制。
它可以无缝 复制所有仓位 (copy all positions) —— 无论是手动开启还是由其他 EA 开启 —— 并允许您 增加手数 (lot size)(交易量)这些仓位。
- 交易复制 (Trade Duplication):EA 复制交易,增强您的交易策略。
- 手数管理 (Lot Size Management):它增加其他 EA 或手动交易的手数(交易量),放大您的潜在利润。
- 高级交易管理 (Advanced Trade Management):您可以为复制设置固定或自动手数,复制 止损 (StopLoss) 和 止盈 (TakeProfit) 设置,并对复制的仓位应用 移动止损 (Trailing Stop)。
凭借这些强大的功能和灵活的设置,Exp-Duplicator 提供了简化的交易体验,为您节省了时间和精力。
通过复制交易,您可以 多样化您的投资组合 (diversify your portfolio) 并帮助管理风险。
设计与 MetaTrader 完美集成,作为最广泛使用的交易平台之一,这款工具对于希望 最大化潜力 (maximize their potential) 的交易者来说是必不可少的。
无论您是刚刚起步还是经验丰富的专业人士,Exp-Duplicator 都能帮助您实现交易目标。
如果您想将交易/订单/仓位从一个 MetaTrader 终端复制到另一个,请使用 Copylot – MetaTrader 交易订单的 Forex 复制器。终端间复制器
Duplicator 如何工作?
并且您可以在 DEMO 账户上无限制地测试它!
您还可以使用 USDJPY 符号在真实账户上免费测试我们的程序!
计算机 / 激活
用于MetaTrader 4
50 $
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50 $
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30 $
用于MetaTrader 5
30 $
在购买之前,我们强烈建议您查看我们的 使用说明 和 常见问题 (FAQ) 部分 以确保顺利体验。
Have you installed MetaTrader?
MetaTrader is required for installing from www.expforex.com
The Expert Assistant Exp-Duplicator 旨在 复制 当前在终端中打开的源仓位。
此 专家顾问 (Expert Advisor) 专为在单一终端内复制交易而创建,自动管理复制过程。
此工具根据 源仓位 (source positions) 自动调整 手数 (lot size),通过打开额外仓位来实现。它使用输入参数中定义的手数乘数来 复制 原始仓位。
它还会自动复制 止损 (StopLoss) 和 止盈 (TakeProfit) 的数值。 专家顾问 (Expert Advisor) 将根据 复制数量 (Amount of Duplicate) 设置重复指定次数的交易。
- 为复制设置 固定手数或自动手数 (fixed or auto lot)
- 复制 止损 (StopLoss) 和 止盈 (TakeProfit)
- 为复制的仓位应用 跟踪止损 (Trailing Stop)
- 其他高级功能。
- 此工具自动 更改手数 (changes the lot size)(打开额外仓位)以用于源仓位。
- 它自动 复制 来自原始(源)仓位的仓位。
- 仓位将按照输入参数中指定的 手数乘数 (lot multiplier) 进行复制。
- 开仓和平仓的整个过程将 自动 (automatically) 执行,镜像原始仓位。
- 该工具还会自动 复制止损 (StopLoss) 和止盈 (TakeProfit) 的数值。
- 专家顾问 (Expert Advisor) 将根据设置的 复制数量 (Amount of Duplicate) 重复您的账户上的所有仓位。
功能:在复制中设置固定或自动手数,复制止损 (StopLoss),止盈 (TakeProfit),为复制的仓位使用跟踪止损 (Trailing Stop),以及 更多功能。
警告 (Warning):这不是一个终端间的交易复制器。
您可以在此处找到适用于 MetaTrader 的交易复制器:COPYLOT MT4 或 COPYLOT MT5。
Duplicator Expert 的操作原理
Expert Assistant Exp-Duplicator 复制当前在终端中打开的源仓位。
Expert Advisor Exp-Duplicator 是 为了复制仓位 (duplicate positions) 而在单一 MetaTrader 终端中创建的。
您要复制的仓位称为 源仓位 (source position)。
复制的仓位称为 复制仓位 (duplicate position)。
专家顾问 (Expert Advisor) 精确地重复设置中指定的源仓位若干次 (复制数量 (Amount of Duplicate))。
同时,手数 (lot size)、止损 (StopLoss) 和 止盈 (TakeProfit) 也会被复制。
1. 经纪人联盟计划:额外点差。
在这种情况下,Exp-Duplicator 将非常有帮助。
但是,如果您的账户必须进行最低数量的交易,那么 Exp-Duplicator 将为您提供帮助。
2. 交易手数(量)增加,仓位复制。
您的专家顾问 (Expert Advisor) 使用 0.1 手数进行交易。
您可以将您的专家顾问 (Expert Advisor) 配置为以 1 手数开设 1 笔交易,Exp-Duplicator 将以 0.5 手数将每笔交易复制 10 次。
在这种情况下,所有其他参数(止损 (StopLoss),止盈 (TakeProfit) 等)保持不变。
CoefficientLotDuplicate = 5; //CoefficientLotDuplicate → 复制手数系数
3. 增加账户上的交易数量。
您参加了一个必须至少进行 100 笔交易的比赛。
然而,您的 专家顾问 (EA) 信号只能生成 10 笔交易(仓位)。仅 10 笔交易。
您可以将您的专家顾问 (Expert Advisor) 配置为以 1 手数开设 1 笔交易,Exp-Duplicator 将以手数 1 将每笔交易复制 10 次。
这将增加交易数量,而不会影响您的专家顾问 (EA) 信号的质量。
AmountOfDuplicate = 10; //AmountOfDuplicate → 复制数量
4. 增加他人专家顾问 (Expert Advisor) 的交易手数
其他 EA 的最大手数
这种方法可能不完全正确,但如果您的专家顾问 (Expert Advisor) 可以以最大手数 0.1 开设一笔交易,那么 Exp-Duplicator 可以以手数 1 复制该交易一次。
CoefficientLotDuplicate = 10; //CoefficientLotDuplicate → 复制手数系数
5. 设置您自己的止损 (Stop Loss) 和止盈 (Take Profit)
当您的 专家顾问 (Expert Advisor) 使用 止损 (StopLoss) 和 止盈 (TakeProfit) 设置开设交易(仓位)时。
Exp-Duplicator 也会复制交易(仓位),但使用其自己的 止损 (StopLoss) 和 止盈 (TakeProfit) 设置。
您还可以在所有复制仓位上启用 跟踪止损 (Trailing Stop)。
StopLossDuplicate = 100; //StopLossDuplicate → 复制仓位的止损水平,0 = 源仓位止损 (Source SL)
TakeProfitDuplicate = 100; //TakeProfitDuplicate → 复制仓位的止盈水平,0 = 源仓位止盈 (Source TP)
6. 随着资本变化的仓位自动扩展。
Exp-Duplicator 允许您根据可用保证金的百分比设置动态手数调整。
您可以设置参数 DynamicLot = true 并定义 LotBalancePcnt = 5%,以便复制仓位的手数自动增加 5% 的可用保证金。
LotBalancePcnt = 5; // LotBalancePcnt → 手数计算的可用保证金百分比
7. 为风险对冲复制交易。
为了保护您的账户免受意外市场波动的影响,您可以使用 Exp-Duplicator 创建对冲仓位。
例如,在开设一个买入 (BUY) 仓位时,**Exp-Duplicator** 将自动以指定的手数系数(例如 CoefficientLotDuplicate = 5)开设相应的卖出 (SELL) 仓位。
ReverseDuplicate = true; // ReverseDuplicate → 复制仓位类型反转
8. 仅复制亏损仓位。
您可以将 **Exp-Duplicator** 配置为仅复制那些超过指定亏损阈值的仓位。例如,如果一个仓位亏损超过 30 点,将创建一个复制仓位以利用潜在的市场反转。
CopyOnlyLossPosPoint = 30; // CopyOnlyLossPosPoint → 复制亏损 30 点或更多的仓位
9. 仅复制盈利仓位。
为了最大化成功交易的回报,您可以将 **Exp-Duplicator** 配置为仅复制那些超过指定盈利阈值的仓位。例如,当一个仓位盈利超过 30 点时,将创建一个复制仓位以利用持续的市场趋势。
CopyOnlyProfPosPoint = 30; // CopyOnlyProfPosPoint → 复制盈利 30 点或更多的仓位
10. 源仓位关闭后保持复制仓位活跃。
- 您预计市场在关闭源仓位后会继续朝同一方向移动。
- 您希望应用跟踪止损 (Trailing Stop) 或保本管理 (breakeven management) 以最大化复制仓位的潜在利润。
通过启用 TPWCM_Use = true,复制仓位将保持开启并独立管理,使您能够利用延长的市场趋势。
11. 源仓位关闭后设置自定义止盈。
- 例如,源仓位以盈利关闭,您设置 TPWCM_TakeProfitWhenCloseMaster = 100,确保复制仓位的止盈位于源仓位收盘价上方 100 点。
- 当与 TPWCM_TakeProfitOnlyToProfitZone = true 结合使用时,复制仓位的止盈仅在其保持在盈利区域时设置。
12. 为保护复制仓位添加止损。
- 设置 TPWCM_StopLossWhenCloseMaster = 100,将在买入 (BUY) 仓位源仓位的收盘价下方 100 点设置止损。
- 这确保您在市场走势不利于复制仓位时锁定利润或限制亏损。
13. 源仓位关闭后启用跟踪止损。
要在源仓位关闭后动态管理利润,请使用 TPWCM_TrailingStopUSE = true:
- 跟踪止损仅在源仓位关闭后激活,确保复制仓位在市场持续有利方向移动时锁定利润。
- 定义 TPWCM_TrailingStop = 50 和 TPWCM_TrailingStep = 10 以调整跟踪止损的距离和步进,实现更精细的控制。
14. 源仓位关闭后的保本管理。
- 设置 TPWCM_BreakEven = true,当仓位达到指定利润时,自动将止损调整到保本位。
- 配置 TPWCM_LevelWLoss = 0 和 TPWCM_LevelProfit = 100,以便当复制仓位盈利 100 点时,止损移动到入场价。
您可以在 “设置 (Settings)” 部分阅读所有其他设置和功能!
名称 | 描述 | ||
过滤设置(Filter Settings) | |||
OrderToDuplication |
复制订单的类型: 0 = BUY – 仅复制买入订单; 1 = SELL – 仅复制卖出订单; 所有订单(All Orders) – 复制所有订单和交易(仅限MT4); All_BUYSELL = -2 – 复制所有订单; All_STOPLIMIT = -3 – 复制所有订单(仅限MT4)。 | ||
MagicToDuplication |
复制订单的魔术号码。魔术号码可以用逗号分隔指定: 0 – 手动打开的订单; 123,345,147 – 所有魔术号码为123, 345, 147的订单; -1 – 所有魔术号码,无例外。 我在哪里可以找到要复制信号的魔术号码? 您可以将光标悬停在信号打开的订单上,会出现魔术号码的弹出窗口。 | ||
SymbolToDuplication |
复制的符号: 空白(Empty) – 复制所有符号的所有订单和交易; 0 – 仅当前符号; EURUSD – EA将仅复制EURUSD符号的订单和交易。 | ||
OnlyCloseOrders |
此选项允许EA仅关闭已复制的订单(交易)。 如果信号提供者开始经历回撤,存款可能无法存活(例如,大回撤)。 在紧张的情况下,您可以关闭复制功能(OnlyCloseOrders = true),以防止打开新的复制交易/订单,保持存款可控。 EA将停止打开新的订单(交易),但如果信号提供者关闭原始(源)订单(交易),将继续关闭以前打开的订单(交易)。 | ||
MilliSecondsTimerForMonitoring | 监控所有源交易的间隔(毫秒)。 MilliSecondsTimerForMonitoring = 500ms 意味着EA每半秒检查所有订单(交易)(1000ms = 1秒)。 较小的值会增加复制速度,但会消耗更多的计算机资源。 | ||
Filter Duplicate | |||
CommentToDuplication | CommentToDuplication – 复制过滤器 CommentToDuplication 参数允许您根据订单的注释来控制哪些持仓(交易)和订单将被复制。专家顾问(EA)仅复制其注释至少匹配 CommentToDuplication 中一个模式的持仓。 工作原理 如果 CommentToDuplication 为 空 ( "" ),则所有持仓和订单都会被复制。如果 CommentToDuplication 为 "NullComment" ,则仅复制 注释为空 的持仓。您可以在 CommentToDuplication 中指定一个或多个值,使用 逗号 ( , ) 分隔。EA 支持 通配符 以实现灵活过滤: * (星号) – 匹配 任意 字符序列,包括空序列。? (问号) – 精确匹配 一个 字符。使用示例 1. 完全匹配 EA 仅复制注释 完全匹配 的持仓。 示例: ini Копировать CommentToDuplication = "The X" 交易:✅ "The X" (被复制)❌ "The X1" (不复制)❌ "TheX" (不复制)❌ "X The" (不复制)2. 无通配符的部分匹配 如果指定的过滤器是注释的子字符串,则注释必须完全匹配。 示例: ini Копировать CommentToDuplication = "TickSniper" 交易:❌ "TickSniper 1" (不复制)❌ "TickSniper 2" (不复制)❌ "My TickSniper" (不复制)✅ 仅当注释完全为 "TickSniper" 时复制3. 使用通配符 ( * ) 的部分匹配要匹配包含关键字的注释,可在关键字前后使用 * 。示例: ini Копировать CommentToDuplication = "*TickSniper*" 交易:✅ "TickSniper 1" (被复制)✅ "My TickSniper" (被复制)✅ "Hello TickSniper 123" (被复制)❌ "SniperTick" (不复制)另一个示例: ini Копировать CommentToDuplication = "TickSniper*" 交易:✅ "TickSniper 1" (被复制)✅ "TickSniperXYZ" (被复制)❌ "My TickSniper" (不复制)4. 使用 ? (单字符通配符)匹配使用 ? 精确匹配 一个 字符。示例: ini Копировать CommentToDuplication = "Trade?" 交易:✅ "Trade1" (被复制)✅ "TradeA" (被复制)✅ "TradeX" (被复制)❌ "Trade12" (不复制)❌ "Trade" (不复制)5. 使用逗号 ( , ) 分隔多个过滤器要指定多个允许的注释,请用逗号分隔。 示例: ini Копировать CommentToDuplication = "The X, GoldTrade, *Sniper*" 交易:✅ "The X" (被复制)✅ "GoldTrade" (被复制)✅ "SuperSniperTrade" (被复制)❌ "TradeGold" (不复制)6. 匹配空注释 ( NullComment )如果您只想复制没有注释的持仓,请使用: 示例: ini Копировать CommentToDuplication = "NullComment" 交易:✅ "" (被复制)❌ "Trade123" (不复制)特别注意 空格被视为注释的一部分。 "Trade 1" 与 "Trade1" 不同。如果过滤器不使用通配符,则需要完全匹配。 过滤器区分大小写。 "Trade1" 与 "trade1" 不同。用逗号分隔的值允许在一个设置中使用多个过滤规则。 **通配符使过滤更灵活,**但应谨慎使用以避免意外匹配。 使用案例示例 仅复制特定交易(按精确注释名称) ini Копировать CommentToDuplication = "ScalperTrade" ✅ "ScalperTrade" 将被复制。❌ "ScalperTrade123" 或 "TradeScalper" 不会被复制。复制所有包含 “Hedge” 的交易 ini Копировать CommentToDuplication = "*Hedge*" ✅ "AutoHedge" ✅ "HedgeOrder" ✅ "SuperHedgeTrade" 复制所有以 “Auto” 开头且以 “Trade” 结尾的交易 ini Копировать CommentToDuplication = "Auto*Trade" ✅ "Auto123Trade" ✅ "AutoXYZTrade" ❌ "ManualTrade" 复制包含 “SN1” 或 “SN2” 的交易 ini Копировать CommentToDuplication = "*SN1*,*SN2*" ✅ "SN1-Hedge" ✅ "Trade-SN2" ❌ "SN3" 仅复制名称恰好为五个字符且以 “Trade” 开头的交易 ini Копировать CommentToDuplication = "Trade?" ✅ "Trade1" ✅ "TradeA" ❌ "Trade12" ❌ "TradeXYZ" 此功能为您提供了基于注释的精确控制,决定哪些持仓或订单将被复制。如果不使用通配符,则仅复制精确匹配的记录;如果使用通配符,则系统提供灵活的过滤选项。 | ||
MinLotToDuplicate |
开始复制源订单(交易)的最小手数。 例如,MinLotToDuplicate = 0.1 – 复制器将复制手数大于或等于0.1手的订单。 | ||
MaxLotToDuplicate |
开始复制源订单(交易)的最大手数。 例如,MaxLotToDuplicate = 1.2 – 复制器将复制手数小于或等于1.2手的订单。 | ||
CopyOnlyLossPosPoint | 仅复制亏损超过CopyOnlyLossPosPoint点的订单。 0 – 禁用。 您可以将其设置为30,表示亏损30点(点差)。 如果订单(交易)的亏损达到或超过30点,则仅复制该订单(交易)。 | ||
CopyOnlyProfPosPoint | 仅复制盈利超过CopyOnlyProfPosPoint点的订单。 0 – 禁用。 您可以将其设置为30,表示盈利30点(点差)。 如果订单(交易)的盈利达到或超过30点,则仅复制该订单(交易)。 | ||
CopyOnlyLossPosPoint 和 CopyOnlyProfPosPoint 的组合模式 当 CopyOnlyLossPosPoint 和CopyOnlyProfPosPoint 参数都设置为非零值时,复制器将以组合模式运行。在此模式下,如果满足以下任一条件,则复制订单(交易):-订单的亏损超过CopyOnlyLossPosPoint点(点差); -订单的盈利超过 CopyOnlyProfPosPoint 点(点差)。这允许您复制满足任一条件的订单,从而在您的交易策略中实现更大的灵活性。 示例: 如果 CopyOnlyLossPosPoint 设置为30,CopyOnlyProfPosPoint 设置为50:亏损30点或更多的订单将被复制。 盈利50点或更多的订单也将被复制。 不符合这些阈值的订单将不会被复制。 | |||
OnlyNewPositions |
仅为新订单启动复制。 新订单是指在Exp-Duplicator启动后打开的源订单。 如果您更改EA中的设置,则意味着您重新启动了Exp-Duplicator。 已打开订单的修改和关闭适用于所有订单并继续运行。 | ||
MaximumDistance |
启动复制的最大价格偏差。 如果为0 – 复制任何源订单(交易), 如果大于0 – 当前价格与源订单价格之间的偏差不得超过设定的点数。 偏差在两个方向上都有效。 例如: MaximumDistance = 10,当前价格 = 1.12345 仅复制开仓价在1.12335 – 1.12355范围内的订单。 | ||
DuplicateOnlyInDrawDown(仅限MT4) | 当账户有回撤时才运行复制器。 回撤是从账户的最大固定余额计算的。 或者,您可以在变量StartBalance中指定进行计算的余额。 0表示EA会自动计算账户的最大余额。 注意! 此功能中的回撤是指账户历史记录中记录的最大账户余额与当前账户余额之间的差异。 注意: 回撤是从最大余额计算的,而不是从当前的权益回撤计算的! 启用此功能时: 仅在账户余额下降时启动复制。 当账户余额恢复时,直到发生新的回撤之前,不会复制新的订单(交易)。 如果账户余额增加,回撤将从新的最高水平重新计算。 换句话说,只有在账户余额发生回撤并出现负向关闭时,复制新订单才会从回撤时刻开始。 | ||
StartBalance(仅限MT4) |
DuplicateOnlyInDrawDown功能的起始点。 您可以指定从哪个最大余额开始计算回撤百分比。 | ||
DrawDownPercent(仅限MT4) |
DuplicateOnlyInDrawDown的百分比。 回撤百分比是根据最大交易账户余额与当前余额之间计算的。 | ||
复制设置(Duplication Settings) | |||
ReopenClosedDuplicateOrder |
ReopenClosedDuplicateOrder参数允许您监控被止损或手动关闭的源订单(交易)和订单。 如果true,所有源订单将再次被复制。 如果任何复制订单被关闭,EA将重复(复制)它。 如果源订单(交易)仍然打开,EA将重新打开已关闭的订单。 如果false,则如果复制订单(交易)被止损或止盈关闭,EA将不再重新打开它。 | ||
ReverseDuplicate |
反转源订单(交易)的类型。 例如: ReverseDuplicate = true,则: 源订单(交易)BUY = 复制订单(交易)SELL; 源订单(交易)SELL = 复制订单(交易)BUY。 | ||
ReverseSLTP(仅限MT4) |
为复制订单(交易)反转止损和止盈: ReverseSLTP = true 在复制和反转源订单时,复制订单(交易)的止损和止盈也会被反转。 例如: 源订单(交易)SELL,止损 = 100点,止盈 = 300点。 复制订单(交易)BUY,止损 = 300点,止盈 = 100点。 ReverseSLTP = false 在复制和反转源订单时,复制订单(交易)的止损和止盈不会被反转,而是与源订单(交易)相同。 例如: 源订单(交易)SELL,止损 = 100点,止盈 = 300点。 复制订单(交易)BUY,止损 = 100点,止盈 = 300点。 | ||
StopLossDuplicate |
复制订单的止损水平(点数)。 0 – 复制源订单的止损; -1 – 不复制止损到复制订单。 复制订单(交易)的止损 = 0; 100 – 复制订单的止损设置为100点。 | ||
TakeProfitDuplicate |
复制订单的止盈水平(点数)。 0 – 复制源订单的止盈; -1 – 不复制止盈到复制订单。 复制订单(交易)的止盈 = 0; 100 – 复制订单的止盈设置为100点。 | ||
ModifySLTPfromMainPosition | 根据主订单的水平修改止损和止盈。 如果ModifySLTPfromMainPosition = true,EA将在主订单止损和止盈每次更改时进行修改。 如果ModifySLTPfromMainPosition = false,EA仅在打开订单时设置止损和止盈,并且之后不会更改这些水平。 注意: – 仅当SELL的当前止损高于订单的开仓价时,才能进行更改。 – 仅当BUY的当前止损低于订单的开仓价时,才能进行更改。 这对于在止损已盈利(例如,保本或追踪止损)的情况下不更改止损非常有用。 如果我们的程序中禁用了TrailingStopUSE(false),则止损和止盈将始终基于源订单进行更改! | ||
CloseDeleteDuplicate |
在关闭源订单时关闭复制订单和复制交易。 当源订单(交易)被关闭时,复制订单(交易)也会被关闭。 | ||
CloseOriginalifDuplicationCloseinProfit(仅限MT4) | 如果复制订单以盈利关闭,则关闭源订单。 这会覆盖复制订单和源订单的利润。 例如: 如果ReverseDuplicate = true且CoefficientLotDuplicate = 2,当您打开源订单时,EA Exp-Duplicator 将其复制,手数加倍。 如果复制订单以盈利关闭,并且该盈利超过源订单的亏损,EA将关闭源订单。 示例: 源订单(交易)BUY,手数0.1,亏损 = 100点或$100; 复制订单(交易)SELL,手数0.2,盈利 = 150点或$300; 平均盈利 = $200, 仅当复制订单(交易)的盈利超过源订单(交易)的亏损时,源订单(交易)才能被关闭。 | ||
CloseOriginalifDuplicationClosed(仅限MT4) | 如果复制订单被关闭,则关闭源订单(原始订单,交易)。 | ||
AmountOfDuplicate |
复制数量。 EA可以一次从一个源订单打开多个复制订单。 例如: AmountOfDuplicate = 1 源订单(交易)= 1,复制订单(交易)= 1; AmountOfDuplicate = 3 源订单(交易)= 1,复制订单(交易)= 3。 | ||
手数设置(Lot Settings) | |||
LotDuplicate |
复制订单的手数(Volume)。 您可以为复制订单设置一个固定手数。 如果为0 – 所有复制订单的手数将与源订单相同。 | ||
CoefficientLotDuplicate |
复制订单手数的系数。 如果为0 – 不应用系数(使用源订单的手数); 例如: CoefficientLotDuplicate = 1: 源订单手数 = 0.1,复制订单手数 = 0.1; CoefficientLotDuplicate = 2: 源订单手数 = 0.1,复制订单手数 = 0.2; 源订单手数 = 0.7,复制订单手数 = 1.4; CoefficientLotDuplicate = 0.5: 源订单手数 = 0.1,复制订单手数 = 0.05; 源订单手数 = 0.7,复制订单手数 = 0.35。 | ||
DynamicLot |
自动手数(AutoLot)或动态手数(DynamicLot) 启用基于可用保证金百分比和其他因素的动态手数计算。 了解我们的AutoLot计算方法。 | ||
LotBalancePcnt | 用于动态手数(AutoLot)功能的百分比。 | ||
RiskRate |
您的货币兑美元的汇率。 默认情况下,RiskRate = 0,这意味着EA将尝试在市场观察中找到正确的汇率。 为了使AutoLot在所有货币对中有效工作,您需要在市场观察中启用“显示所有货币对”。 | ||
点差限制设置(Spread Limit Settings) | |||
MaxSpreadToNotTrade | EA可以复制订单的最大点差。 | ||
MinSpreadToNotTrade | EA可以复制订单的最小点差。 | ||
其他设置(Other Settings) | |||
MarketWatch | 用于在市场执行账户上具有止损/止盈的已打开订单。 首先,EA可以打开订单(交易),成功打开后,它会修改该订单(交易)中的止损和止盈水平。 True – 适用于ECN经纪商和禁止在开仓时同时设置止损的账户。 如果您的账户属于ECN或NDD组,您必须将此选项设置为true。 | ||
Magic | 复制交易的魔术号码。 | ||
Slippage |
开仓和平仓时允许的最大价格偏差(点数)。 示例: Slippage = 1 开仓时的最大价格偏差 = 开仓价 ±1点(点差)。 Slippage = 100 开仓时的最大价格偏差 = 开仓价 ±100点(点差)。 例如: 向服务器发送交易时的开仓价 = 1.12345 如果在发送和开仓期间价格变化了100点,则订单(交易)将在价格范围1.12245 – 1.12445内开仓。 | ||
追踪止损设置(Trailing Stop Settings) | |||
TrailingStopUSE |
启用复制订单的标准追踪止损。 True – 开启追踪止损功能! 了解我们专家顾问的功能特性。 | ||
TrailingStop |
当前价格的追踪止损距离。 从当前价格到止损的点数距离。 如果当前盈利为200点(点差)且TrailingStop = 100,止损将设置为+100点。 这允许最大回撤100点(点差)。 否则,止损将触发,订单将在+100点(点差)时关闭。 | ||
TrailingStep | 追踪止损的步进。 | ||
保本(Breakeven) | |||
Breakeven |
启用保本功能。 当订单达到LevelProfit点的盈利时,此功能会将止损修改为LevelWLoss点。 了解我们专家顾问的功能特性。 示例: LevelWLoss = 50,LevelProfit = 200 一旦订单累计盈利200点,止损将被修改为开仓价(+ 点差)+ 50点。 另一个示例: LevelWLoss = 0,LevelProfit = 100 一旦订单累计盈利100点,止损将被修改为开仓价(+ 点差)。 | ||
LevelWLoss |
当启用此功能时,在盈利达到LevelWLoss点时设置止损。 1 = 1点盈利; 0 = 自动最小盈利模式。 如果设置为0,保本的盈利点数(止损在保本)等于当前货币对的点差。 | ||
LevelProfit |
当订单的盈利达到LevelProfit点时,将止损设置为LevelWLoss点(点差)的盈利。 LevelProfit 必须大于 LevelWLoss。 | ||
TPWCM EXTRA:在源订单关闭时设置止损/止盈 | |||
TPWCM_Use | TPWCM EXTRA在源订单关闭时设置止损/止盈。 启用时(TRUE): 如果源订单关闭,复制订单将不会被复制器关闭。 相反,复制订单可以使用追踪止损或保本功能。 此情况下的追踪止损设置与标准TrailingStopUSE分开。 此功能在源订单关闭时运行。 警告: 此功能会自动禁用CloseDeleteDuplicate功能。 TPWCM块在原始(源)订单关闭后运行,但复制订单将保持打开。 止损、止盈或追踪止损将管理它。 | ||
TPWCM_TakeProfitWhenCloseMaster |
在源订单关闭后,为保持打开的复制订单设置止盈。 源订单关闭后,您可以根据源订单的关闭价格设置复制订单的止盈,而不关闭复制订单。 例如: TPWCM_TakeProfitWhenCloseMaster = 100: 源订单(交易)BUY的关闭价格 = 1.2345, 复制订单(交易)BUY的开仓价格 = 1.2370, 复制订单(交易)BUY的止盈 = (1.2345 + 100点) = 1.2445。 | ||
TPWCM_TakeProfitOnlyToProfitZone |
启用时(true),EA仅在源订单关闭后将止盈设置在盈利区域内。 如果 TPWCM_TakeProfitOnlyToProfitZone = true: EA仅在止盈水平位于盈利区域时设置止盈。 例如: TPWCM_TakeProfitWhenCloseMaster = 100 且 TPWCM_TakeProfitOnlyToProfitZone = true: 情况1: 源订单(交易)BUY的关闭价格 = 1.2345, 复制订单(交易)BUY的开仓价格 = 1.2370, 复制订单(交易)BUY的止盈 = (1.2345 + 100点) = 1.2445。 情况2: 源订单(交易)BUY的关闭价格 = 1.2345, 复制订单(交易)BUY的开仓价格 = 1.2470, 复制订单(交易)BUY的止盈 = (1.2345 + 100点) = 1.2445(未设置,因为1.2445 < 1.2470)。 如果 TPWCM_TakeProfitOnlyToProfitZone = false: EA将无论盈利区域如何都设置止盈。 例如: 如果复制订单处于-30点亏损,且您将Take Profit = 10点并设置TPWCM_TakeProfitOnlyToProfitZone = false,则在关闭源订单时,止盈将设置为-20点。 | ||
TPWCM_StopLossWhenCloseMaster |
在源订单关闭后,为保持打开的复制订单设置止损。 源订单关闭后,您可以根据源订单的关闭价格设置复制订单的止损,而不关闭复制订单。 例如: TPWCM_StopLossWhenCloseMaster = 100: 源订单(交易)BUY的关闭价格 = 1.2345, 复制订单(交易)BUY的开仓价格 = 1.2370, 复制订单(交易)BUY的止损 = (1.2345 – 100点) = 1.2245。 | ||
TPWCM_TrailingStopUSE | 在源订单关闭后,为复制订单启用追踪止损/保本。 TrailingStopUSE 与 TPWCM_TrailingStopUSE 的区别: 1. TrailingStopUSE = true – 始终启用。 追踪止损始终对所有已打开的订单有效。 如果启用(TrailingStopUSE = true),复制订单将始终具有追踪止损。 2. TPWCM_TrailingStopUSE = true – 仅在源订单关闭时启用。 仅在源订单关闭时,复制订单才会开始使用追踪止损。 追踪止损仅在盈利区域内工作。 这意味着当复制订单至少有TPWCM_TrailingStop点(点差)的盈利时,追踪止损功能才会激活。 示例: 这意味着当原始订单(主订单)关闭时,复制订单将使用追踪止损。 澄清: 追踪止损仅对盈利订单有效。 如果复制订单的盈利大于或等于50点,追踪止损将设置在保本水平,并随着每1点的价格移动而增加盈利。 | ||
TPWCM_TrailingStop |
追踪止损距离。 了解我们专家顾问的功能特性。 | ||
TPWCM_TrailingStep | 追踪止损的步进。 | ||
TPWCM_BreakEven |
在源订单关闭后为复制订单启用保本功能。 了解我们专家顾问的功能特性。 | ||
TPWCM_LevelWLoss | 在开仓价水平± TPWCM_LevelWLoss 点处设置止损。 | ||
TPWCM_LevelProfit | 当订单盈利达到 TPWCM_LevelProfit 点时,将止损设置为保本。 | ||
MT5的附加选项(Additional Options for MT5) | |||
TypeFilling(仅限MT5) |
订单执行类型。 此设置用于MT5终端。 自动(AUTO)模式下,EA会尝试自动确定填充类型。 但是,在某些情况下,您可能需要手动设置填充类型。 如果在开仓时收到错误: 10030 TRADE_RETCODE_INVALID_FILL 表示不支持的执行类型。 根据您的经纪商规则设置填充类型。 示例: FillOrKill 此执行策略意味着订单只能以指定的数量执行。如果市场当前没有足够数量的金融工具,订单将不会执行。所需的数量可以通过市场上的多个可用报价来完成。 ImmediateOrCancel 这意味着协议是以指定限制内的最大可用数量执行订单。如果无法完全执行,订单将以可访问的数量执行,未执行的订单数量将被取消。 Return 此模式用于市价、限价和止限订单,仅在“市场执行”和“即时执行”模式下使用。在部分执行的情况下,带有剩余数量的市价或限价订单不会被取消,而是继续运行。 对于止限订单,将在激活时创建一个具有“Return”执行类型的相应限价订单。 | ||
SameasOriginal_MAGIC |
SameasOriginal_MAGIC 使MAGIC号码与原始交易匹配,从而实现精确复制您的订单。 此设置非常适合复制具有自定义参数的交易,例如手数、评论和利润/亏损过滤,以保持特定的交易管理偏好。 限制: 为防止自我复制,至少必须启用一个参数。确保以下内容: – ‘MinLotToDuplicate’ 或 ‘MaxLotToDuplicate’ 设置为非零值, – ‘CommentToDuplication’ 已指定, – ‘CopyOnlyLossPosPoint’ 或 ‘CopyOnlyProfPosPoint’ 设置为非零值。 调整设置以启用至少一个参数,避免自我复制。 | ||
RoundingDigits |
EA可以在开仓和修改订单时对所有价格进行四舍五入。 选项: – 不四舍五入, – 四舍五入到1位, – 四舍五入到2位。 此功能为黄金(Gold)和白银(Silver)创建,以及为需要指定点差精度的经纪商创建。 示例: 交易开仓价 = 1.12345 四舍五入到1位 = 1.12340 四舍五入到2位 = 1.12300 |
关于 Duplicator 的常见问题解答
我可以在同一个终端上使用多个 Duplicator EA(当然是在不同的图表上)吗?
是的,您可以在同一个终端上使用多个 Duplicator EA,但需在不同的图表上使用。为此,您需要指定 duplicator 应复制的 魔术号码 (magic number)。
默认情况下,EA 会复制 所有仓位。但是,您可以通过设置 MagicToDuplication 参数来控制这一点。
- MagicToDuplication:设置您想要复制的特定 魔术号码 (MagicNumber)。
- 如果您将 MagicToDuplication = -1,EA 将无限制地复制 所有仓位(所有魔术号码)。
- 如果您使用不同的图表,请确保更改每个 Exp-Duplicator 的 魔术号码 (magic number) 以避免冲突。
- 我将 duplicator 设置为仅跟随 MagicToDuplication = 0。
- 然后,我在不同的图表上安装了 duplicator,使用不同的魔术号码(例如,Magic = 777 和 Magic = 888)。
这种设置确保每个 Duplicator EA 在其指定的图表上独立运行。
- 使用魔术号码 = 0 打开一个仓位(手动仓位)。
- 如果您从 EA 复制信号,您需要找出 EA 信号的魔术号码。为此,将鼠标悬停在 EA 信号服务开启的任何仓位上,并在工具提示中记录 魔术号码。
- 第一个 duplicator 使用 magic = 777 和 MagicToDuplication = 0 复制此源仓位。
- 第二个 duplicator 使用 magic = 888 和 MagicToDuplication = 0 复制此源仓位。
如果您从 EA 复制信号,您需要找出 EA 信号的魔术号码。
为此,将鼠标悬停在 EA 信号服务开启的任何仓位上,并在工具提示中记录 魔术号码 (Expert ID)。
我可以在同一个终端上使用 Duplicator 复制另一个 Duplicator 吗?
是的,您可以使用一个 Duplicator 来复制同一个终端上的另一个 Duplicator,但您需要仔细配置 魔术号码 以避免冲突。
- 使用魔术号码 = 0 打开一个源仓位(手动仓位)。
- 第一个 duplicator 使用 magic = 777 和 MagicToDuplication = 0 复制此仓位。
- 第二个 duplicator 使用 magic = 888 和 MagicToDuplication = 777 复制此仓位。
为什么信号没有被 复制?
Duplicator 不再与 MQL5 信号交易兼容。当我启用实时信号订阅时,复制功能不起作用并停止复制。
MetaQuotes 官方宣布,在最新版本的 MetaTrader 终端中,将禁用在订阅 信号 (Signals) 服务的账户上使用 任何专家顾问 (Expert Advisors)、复制器 (copiers) 或 Duplicators 的功能。
更多详情,请参考管理员在此处的官方回复:MetaQuotes 论坛。
因此,无法再 复制拥有活动订阅 (copy accounts) 至 信号 (Signals) 服务的账户。
如何仅复制由 MQL5 信号开启的交易(仓位),如何检查由信号开启的仓位的魔术号码?
当您连接一个信号时,MetaTrader 终端 会开启一个具有特定 魔术号码 (magic number) 的仓位,该号码与该信号相关联。
要检查由信号开启的仓位的 魔术号码 (magic number)(或 ID),只需将鼠标悬停在终端中的信号仓位上。显示的 ID 即为与该仓位相关联的魔术号码。
一旦您知道了魔术号码,您可以将其输入到 Duplicator EA 的 MagicToDuplication 设置中。这样,Duplicator 就能专门复制与该魔术号码相关联的仓位。
您还可以在 CommentToDuplication 中指定信号的评论:REAL100 MT4 GoodSanta
什么是 Exp-Duplicator 专家顾问 (Expert Advisor)?
Exp-Duplicator 专家顾问 是一个工具,旨在在单个 MetaTrader 终端 内复制开启的仓位,允许交易者高效管理多个重复交易。
Exp-Duplicator 如何复制仓位?
Exp-Duplicator 会将指定的 源仓位 复制预设次数,复制参数如 手数 (lot size)、止损 (StopLoss) 和 止盈 (TakeProfit),以创建 重复仓位。
什么是 Exp-Duplicator 中的源仓位?
源仓位 是您希望通过 Exp-Duplicator 设置复制的原始交易。该工具将根据您的配置创建此仓位的副本。
Exp-Duplicator 能否修改重复仓位的止损和止盈?
是的,当您调整 源仓位 的 止损 (StopLoss) 或 止盈 (TakeProfit) 时,Exp-Duplicator 会自动更新所有 重复仓位 的这些参数。
如何将 Exp-Duplicator 与经纪人联盟计划 (broker affiliate programs) 一起使用?
如果您参与一个基于交易数量奖励的 经纪人联盟计划,Exp-Duplicator 可以通过复制您的仓位来帮助您满足交易要求,而不会增加风险。
可以使用 Exp-Duplicator 增加手数 (lot size) 吗?
是的,您可以配置 Exp-Duplicator 来调整重复仓位的 手数 (lot size)。例如,将 CoefficientLotDuplicate 设置为 5 将相应地乘以重复仓位的手数。
Exp-Duplicator 如何帮助增加交易数量?
如果您需要增加交易数量,例如参与竞赛,Exp-Duplicator 可以复制您的交易以满足所需数量,而不会影响信号的质量。
Exp-Duplicator 可以与其他专家顾问 (Expert Advisors) 一起使用吗?
是的,Exp-Duplicator 与大多数经纪人兼容,并且可以与其他 专家顾问 (Expert Advisors) 一起使用,通过复制它们的交易来增强您的交易策略。
Exp-Duplicator 如何根据资金变化调整手数?
通过启用 DynamicLot 并设置 LotBalancePcnt,Exp-Duplicator 可以根据您账户的 可用保证金 (free margin) 的百分比自动调整重复仓位的手数,确保您的交易随资金变化而扩展。
Exp-Duplicator 能否创建对冲仓位?
是的,通过启用 ReverseDuplicate 选项,Exp-Duplicator 可以创建相反的仓位(例如,源仓位为 BUY 时,复制仓位为 SELL),以对冲意外的市场波动并降低整体风险。
是的,通过设置 CopyOnlyLossPosPoint,Exp-Duplicator 可以复制超过指定亏损阈值的仓位,允许您平均入场价格并提高恢复机会。
Exp-Duplicator 可以仅复制盈利的仓位吗?
当然可以。通过配置 CopyOnlyProfPosPoint,Exp-Duplicator 将复制达到指定利润的仓位,使您能够利用成功的交易并放大收益。
默认情况下,当 源仓位 关闭时,所有 复制仓位 也会关闭。但是,您可以配置像 TPWCM_Use 这样的设置,以保持复制仓位的独立管理。
我可以在源仓位关闭后为复制仓位设置自定义止盈 (Take Profit) 水平吗?
是的,通过设置 TPWCM_TakeProfitWhenCloseMaster 等参数,您可以在源仓位关闭时为复制仓位定义自定义 止盈 (Take Profit) 水平,实现精确的盈利策略。
如何使用止损 (Stop Loss) 保护复制仓位?
您可以使用 TPWCM_StopLossWhenCloseMaster 等设置为复制仓位定义 止损 (Stop Loss),该设置基于源仓位的关闭价格设置止损,以确保利润或限制亏损。
Exp-Duplicator 支持为复制仓位设置移动止损 (Trailing Stops) 吗?
是的,通过启用 TPWCM_TrailingStopUSE 并配置 TPWCM_TrailingStop 和 TPWCM_TrailingStep,您可以在源仓位关闭后为复制仓位激活移动止损,实现动态盈利管理。
我可以使用 Exp-Duplicator 进行保本管理 (breakeven management) 吗?
是的,通过设置 TPWCM_BreakEven 并配置 TPWCM_LevelProfit 等级,Exp-Duplicator 可以在复制仓位达到指定利润后自动调整止损至保本点,实现自动保本。
如何访问 EAPADPRO 的附加功能?
有关 EAPADPRO 的更全面功能和设置,请参阅专门的 EAPADPRO 文章 以获取详细信息。
Averager 工具的用途是什么?
Averager 工具通过在趋势上和趋势下开设额外的交易,结合 移动止损 (trailing stops) 和动态手数调整功能,帮助管理交易仓位,提升交易策略。
如何配置 Exp-Duplicator 中的复制数量?
您可以设置 AmountOfDuplicate 参数,以定义一个 源仓位 应复制多少次,从而控制您的交易策略的规模。
Exp-Duplicator 可以同时管理多个源仓位吗?
是的,Exp-Duplicator 可以同时处理多个 源仓位,根据各自的设置复制每个仓位,简化您的交易操作。
Exp-Duplicator 能根据可用保证金动态调整手数吗?
是的,通过启用 DynamicLot 并设置 LotBalancePcnt,Exp-Duplicator 可以根据您账户的 可用保证金 (free margin) 变化自动调整复制仓位的手数。
在 Exp-Duplicator 中启用 TPWCM_Use 设置,以允许复制仓位在 源仓位 关闭后保持活跃,并进行独立管理。
更新日志 Duplicator
CommentToDuplication – Comment Filter for Duplication
The CommentToDuplication parameter allows you to control which positions (deals) and orders should be duplicated based on their comment. The Expert Advisor (EA) will only duplicate positions if their comment matches at least one pattern specified in CommentToDuplication.
How It Works
- If CommentToDuplication is empty (
), all positions and orders will be duplicated. - If CommentToDuplication is
, only positions with an empty comment will be duplicated. - You can specify one or multiple values in CommentToDuplication, separated by commas (
). - The EA supports wildcard characters for flexible filtering:
(asterisk) – Matches any sequence of characters, including an empty sequence.?
(question mark) – Matches exactly one character.
Usage Examples
1. Exact Match
The EA will only duplicate positions with an exact comment match.
- Deals:
- ✅
"The X"
(duplicated) - ❌
"The X1"
(not duplicated) - ❌
(not duplicated) - ❌
"X The"
(not duplicated)
- ✅
2. Partial Match Without Wildcards
If the specified filter is a substring of the comment, the comment must match exactly.
- Deals:
- ❌
"TickSniper 1"
(not duplicated) - ❌
"TickSniper 2"
(not duplicated) - ❌
"My TickSniper"
(not duplicated) - ✅ Only if the comment is exactly
- ❌
3. Partial Match Using Wildcards (*
To match comments containing a keyword, use *
before and/or after the word.
- Deals:
- ✅
"TickSniper 1"
(duplicated) - ✅
"My TickSniper"
(duplicated) - ✅
"Hello TickSniper 123"
(duplicated) - ❌
(not duplicated)
- ✅
Another Example:
- Deals:
- ✅
"TickSniper 1"
(duplicated) - ✅
(duplicated) - ❌
"My TickSniper"
(not duplicated)
- ✅
4. Match Using ?
(Single Character Wildcard)
Use ?
to match exactly one character.
- Deals:
- ✅
(duplicated) - ✅
(duplicated) - ✅
(duplicated) - ❌
(not duplicated) - ❌
(not duplicated)
- ✅
5. Multiple Filters Using Commas (,
To specify multiple allowed comments, separate them with commas.
- Deals:
- ✅
"The X"
(duplicated) - ✅
(duplicated) - ✅
(duplicated) - ❌
(not duplicated)
- ✅
6. Matching Empty Comments (NullComment
If you want to duplicate only positions that have no comment, use:
- Deals:
- ✅
(duplicated) - ❌
(not duplicated)
- ✅
Special Considerations
- Spaces are considered part of the comment.
"Trade 1"
is different from"Trade1"
- If a filter is set without wildcards, it requires an exact match.
- Filters are case-sensitive.
is different from"trade1"
. - Comma-separated values allow multiple filtering rules in one setting.
- Wildcards make filtering more flexible but should be used carefully to avoid unintended matches.
Example Use Cases
Duplicate only specific trades by exact comment name
- ✅
will be duplicated. - ❌
will not.
- ✅
Duplicate all trades containing the word "Hedge"
- ✅
- ✅
- ✅
- ✅
Duplicate all trades starting with "Auto" and ending with "Trade"
- ✅
- ✅
- ❌
- ✅
Duplicate trades that contain "SN1" or "SN2"
- ✅
- ✅
- ❌
- ✅
Duplicate only trades with exactly five-character names starting with "Trade"
- ✅
- ✅
- ❌
- ❌
- ✅
Summary of Wildcard Rules
Wildcard | Meaning | Example | Matches | Does Not Match |
* |
Any sequence of characters (including empty) | "Trade*" |
"Trade1" , "TradeXYZ" |
"MyTrade" |
? |
Exactly one character | "Trade?" |
"Trade1" , "TradeX" |
"Trade12" , "Trade" |
, |
Separates multiple values | "X1, X2, X3" |
"X1" , "X2" , "X3" |
"X4" |
This feature gives you precise control over which positions or orders are duplicated based on comments. If no wildcards are used, only exact matches will be duplicated. If wildcards are used, the system provides flexible filtering options.
Several translations have been corrected.
Arabic language: text and symbol direction are now displayed correctly.
If you find any issues, please let us know!
The magic numbers that you want to exclude from duplication.
- Enter the magic numbers separated by commas.
- Any positions with these magic numbers will not be duplicated.
- MagicToNOTDuplication = 123,456,789
→ This will exclude positions with magic numbers 123, 456, and 789 from duplication. - If the field is left EMPTY, all positions will be duplicated, regardless of their magic numbers.
Use case:
This parameter is helpful to prevent duplicating positions created by certain Expert Advisors or trading systems. For example, if you're running the Duplicator and another EA on the same account, you can avoid conflicts by excluding specific magic numbers.
The symbols that you want to exclude from duplication.
- Enter the symbols separated by commas.
- Any positions with these symbols will not be duplicated.
- SymbolToNOTDuplication = EURUSD,USDJPY
→ This will exclude positions for EURUSD and USDJPY from duplication. - If the field is left EMPTY, all symbols will be duplicated.
Use case:
This parameter is useful when you want the Duplicator to skip specific currency pairs or instruments. For example, you can exclude certain pairs that are already managed by other systems.
Additional Notes:
- Combination Use: You can use both parameters together to fine-tune which positions the Duplicator handles.
- Flexibility: Leaving either field EMPTY means no restrictions — all symbols or all magic numbers will be included in the duplication process.
- Practical Tip: Use these settings to prevent duplicating positions that may cause unnecessary conflicts or redundancy, especially when multiple trading systems are active on the same account.
The DuplicateOnlyOpenTradesByTime
parameter defines how the Duplicator uses the specified time range to manage duplication.
- Enabled (true):
The Duplicator will only duplicate trades that were opened during the user-defined time range (OpenHour:OpenMinute
Any trades opened outside this time will be skipped. - Disabled (false):
The time range acts as a general working period. During this time, all duplication processes (including opening, closing, or modifying orders and positions) are active, regardless of when the original trade was opened.
Copy Time Settings
These parameters set the working time range for the Duplicator to open new trades.
- OpenHour: The hour to begin duplicating trades.
- OpenMinute: The minute to begin duplicating trades.
- CloseHour: The hour to stop duplicating trades.
- CloseMinute: The minute to stop duplicating trades.
- The time range is applied daily to determine when the Duplicator is allowed to operate.
- Outside this range, the Duplicator ignores any signals for opening new trades or modifying existing ones.
- Daily Time Range:
OpenHour = 5
,OpenMinute = 0
,CloseHour = 18
,CloseMinute = 59
→ The Duplicator will operate daily from 5:00 AM to 6:59 PM, duplicating trades or modifications only within this time.
- Enabled Time-Based Duplication:
DuplicateOnlyOpenTradesByTime = true
→ Trades opened outside the defined time range (e.g., 5:00 AM to 6:59 PM) will not be duplicated.
- Disabled Time-Based Duplication:
DuplicateOnlyOpenTradesByTime = false
→ The Duplicator will duplicate all trades or modifications during the defined time, regardless of when the original trades were opened.
Use Case:
This functionality allows users to control duplication based on trading hours or specific strategies:
- For time-sensitive markets: Restrict duplication to only active trading sessions.
- To limit activity: Avoid duplication outside defined working hours to prevent unnecessary trades.
MT5: Fixed lot normalization bug (Rounding function) for some brokers.
We are excited to introduce new languages to our functionality. Users can now enjoy an even wider range of language options for their convenience and comfort. Here’s the list of newly added languages:
THAI=12 — Thai
INDI=13 — Hindi
MALAY=14 — Malay
INDONEZIA=15 — Indonesian
ARAB=16 — Arabic
VETNAM=17 — Vietnamese
BALKAN=20 — Balkan
POLAND=21 — Polish
CHEZH=22 — Czech
Update your application and enjoy working in your native language! 🌐
-Fixed the error excessive use of disk space when optimizing Expert in MQL5 CLOUD NETWORK
-Performance improvements and fixes based on crash logs.
Combined Mode for CopyOnlyLossPosPoint and CopyOnlyProfPosPoint
When both CopyOnlyLossPosPoint and CopyOnlyProfPosPoint parameters are set to non-zero values, the duplicator operates in a combined mode. In this mode, positions (deals) are duplicated if either of the following conditions is met:
The position has a loss exceeding the value of CopyOnlyLossPosPoint in points (pips).
The position has a profit exceeding the value of CopyOnlyProfPosPoint in points (pips).
This allows you to duplicate positions that meet either condition, enabling more flexibility in your trading strategy.
If CopyOnlyLossPosPoint is set to 30 and CopyOnlyProfPosPoint is set to 50:
A position with a loss of 30 points or more will be duplicated.
A position with a profit of 50 points or more will also be duplicated.
Positions outside these thresholds will not be duplicated.
If both parameters are set to 0, this combined mode is disabled, and no positions will be duplicated.
--Added Language for links;
--Recompiled in last build of MetaTrader;
--Solution to the problem with downloading advisors from the market. MQL4 Market: failed download product ' ' [500]
Added Language for links;
Recompiled in last build of MetaTrader;
--Enhanced Graphical Interface Translation
--Introduced Informative Tooltips for Panel Elements
--Resolved Minor Bugs and Boosted Stability
Spam fixed when market closed
Version 24.404 2024.04.04
Global Update EAPADPRO v55
–Added: information about profit from closed positions to the chart.
The information is displayed for each bar of the current timeframe.
You can change the timeframe to see the result of trading on a certain bar of the current timeframe.
If several positions/deals are closed on one bar of the current timeframe, the trading result is summarized, and the total information for a certain bar is displayed.
The information is updated when the next position/deal is closed.
You can turn off showing history in the panel settings.
–Added: The status of the Expert Advisor operation if it was launched on the server from “VPS MQL MetaQuotes”.
When Expert Advisor is running on the server from MetaQuotes, a message will be created on the home computer that Expert Advisors are running on the server “VPS MQL MetaQuotes”. The smiley face is blue.
Attention: If an Expert Advisor is launched on both the server and the home computer, it can trade in parallel on 2 terminals (server “VPS MQL MetaQuotes” + home computer); there may be conflicts.
Attention: If the Expert Advisor is launched on the server “VPS MQL MetaQuotes”, do not Turn it on work on the home computer to avoid conflicts.
Frequency of polling the status of work on the server = 1 day.
After deinitialization of the Expert Advisor on the server – It will get the status – stopped.
To test the work on the server from “VPS MQL MetaQuotes”, pending orders are created!
–Added: The error status of the Expert Advisor operation can now be read on the EAPADPRO panel.
You can click on the Smile or the Expert Advisor operation status bar and you will be shown a message about current errors of Expert Advisor operation.
If you click on the Smile button on the panel, you will be shown the causes and errors and their solutions with pictures.
–Added: Notification of errors and opening/closing of trades to the chart in the form of InfoBox.
Notification is shown for 4 types:
—Opening a new trade;
—Closing a deal;
—Modification of a trade;
—Error received by Expert Advisor from the server;
In the EAPADPRO panel settings, you can turn on or off the notification type you need.
Notifications can be viewed as they arrive in the notification queue.
Notifications are accumulated in a data array each time you install/reinstall/change Expert Advisor settings.
In the EAPADPRO header you can also enable disable INFOBOX.
–Added: Working with Telegram (Beta version)
For Expert Advisor to work with the Telegram bot, you need to set up the bot on your phone and create a “public” or “private” channel.
To receive notifications from your account, you need to assign your bot as an administrator of your “public” or “private” channel.
Attention! Sending notifications and working with commands takes computer resources! Use the Telegram bot only for your own needs.
New settings for working with Telegram:
EAPadPRO2=” =============== Telegram bot “;
==TG_PRIORITY=TG_HOME_VPS –> Priority of work. This is the priority mode when the Telegram bot works on the MetaQuotes VPS server and your home computer.
TG_HOME_ONLY=1, // Only the HOME bot. The Telegram bot works only on the home computer.
TG_VPS_ONLY=2, // Only the VPS bot. The Telegram bot works only on the MetaQuotes VPS server.
TG_VPS_HOME=3, // First VPS bot, second HOME bot. The Telegram bot works on the MetaQuotes VPS server if you upload it to the server. If not, it will work on your home terminal. Check the work on the VPS server every 10 minutes.
TG_HOME_VPS=4, // First HOME bot, second VPS bot. The Telegram bot works on a home computer, but if the home computer/terminal is turned off, it will work on the VPS server from MetaQuotes. Check the VPS server’s work every 10 minutes.
Attention! Screenshots are not available on the VPS server from MetaQuotes!
==TG_Token=”” –> Token bot. Token (unique code) of the bot that will send notifications and receive commands
==TG_ChannelName=”” –> –> Public Channel Name @. Or “private” ID starts -100 of the private channel. That will send notifications about opening/closing/modification/errors and screenshots from the terminal.
New notification type added to EAPADPRO panel settings:
==Notice Open TG – Send a notification to the Telegram channel if a trade is open;
==Notice Close TG – Send a notification to the Telegram channel if a trade is closed;
==Notice Modify TG – Send a notification to the Telegram channel if a trade is modified;
==Notice Error TG – Send a notification to the Telegram channel if an error is received;
==ScreenShot TG – Send a screenshot to the Telegram channel if a trade is opened or closed;
Attention! This is a beta version of working with the Telegram bot. We are working on improving and adding new features.
If you have any suggestions, please write in the “Comments” section.
–Improvement: Code optimization to increase speed.
–Improvement: The speed of the panel update in the strategy tester is now calculated automatically depending on the speed of quotes arrival.
This is done to increase the speed of the program in the strategy tester.
Information update is now equal to 1 real second.
–Improvement: The speed of the program running EAPADPRO in the strategy tester.
Attention! Events in the strategy tester are processed only when a new tick is created.
If a new tick (minimum price movement) is not created, then the panel waits for the next tick.
With Visualization:
Version 48: 390sec (TickSniper 2024-2024)
Version 55: 244sec >>159% (TickSniper 2024-2024)
w/o Visualization:
Version 48: 363sec (TickSniper 2020-2024)
Version 55: 220sec >>165% (TickSniper 2020-2024)
with Visualization:
Version 48: 15750sec (TickSniper 2020-2024)
Version 55: 6220sec >>253% (TickSniper 2020-2024)
–Improvement: The color of the button to close a position on the chart changes depending on the current profit of this position.
–Improvement: Graphic improvements to optimize the Expert Advisor’s performance
–Improvement: The account deposit Symbol is cent ¢, USD $, or eur €. All others are the first letter of the deposit currency name.
–Improvement: When visual testing is completed, objects are not removed from the graph.
–Improvement: When creating screenshots after opening/closing positions, the EAPAPDPRO Control Panel will be expanded to show full information.
This is done in order to study the trading history of Expert Advisor on the visualization graph after testing is completed.
–Fixed: Managing positions and orders from the chart when the panel is minimized.
–Fixed: Corrected the error of clearing the chart from unused order labels.
–Fixed: AutoSize when switching charts.
–Fixed: Drawing errors to Print when the Expert Advisor runs on “VPS MQL MetaQuotes”
Version 24.127 2024.01.29
+Added languages Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Turkish.
+Added full control from the chart. Closing positions/orders, removing Stop Loss / Take Profit.
For full management and testing of Expert Advisor in the strategy tester.
CommentToNOTDuplication Bug Fixed
Version 23.972 2023.12.11
Update the Function of filters
CommentToDuplication=””; //CommentToDuplication –> Comments to Duplication can be Separated by a comma
CommentToNOTDuplication=””; //CommentToNOTDuplication –> Prohibited Comments to Duplication can be Separated by comma
-Last Build Compilation
Version 23.913 2023.09.18
-Last Build Compilation
Version 23.101 2023.01.08
-Last Build Compilation
Version 22.110 2022.01.12
Version 21.910 2021.09.10
When the DuplicateOnlyInDrawDown function is enabled – Add information to the EAPADPRO panel:
Maximum Balance – The maximum balance of the trading account, which was recorded in the account history!
Current DrawDown – Current drawdown, which is calculated from Maximum balance – Current balance! nce!
Version 21.902 2021.09.02
Version 21.612 2021.06.12
EAPADPRO v40 update
Version 21.405 2021.04.06
— Added breakeven function:
-BreakEven – Breakeven or modify of stoploss to breakeven!
— True enable breakeven!
-LevelWLoss – Set stop loss at the level of LevelWLoss points to profit
-LevelProfit – when the price of LevelProfit reaches profit points.
Version 21.212 2021.02.12
When calculating the functions CloseOriginalifDuplicationCloseinProfit, SWAP + Commission is now taken into account. …
Version 20.929 2020.09.29
-Compilation in the latest version of the terminal;
-Fixed error using TPWCM_Use = true
StopLossDuplicate = -1
TakeProfitDuplicate = -1
Version 20.408 2020.04.08
– Added emergency operation mode when timer setting is unsuccessful: cannot set millisecond timer
(It happens on weak computers or when there is not enough RAM)
–Update EAPADPRO v35
Version 19.823 2019.08.23
Обновление EAPADPRO для MQL5 VPS
Version 19.812 2019.08.12
Version 19.801 2019.08.02
EAPADPRO v31 Update
In the CommentToDuplication field:
Added additional value “NullComment”, which means an empty comment!
If you need to copy only those positions that do not have a comment, then
CommentToDuplication = NullComment;
Version 19.527 2019.05.27
In the Duplicator for MT4 version, a new parameter has been added to the DuplicateOnlyInDrawDown function:
DrawDownPercent – Percentage for DuplicateOnlyInDrawDown!
Version 19.424 2019.04.24
ModifySLTPfromMainPosition – Change StopLoss and TakeProfit by the levels of the main position.
If ModifySLTPfromMainPosition = true, then our program will modify StopLoss and TakeProfit every time StopLoss and
TakeProfit change at the main position.
If ModifySLTPfromMainPosition = false, then our program will set StopLoss and TakeProfit only when opening a position and
will not change these levels.
Change is possible only when the current stop loss for SELL is higher than the opening price of the position.
Change is possible only when the current stop loss for BUY is lower than the opening price of a position.
This is done in order not to change the stop loss if it is already in profit. (Work breakeven or trailing stop)
If the TrailingStopUSE (false) is disabled in our program, then the stop loss and take profit always change!
Version 19.402 2019.04.02
Error duplication only “positions” fixed.
OrderToDuplication = All_BUYSELL
Version 19.401 2019.04.01
ReBuild ReBuild
Version 19.330 2019.03.30
Added for MT4 version:
Close the source position (original position) if the duplicate position was closed.
Version 19.325 2019.03.25
– EAPADPRO v27 update
– Added partial close function to version for MT4.
When closing the original position partially, our program will close part of the duplicate!
Note: The function can work with the original lot and with CoefficientLotDuplicate
When using other functions, the program will close a lot equal to the lot of a partial position.
Note: It works only with positions that have been opened using the new version of the program!
Version 19.322 2019.03.22
Error duplication only “positions” fixed.
OrderToDuplication = All_BUYSELL
Version 19.315 2019.03.15
Added warning that the adviser is already installed on the chart.
Attention: To duplicate all positions, our advisor should be set only on 1 chart!
Version 19.202 2019.02.02
– EAPADPRO v26 update
– Added new feature:
ModifySLTPfromMainPosition – Change StopLoss and TakeProfit by the levels of the main position.
If ModifySLTPfromMainPosition = true, then our program will modify StopLoss and TakeProfit every time StopLoss and TakeProfit change at the main position.
If ModifySLTPfromMainPosition = false, then our program will set StopLoss and TakeProfit only when opening a position and will not change these levels.
Version 19.107 2019.01.07
– Update EAPADPRO v25;
– Additional languages added to the panel: Spanish, Portuguese (Brazil), German, Chinese, Japanese;
The translation was made using the GOOGLE Translator + MQL + Terminal site!
if you find an error in your language, please report it in messages. Thank!
– Increase the speed of the panel;
Version 18.830 2018.08.30
Duplicator Update EAPADPRO v 20
Version 18.816 2018.08.17
Auto-save notification settings on the DEMO account.
Disable notifications in the Real account by default.
Added check of the status of PUSH notifications, if they are included in the terminal settings.
Added the CheckBox to enable/disable the creation of screenshots in the settings of the Panel: on the Opening / Closing.
Screenshots are created in the folder of your terminal Files Expert name , with a size of 1024 * 768.
Added a variable in the AutoMinimize panel settings in seconds (60 seconds by default) 0 – disabled.
Automatic minimization of the EAPADPRO window after a specified number of seconds to reduce the load on the computer when the user does not interact with the GRAPH.
Any inactivity on the graph: clicking on the graph, clicking on objects, resizing the graphs – leads to the automatic minimization of the window of our EAPADPRO panel.
If the window is in focus (selected) – automatic minimize is disabled!
To disable auto minimization – set the panel settings in the AutoMinimize = 0 field.
Replacement of fonts for correct display on computers without the Russian language.
Version 18.6 2018.04.24
– Update for the information panel EAPADPRO v2.0;
– Updated the commission calculation algorithm;
– Updated the SymbolToDuplication parameter; it is now possible to specify multiple currency pairs for the utility to work with, separated by commas. For example, EURUSD,USDCHF, USDJPY
Version 18.1 2018.02.01
– Added the ability to copy only the profitable/unprofitable positions when using ReverseDuplicate=true
– Warning: typos have been fixed in certain parameters. Check your settings if you changed them.
Version 17.726 2017.08.02
Added new parameter to the block of position reversion when copying – ReverseDuplicate
ReverseSLTP – reverse Stop loss and Take profit when reversing deals:
When copying and reversing deals from the main deal, stop loss profit is also reversed on the duplicator.
For example:
The main deal is SELL with stop loss = 100 points, take profit = 300 points. The duplicator copies: BUY with a stop loss of 300 points and take profit = 100 points.
When copying and reversing deals from the main deal, stop losstake profit are not reversed on the duplicator, but set according to the stop values on the master
For example:
the main deal if SELL with stop loss = 100 points, take profit = 300 points. the duplicator copies: BUY with a stop loss of 100 points and take profit = 300 points.
Version 17.320 2017.04.04
– Algorithm processing speed increased for better performance and signal receiving.
– New parameter in the EAPADPRO block: SecondsToRefresh – the frequency of chart info refresh.
The default is 10 seconds! This allows to avoid too much CPU load.
Version 17.228 2017.03.01
The EA operation speed has been increased 2! times.
Added the MilliSecondsTimerForMonitoring parameter for the EA calculation in milliseconds.
MilliSecondsTimerForMonitoring=500 means that the EA checks all trades every half a second.
Added the DuplicateOnlyInDrawDown parameter for filtering the EA operation.
DuplicateOnlyInDrawDown – the EA operation only when the account is in a drawdown.
The drawdown is calculated based on the maximum recorded account balance.
It is possible to specify the balance for calculation in the StartBalance variable. 0 – the EA will automatically calculate the maximum account balance.
When this feature is enabled, the following happens:
The duplication starts only when the balance (AccountBalance()) decreases. If the balance recovers, duplication of new orders is suspended until the new drawdown. If the balance grows, the drawdown is calculated based on the new maximum level.
In other words, duplication of new orders (from the moment of receiving a balance drawdown) starts only when positions are closed in a loss.
Added a new block – Clients TPWCM EXTRA SETS Stops when Master Close Pos.
When the block is enabled: If a position is closed on the source, the position will not be closed on the duplicator. Instead, a trailing stop or breakeven function starts on the duplicator for that position.
That is, instead of closing, the duplicator allows trailing the position further.
In this case, the trailing stop settings are individual. It is enabled only when the position is closed on the source.
Note: When enabled, this function automatically disables the CloseDeleteDuplicate function
TPWCM_TakeProfitWhenCloseMaster – parameter to set the take profit for the trades that remain after source positions are closed;
After a trade is closed on the master – it is possible to set a take profit based on the closing price of the source trade without closing it on the duplicator;
TPWCM_TakeProfitOnlyToProfitZone –
If set to true – the EA places take profit after the trade is closed in the source and in the positive area only. If the trade is unprofitable after it is closed in the source – take profit will not be placed until it is in the positive area;
If set to false – the EA places take profit in any area (even negative one).
TPWCM_StopLossWhenCloseMaster – parameter to set the stop loss for the trades that remain after source positions are closed;
TPWCM_TrailingStopUSE – enable trailing stopbreakeven for the duplicator trades after the source trades are closed;
PWCM_IfProfTrail – stop loss is trailed only in the positive areas;
TPWCM_TrailingStop – trailing stop distance;
TPWCM_TrailingStep – trailing stop step;
TPWCM_BeZubitok – enable breakeven for the duplicator trades after the source trades are closed
TPWCM_LevelWLoss – set the stop loss at the level of Open price +- TPWCM_LevelWLoss points;
TPWCM_LevelProfit – set breakeven when the position is in TPWCM_LevelProfit points of profit;
Version 17.208 2017.02.14
Version 17.120 2017.01.27
Added the OnlyCloseOrders option, which allows the EA only to close the duplicate positions.
If signal provider starts going into a noticeable drawdown, the deposit may not withstand. In the most stressful situations, it is possible to completely disable copying (OnlyCloseOrders=true) and disable opening duplicate orders to avoid overloading the deposit. The EA will stop opening new positions, but will still close positions opened earlier. If their original (master) position is closed by the signal provider.
Fixed working with long tickets
– Added parameter
MaxSpreadToNotTrade and MinSpreadToNotTrade
MaxSpreadToNotTrade – Maximum spread, at which the EA can copy a grid
MinSpreadToNotTrade – Minimum spread, at which the EA can copy a grid
– Added the EAPADPRO information panel
Details on the panel in our blog:
or https://www.mql5.com/ru/blogs/post/687140
Version 17.110 2017.01.13
Added new parameter MaxLotToDuplicate – maximum lot for the duplicate, which will be copied.
Version 16.996 2016.12.22
Fixed a bug in the CopyOnlyLossPosPoint function
Version 16.995 2016.12.14
The chart where the EA is running now features three buttons:
Close All position duplication
Close Profit duplication
Close Loss duplication
New EA parameter:
CloseOriginalifDuplicationCloseinProfit – close source position, if the duplicate position was closed with profit. Profit coverage of duplicate and source positions.
E.g. if ReverseDuplicate=true and KoeficientLotDuplicate=2, after opening a sourc eposition the EA will repeat it with a reversal and a double lot.
Further, if the duplicate position is closed with a profit and this profit covers the loss of the source position, the EA will close the source position.
New EA parameters:
These parameters adjust automated lot and free margin calculation.
Bug fixes.
Version 16.957 2016.11.02
Added the ReopenClosedDuplicateOrder parameter allowing you to manually re-open duplicate orders if they were closed by a stop loss.
If ‘true’, all master positions are duplicated. If any of the positions were closed, the EA duplicates it.
If ‘false’, no duplication is performed.
Added the OnlyNewPositions parameter allowing you to duplicate only positions that were cancelled after starting the EA.
If ‘true’, the EA copies new trades only, while the previous ones are skipped.
Version 16.935 2016.10.07
Modified the EA for working on the Timer (1 second) to increase the duplication speed
Version 16.916 2016.09.30
New parameter CommentToDuplication
CommentToDuplication = a comment for deals to be repeated. For example: CommentToDuplication=”The X” – in this case the EA will only repeat the deals opened with the comment “The X”
You can also specify a part of the deal comment.
For example, your deals have the following comments: TickSniper 1 ,TickSniper 2, TickSniper 3,
You can enter CommentToDuplication=”TickSniper”, then all deals with the TickSniper word in the comment will be repeated on the account.
Version 16.213 2016.02.15
Fixed a bug which caused lots to increase after requotes.
Version 16.107 2016.01.07
Added new orders selection All_BUYSELL and the All_STOPLIMIT
Added reverse Orders(with ReverseDuplicate=true)
Version 15.935 2015.10.06
When you duplicate items in reverse – Stop Loss = Take Profit and Take Profit = Stop Loss;
Added options for duplicate conditions:
CopyOnlyLossPosPoint – duplicate only the items that are less than the specified loss in points (indicated with a minus), 0 – off.
CopyOnlyProfPosPoint – duplicate only the items exceeding the specified profit in points, 0 – off.
Version 15.932 2015.10.02
Fixed bug when closing the position using ReverseDuplicate.
关于 Duplicator 的评论
Todo Muhamit Schaft
Todo Muhamit Schaft
This is a great product to duplicate trades of any ea. It has a lot of settings you can tweak. Can be useful for prop accounts if the prop firm allows copy trading. Make sure you ask the prop firm if copy trading is allowed as you actually are copying trades inside your account. Or use it on your own account and copy trades. If you got an EA that fails to get the buy or sell trade right, this EA can open a trade in the opposite direction. Can be useful to auto fix any losses. Thanks for this great product. And the developer still supports this product so keep it up!
Kwun Lin Liu
A few functions don't work. For example, to copy when loss reaches a certain point. I messaged the author a few days ago and still no response!Reply from ExpForex:
why lie? I answered 12 minutes after the question. all functions work as they should.
Georgios Baizanis
Georgios Baizanis
The product is excellent and it works as it is supposed to be working. If something goes wrong, do check the userguide with the parameters and you will see something you may have missed parameterizing.
Georgios Baizanis
The product is excellent and it works as it is supposed to be working. If something goes wrong, do check the userguide with the parameters and you will see something you may have missed parameterizing.
ouza0612 2021.08.23 16:07
Dear Vladislav, I bought your Duplicator for MT4 and for MT5, but on MT5 version doesn't have the TPWCM function that is so important for me, could you add this on MT5 version? Thanks a lot
anchovy 2021.03.02 18:01
A completely serviceable tool. After the first launch, it only started duplicating from the second order. But then it works fine. There is a lack of binding to a specific signal. I resolve this issue through the values in the comment. Вполне исправный инструмент. После первого запуска он начал дублировать только со второго заказа. Но потом работает исправно. Не хватает привязки к конкретному сигналу. Я решаю этот вопрос через значение в комментарии. 2021.11.15 Программа не умеет работать с частичным закрытием лота, к сожалению.
I have one thing clear I will not buy any software with MQL5 again I did not like anything
Terrific EA with a wide range of customization. Highly advisable. Also, the author is extremely helpful and very responsive. Excellent work. Note for new users: Make sure you test it on a demo account before using it on a real account.
Terrific EA with a wide range of customization. Highly advisable. Also, the author is extremely helpful and very responsive. Excellent work. Note for new users: Make sure you test it on a demo account before using it on a real account.Reply from ExpForex:
Thank you. )
Eduardo Robson
I bought the product but can't install it at all. I need helpReply from ExpForex:
🏬🏬🏬 You can install all ea from your terminal 🏬🏬🏬 MARKET MQL5.COM: HOW TO INSTALL ea from terminal?: https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/734585
Excellent EA. It has functions for different types of strategy and works very well. Unique in the MQL5 community. Congratulations to the creator.
Excellent EA. It has functions for different types of strategy and works very well. Unique in the MQL5 community. Congratulations to the creator.Reply from ExpForex:
Thank you
Auto lot calculation doesn't work: I entered LotBalancePercent = 1.0, SL for my order is 42 pips (GBPAUD), account size is 10K (EUR) and it calculates 0.07 lots. Should be 0.4 lots instead. Please fix or send me money back.Reply from ExpForex:
Where did you read that an autolot works from a stop loss? The autolot works on free margin. and takes into account your equity, deposit currency, trading symbol, leverage. Stoploss is not taken into account here and has never been. An example of calculating my autolot can be found in the article: https://www.expforex.com/publ/11-1-0-252 Before buying - you can read the description !, study the settings, download the demo version and check it on a real account.!
Atila R Akdeniz
Atila R Akdeniz 2020.07.22 14:08
Great product and great support as usual from Vladislav. Very good value for money.
Erik Enriquez
I bought the 1 month rental but it works perfectly in my pc but it doesn't works in my vps. Can anybody help me? please.Reply from ExpForex:
🏬🏬🏬 You can install all ea from your terminal 🏬🏬🏬 MARKET MQL5.COM: HOW TO INSTALL ea from terminal?: https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/734585 ========================================================================================================= ℹ️ℹ️ℹ️ All guides and full instructions on my blogs https://www.mql5.com/en/users/vladon/blog ℹ️ℹ️ℹ️ ========================================================================================================= ⚠️⚠️⚠️ FULL INFO about your problem: How to make Files https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/732566 ⚠️⚠️⚠️
Jakote Molemi
Jakote Molemi 2019.07.31 14:44
Your support is outstanding, keep up the good work. Morning Sir, may I suggest an improvement on the Exp5 Duplicator; I propose that the "Reopen duplicate" option, have an option as to how many times the trader want the "Reopening" to occur, whereby if I leave the number at zero then it means I want to reopen the duplicate until the set maximum distance limt set on the "Maximum Deviation ..." option. Regards.
fxcommentary 2019.01.25 19:04
This utility works as described. Usefull if you prefer to scale-out insted of take profit. Example - i want 1,0 lot order. With this utility I send 0,5 lot order, and utility adds another 0,5 lot order. When i see some profit i close 0,5 manually etc.many strategies. Attention - the option ONLY NEW POSITIONS should be set to TRUE (the default is FALSE) -- Update: each trade can be managed independently. You can choose to (1) follow TP or/and SL of SOURCE trade, or (2) not follow. Critical in many strategies.
exp Duplicator for MT4 and I cant load now in my Chart please help. i donwload my duplicator in market and dont open any window for put the sets i try in another account and the same problem , dont open any window please help me my mail is souza.lc@globo.com best regards Luiz
the robot handles all currency pairs simultaneously, I think that many people can look for it 🙂 a great job
Joao Luiz Sa Marchioro
You have to take the hat off to the programmer, the EA is perfect, it makes the copies with extreme perfection.
Dmitry Shcherbak
замечательная утилита, именно то, что я искал. При возникновении сложностей можно связаться с разработчиком - помогут, разъяснят)
Arnel Arnao
Hi Updated my exp Duplicator for MT4 and I cant load now in my Chart please help. Im using it on my trading now. UPDATE!!!! Thanks man.. What a service. This what I call customer service at its best..I panicked but he was able to assist me in minutes.Reinstall the old version and Im back in business..Thanks a lot..
Tariq Hakim
Exceptional EA. Does just what it says and much more. The developer is very responsive to queries and support issues.
Segun Oladipo
Superb EA, some authors are here to make fast money using hook and crook means, but you can tell this author takes his work seriously and care more about quality service delivery to his clients. Worth more than 5 stars, but what choice do I have?
Очень хороший и полезный инструмент. Работает надежно и без ошибок. Активно использую. Хороший контакт с разработчиком.
Супер! именно то что искал! Моментальная обратная связь, разработчик помог решить все возникшие вопросы!
Amos Eka Kurniawan
hello Vladislav thank you for updating EA with my proposal, you're a great vendor now we have a perfect duplicator and trade manager great work...!!
Igor Ryapisov
Отлично работает, быстро и без ошибок. Единственное, чего не хватает - это настройки "копировать только ордера с убытком более, чем" и "прибылью не более чем".
5 responses to “Duplicator – 在 MetaTrader 终端上复制交易/持仓”
Français. Duplicateur – Duplication des signaux et des transactions/positions sur les MetaTrader.
https://youtu.be/RmbOPASUNNIGuide complet: https://www.expforex.com/?p=52
🔹 DUPLICATEUR MT4: https://www.mql5.com/fr/market/product/9833
🔹 DUPLICATEUR MT5: https://www.mql5.com/fr/market/product/21046📽 English Version: https://youtu.be/EZD0DDm3kaY
📽 Español Version: https://youtu.be/0r7ufDpPWSY
📽 Português Version: https://youtu.be/zIN2t_ycHYA
📽 Deutsch Version: https://youtu.be/UQyg0w9e2K0
📽 Français Version: https://youtu.be/RmbOPASUNNILe Conseiller Expert DUPLICATEUR répète (duplique) les transactions, positions ou signaux un nombre prédéfini de fois sur votre compte MetaTrader. Cet outil est idéal pour répliquer des stratégies de trading, augmenter la taille du lot ou gérer plusieurs positions efficacement.
Fonctions principales :
Duplique toutes les transactions : Reproduit les positions ouvertes manuellement ou par un autre Conseiller Expert (EA).
Duplique les signaux : Augmente automatiquement la taille du lot (Volume) à partir des signaux de trading pour un effet de levier plus important.
Améliore d’autres EA : Accroît la taille du lot (Volume) des positions ouvertes par d’autres Conseillers Experts.
Options flexibles : Choisissez un lot fixe/automatique, dupliquez les StopLoss, TakeProfit, et utilisez le Trailing Stop pour les positions dupliquées.
Et bien plus encore.
Hashtags :
#mql5 #mql4 #Duplicateur #expert #EA #Expforex #forex #forextrading #metatrader #metaquotes #trading #automatedtrading #forexstrategy #forexmarket #trailingstop #forexsignals #mt5 #forexautomation #signalcopying #tradermanagement #Expforex #VladonMots-clés :
Duplicateur MT4, Duplicateur MT5, signaux de trading, duplication des transactions, MetaTrader, trading forex, Conseiller Expert, gestion de la taille du lot, trailing stop, gestion des risques, réplication de signaux, stratégie MetaTrader, outils de trading automatisés, forex EA -
Deutsch. Duplicator – Duplizierung von Signalen und Deals/Positionen auf den MetaTrader-Terminals
https://youtu.be/UQyg0w9e2K0Vollständige Anleitung: https://www.expforex.com/?p=52
🔹 DUPLICATOR MT4: https://www.mql5.com/de/market/product/9833
🔹 DUPLICATOR MT5: https://www.mql5.com/de/market/product/21046📽 https://youtu.be/EZD0DDm3kaY English.
📽 https://youtu.be/0r7ufDpPWSY Español.
📽 https://youtu.be/zIN2t_ycHYA Português.
📽 https://youtu.be/UQyg0w9e2K0 Deutsch.
📽 https://youtu.be/RmbOPASUNNI Français.Der Expert Advisor DUPLICATOR wiederholt (dupliziert) Trades, Positionen oder Signale eine voreingestellte Anzahl von Malen auf Ihrem MetaTrader-Konto. Dieses Tool eignet sich hervorragend zum Replizieren von Handelsstrategien, Erhöhen der Lotgröße oder effizienten Verwalten mehrerer Positionen.
Dupliziert alle Trades: Kopiert Positionen, die manuell oder von einem anderen Expert Advisor eröffnet wurden.
Dupliziert Signale: Erhöht die Lotgröße (das Volumen) der Handelssignale für mehr Exposure.
Verbessert andere EAs: Erhöht die Lotgröße (das Volumen) von Positionen, die von anderen Expert Advisors geöffnet wurden.
Flexible Optionen: Wählen Sie Ihren festen/automatischen Lot, duplizieren Sie StopLoss und TakeProfit, und nutzen Sie den Trailing Stop für duplizierte Positionen.
Und vieles mehr.
#mql5 #mql4 #Duplicator #experte #EA #Expforex #forex #forexhandel #metatrader #metaquotes #handel #automatischerhandel #forexstrategie #forexmarkt #trailingstop #forexsignale #mt5 #forexautomation #signalduplizieren #handelsmanagement #Expforex #VladonSchlüsselwörter:
Duplicator MT4, Duplicator MT5, Handelssignale, Trades duplizieren, MetaTrader, Forex-Handel, Expert Advisor, Lotgrößenverwaltung, Trailing Stop, Risikomanagement, Signalreplikation, MetaTrader-Strategie, automatisierte Handelswerkzeuge, Forex-EA -
Español. Duplicator – Duplicación de señales y transacciones/posiciones en los terminales MetaTrader
https://youtu.be/0r7ufDpPWSYGuía completa: https://www.expforex.com/?p=52
🔹 DUPLICADOR MT4: https://www.mql5.com/es/market/product/9833
🔹 DUPLICADOR MT5: https://www.mql5.com/es/market/product/21046📽 https://youtu.be/EZD0DDm3kaY English.
📽 https://youtu.be/0r7ufDpPWSY Español.
📽 https://youtu.be/zIN2t_ycHYA Português.
📽 https://youtu.be/UQyg0w9e2K0 Deutsch.
📽 https://youtu.be/RmbOPASUNNI Français.El Asesor Experto DUPLICADOR repite (duplica) operaciones, posiciones o señales un número predefinido de veces en su cuenta MetaTrader. Esta herramienta es útil para replicar estrategias de trading, aumentar el tamaño de lote o gestionar múltiples posiciones de manera eficiente.
Características clave:
Duplica todas las operaciones: Copia posiciones abiertas manualmente o por otro Asesor Experto.
Duplica señales: Aumenta el tamaño del lote (Volumen) de las señales de trading para mayor exposición.
Mejora otros AE: Incrementa el tamaño del lote (Volumen) de las posiciones abiertas por otros Asesores Expertos.
Opciones flexibles: Configure su lote fijo o automático, duplique StopLoss y TakeProfit, y use Trailing Stop para las posiciones duplicadas.
Y mucho más.
#mql5 #mql4 #Duplicador #asesorexperto #EA #Expforex #forex #forextrading #metatrader #metaquotes #trading #tradingautomatizado #estrategiaforex #mercadoforex #trailingstop #signalforex #mt5 #automatizacionforex #duplicaciondesenales #gestiondetrading #Expforex #VladonPalabras clave:
Duplicador MT4, Duplicador MT5, señales de trading, duplicar operaciones, MetaTrader, trading forex, Asesor Experto, gestión de lotes, Trailing Stop, gestión de riesgos, replicación de señales, estrategia MetaTrader, herramientas de trading automatizado, forex AE -
Português. Duplicator – Duplicação de sinais e negócios/posições nos terminais MetaTrader
https://youtu.be/zIN2t_ycHYAGuia completo: https://www.expforex.com/?p=52
🔹 DUPLICATOR MT4: https://www.mql5.com/pt/market/product/9833
🔹 DUPLICATOR MT5: https://www.mql5.com/pt/market/product/21046📽 https://youtu.be/EZD0DDm3kaY English.
📽 https://youtu.be/0r7ufDpPWSY Español.
📽 https://youtu.be/zIN2t_ycHYA Português.
📽 https://youtu.be/UQyg0w9e2K0 Deutsch.
📽 https://youtu.be/RmbOPASUNNI Français.O Expert Advisor DUPLICATOR automaticamente repete (duplica) negociações, posições e sinais um número predefinido de vezes na sua conta MetaTrader. Esta ferramenta pode ser útil para replicar estratégias de negociação, aumentar o tamanho do lote ou gerenciar várias posições de forma eficiente.
Principais características:
Duplica todas as negociações: Copia as posições abertas manualmente ou por outro Expert Advisor.
Duplica sinais: Aumenta o tamanho do lote (Volume) dos sinais de negociação para maior exposição.
Melhora outros EAs: Aumenta o tamanho do lote (Volume) das posições abertas por outros Expert Advisors.
Opções flexíveis: Configure seu lote fixo/automático, duplique StopLoss e TakeProfit, e use Trailing Stop para as posições duplicadas.
E muito mais.
#mql5 #mql4 #Duplicator #ExpertAdvisor #EA #Expforex #forex #forextrading #metatrader #metaquotes #negociacaoautomatizada #estrategiaforex #mercadoforex #TrailingStop #sinaisforex #mt5 #automacao #copiasinal #gestaodetrading #Expforex #VladonPalavras-chave:
Duplicator MT4, Duplicator MT5, sinais de negociação, duplicar negociações, MetaTrader, trading forex, Expert Advisor, gestão de lotes, Trailing Stop, gestão de risco, replicação de sinais, estratégia MetaTrader, ferramentas de negociação automatizada, EA forex -
I appreciate the clarity and depth of your analysis—excellent work!
TickSniper 和 Expforex 最佳顾问的交易报告
描述 我们汇总了专家顾问 TickSniper、 Good Santa、 Tick Hamster、 The X,在我们的真实交易账户上的总结和详细交易结果。我们的专家顾问的交易统计。 让我们详细检查报告并得出结论。 前言 可能每三个问题中就有一个是关于我们的机器人: 通过使用您的顾问,我能获得多少利润? 与专家合作的交易增长百分比是多少? 每月EA能赚多少钱? 回撤是多少? 应该选择哪个顾问? 我将尝试简要描述我们的外汇交易程序并回答您的问题。这些不仅仅是言语,而是带有实时交易账户的真实报告! 还能有什么更好的呢? 我们将讨论哪些交易专家顾问? TickSniper – 专业人士可调节设置的自动交易顾问 Good Santa – 为初学者提供小设置的自动交易顾问 Tick Hamster – 为初学者提供无需设置的自动交易顾问 The X – 具有21个标准指标和许多处理仓位功能的通用交易系统。 我将借助EA回答关于每月利润金额和最大回撤的问题: 交易机器人(EA)的盈利能力和回撤不仅取决于交易EA,还取决于其他因素: 此外汇交易信号来自报价!所有取决于当前价格,形成交易信号; 交易账户的初始余额; 在此交易余额中使用的风险; 交易手数; 影响报价走势并决定未平仓头寸命运的全球因素和新闻。 最佳交易顾问就在这里! 推荐经纪商和交易账户: 推荐存款 低风险 为 $ 1,000,最小手数 0.01 3个货币对(例如EURUSD、USDCHF、USDJPY) 推荐存款 中风险 为 $ 300,最小手数 0.01 1个货币对(例如EURUSD) 推荐存款 高风险 为 $ 100,最小手数 0.01 1个货币对(例如EURUSD) 浮动点差(禁止零点差!) 杠杆比例为1:300及更高 对于存款超过$1,000的账户,推荐使用PRO Standard或ECN PRO类型的账户。 对于存款少于$1,000的账户,推荐使用PRO Cent账户类型。 时间框架无关紧要。顾问仅在报价上工作。 货币对:您可以选择任何货币对。我交易EURUSD、USDCHF、USDJPY。 分析工具 Extra Report…
Forex Tester Pad 是一个用于策略测试器的外汇交易模拟器。使用指标进行交易。
在策略测试器图表上的一键交易。该工具允许您在策略测试器中手动测试您的策略。在可视化图表上一键交易。 现在,策略测试器中也提供了便捷且完整的交易技能测试功能。…
EA The xCustomEA: 通用交易顾问用于自定义指标。自定义策略构建器
通用交易顾问用于 MetaTrader 的自定义指标。 Exp – The xCustomEA 通用交易顾问用于自定义指标。The xCustomEA 适用于自定义指标,并且可以为 MT5 和 MT4 终端编程其交易策略。 换句话说:The xCustomEA 与可以从互联网或 mql5 市场下载的自定义指标有连接。 任何来自互联网的自定义指标! 策略构建器。…
Partial Close and Trailing. 回滚时部分平仓
Partial Close and Trailing 是一个 EA 助手,在回撤期间部分平仓(即部分手数)。 当价格首先朝利润方向移动然后回撤时,EA 会部分平掉有利可图的仓位。…
Extra Report Pad – 交易者日记。专业分析您的交易账户。实时图表中的 MyFxBook。ExtraReportPad
Extra Report Pad – 专业的交易账户分析解决方案 今天,必须同时交易多个货币对。但是交易越多,分析账户盈利能力就越困难。按月分析交易更加困难。更不用说单独计算每笔交易的统计数据了。 我们找到了一个解决方案:我们的面板可以实时分析您的账户,并尽可能详细地编制统计数据。…
VirtualTradePad (VTP) 交易面板。Trade Pad 可通过图表和键盘一键进行交易
VirtualTradePad 或 VTP – 在 MetaTrader 终端中一键交易的控制面板。用于外汇剥头皮交易和手动交易的程序。…
X 和 xCustomEA:测试和优化
描述 The X 和 The xCustomEA 是 Forex 交易社区中两款突出的 专家顾问 (Expert Advisors, EAs),在过去五年中获得了广泛的普及。这些工具旨在满足希望 自定义 (customize) 其 交易策略 (trading strategies) 并专注于 测试…
EAPADPRO 库 – 将我们的面板添加到您的 EA 中
EAPADPRO 库 – 使用我们的信息面板增强您的专家顾问 (EA) EAPADPRO 库为希望提升其 MetaTrader 平台上专家顾问 (EA) 功能的交易者提供了强大的解决方案。…
The X – 通用外汇专家顾问 (EA) 使用标准指标
通用专家顾问 (EA) 适用于 MetaTrader,功能强大 专家顾问 The X 是 MetaTrader 的多功能交易工具,提供广泛的功能和可定制的设置。 它使用标准指标,并包含内置的策略构建器,允许交易者创建和调整策略以满足他们的需求。…
TickSniper 自动化专家顾问用于 MetaTrader。Tick 剥头皮交易者
Exp-TickSniper 是一个快速的 Tick 剥头皮交易者,能够自动为每个货币对单独选择参数。 该 EA 基于近10年的 EA 编程经验开发而成。 该 EA 使用智能跟踪止损进行短期交易,并基于当前货币对数据、报价、规格和点差。…
平均头寸。利用总利润的通用移动止损功能,在趋势中和逆趋势中开设额外头寸! 该顾问可以在趋势中和逆趋势中开设额外头寸! 包含一系列头寸的平均移动止损! 增加和减少手数。…
EAPadPRO – 我们专家的信息面板。专家顾问的仪表板
所有我们的顾问和MetaTrader终端的实用工具的信息面板。 关于管理和使用我们交易专家顾问中的EAPADPRO面板的基础知识的详细说明。 友好、直观的用户界面,便于顺利使用我们的实用工具。 即使在策略测试器中也是如此!…
Close Minus by Plus,通过搜索和关闭盈利头寸来平仓亏损头寸
通过识别和关闭盈利头寸来平仓亏损头寸。 专家顾问(EA)旨在通过识别和关闭盈利头寸来平仓亏损头寸。…
Market Time Pad. MetaTrader 指标,带有交易时段
时间指标显示主要全球市场的当前时间,并突出显示活跃的交易时段。 它易于使用,占用图表空间最小,非常适合与专家顾问和其他工具(如 VirtualTradePad)无缝集成。…
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