Tick Hamster – 具有自动优化功能的专家顾问,适用于 MetaTrader 中的任何交易品种 Tick Hamster 是一款全自动专家顾问(Expert Advisor),专为新手交易员和那些偏好无需设置的用户设计。该交易EA无需手动配置,能够自动优化任何交易品种的所有参数。…
Tick Hamster 自动交易机器人。无任何额外功能!
CLP CloseIfProfitorLoss。使用跟踪利润控制总利润或损失
关于 SafetyLOCK
在金融市场交易涉及高风险,尤其是在市场急剧逆转期间。SAFETYLOCK 是一款独特的工具,通过自动为现有仓位下反向订单,帮助交易者最小化损失。现在,您可以自信地进行交易,知道意外的市场波动不会影响您的交易。
SafetyLOCK PRO 是一个高级版本,利用对冲技术 (hedging techniques) 和相反的挂单,提供专业级别的仓位保护。这个解决方案帮助交易者和自动化系统(专家顾问 (EA))有效地管理风险。
- 自动下达反向订单。 当您或您的专家顾问 (EA)打开一个交易时,SAFETYLOCK 会立即为该仓位设置一个相反的挂单(买入停止单 (Buy Stop) 或 卖出停止单 (Sell Stop))。
- 锁定亏损仓位。 如果市场走势与您的仓位相反,挂单将被激活,创建一个保护性的锁定 (Lock),以限制潜在的亏损。
- 交易管理的灵活性。 为了最大化盈利,您可以选择关闭初始仓位、使用跟踪止损或增加手数。
- 可调节的设置。 您可以修改挂单的入场价格,以跟随开仓仓位的价格走势,从而获得完全的控制权。
- 支持所有交易策略。 SAFETYLOCK 适应任何交易策略,符合您的个人风格和偏好。
- 防范不可预见的亏损。 无需担心突发的市场变化——SAFETYLOCK 将自动保护您的交易。
- 易于使用。 系统只需设置一次,即可为您工作,让您专注于制定战略性交易决策。
- 提升盈利潜力。 通过 SAFETYLOCK 有效的风险管理不仅保护您的资本,还允许您利用意外的市场波动。
并且您可以在 DEMO 账户上无限制地测试它!
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在购买之前,我们强烈建议您查看我们的 使用说明 和 常见问题 (FAQ) 部分 以确保顺利体验。
SafetyLock for MT5 coming soon
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Have you installed MetaTrader?
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Silovan Ramishvili
Forex 市场 非常不可预测,仅依赖单一的交易策略或专家顾问 (EA)可能极其危险。
网上有无数Forex 顾问可用,其创建者向您保证,他们的有效策略或 EA 将持续为您带来利润。
一些交易者试图通过对冲 (hedge)订单或相反交易来保护他们的仓位,旨在最小化亏损。
专家顾问 (EA) Exp – SafetyLock PRO 的开发旨在通过下达相反方向的挂单,而不是阻止仓位,从而保护此类系统。
SafetyLOCK PRO 帮助交易者通过为已开仓的仓位下达相反的挂单(Deal)来避免市场的急剧转向。
如果交易者或专家顾问 (EA)打开一个仓位(Deal),我们的防御者,EA SAFETYLOCK,会为此仓位下达一个反向挂单(买入停止单 (Buy Stop) 或 卖出停止单 (Sell Stop))。
如果交易者的仓位出现亏损,保护性挂单将触发,从而创建一个锁定 (Lock)。
在专家顾问 (EA) 的功能中,可以关闭原始(源)仓位,使用跟踪止损,或增加手数。
- 您或另一个专家顾问 (EA)打开一个买入 (BUY)仓位(DEAL)。
- 我们的专家顾问 (EA),SAFETYLOCK,会打开一个挂单,卖出停止单 (SELL STOP)。
- 如果价格上涨,我们的专家顾问 (EA) 会根据价格走势调整挂单的入场价格(跟踪)。
- 当价格反转(Rollback)时,挂单将被激活 (activated)。
- 从两个仓位创建一个锁定 (Lock):
- No. 1 您的仓位
- No. 2 SAFETYLOCK 仓位。
这个专家顾问 (EA) 的算法:
专家顾问 (EA) 开始时,会检查所有已开仓位是否有任何现有挂单。
MagicToMonitor – 需要监控的仓位的魔术数字。这个选项旨在将专家顾问的操作限制在特定系统。
例如,如果您希望系统跟随特定的专家顾问 (EA) 的仓位,您必须将此参数替换为该专家顾问 (EA) 的魔术数字。
如果您希望一个专家顾问 (EA) 跟随所有仓位,包括手动开仓的仓位,则应将此参数设置为 0。
SymbolToMonitor 允许您指定 EA 应监控哪些货币对或工具。您可以将其设置为特定的符号,如 EURUSD、USDCHF,或使用 0 来监控所有符号。
如果您希望一个专家顾问 (EA) 跟随所有仓位,包括手动开仓的仓位,则应将此参数设置为 0。
如果监控的仓位没有挂单,SafetyLOCK PRO 会在当前价格的差距处下达一个挂单(因为并非所有订单都在与价格有足够距离处下达)。
需要注意的是,如果仓位是通过 Exp – SafetyLock PRO 开仓的,挂单价格将相对于仓位的开仓价格下达差距挂单。
可以使用 Stop Loss 和 Take Profit 参数设置挂单。
此外,可以使用手数倍增器 MNLot 下达一个手数倍增的挂单。
例如,如果一个仓位以 0.5 的手数开仓,且参数 MNLot = 2,则挂单将以 1.0 的手数开仓。
此外,Exp – SafetyLock PRO 系统会检查是否存在任何现有的挂单。
如果价格移动超过 StopOrderDeltaifUSE 参数指定的距离,系统会调整挂单,从而跟踪价格后方的挂单。
OrderSafetyMonitor – 调节检查由 SAFETYLOCK 下达的订单的能力。
换句话说,此参数启用(true)或禁用(false)在由 Exp – SafetyLock PRO 系统下达的仓位上设置挂单。
本文中还应提到另外三个重要参数:TrailingIfProfit、TrailingStop 和 Prchoose。
要启用自动跟踪止损 (Automatic Trailing Stop),应将参数 TrailingIfProfit 设置为 “true”。
需要注意的是,当此功能激活时,止损 (Stop Loss) 和 止盈 (Take Profit) 参数在功能初始运行时被设置为 0。
参数 TrailingStop 指的是跟踪止损。
参数 Prchoose 指定自动跟踪止损开始工作的盈利点数 (pips)。
您还可以使用通用交易专家顾问来编程您的交易策略:EA The xCustomEA:用于 iCustom 指标的通用交易顾问。自定义策略构建器
- 系统通过参数 Symbol_Monitor 监控所有货币对或在 专家顾问 (EA) 设置中指定的货币对的所有开放订单。
- 系统跟踪在 专家顾问 (EA) 中通过 Type_Monitor 指定的仓位。
- 系统通过 Magic_Monitor 参数监控 专家顾问 (EA) 中指定的魔术数字。
- 在当前价格的 StopOrderDeltaifUSE 参数指定的距离处下达一个带有止损订单的挂单。
- 此外,挂单会被监控。
- 如果价格移动超过 StopOrderDeltaifUSE 参数指定的距离,且参数 ModifyOrdPend 设置为 true,挂单的价格会被调整为 breakeven。
- 一旦挂单被触发,系统开始跟踪它。
- 系统可以通过参数 SafetyPosMonitor 禁用订单监控。将 SafetyPosMonitor 设置为 false 禁用监控此 专家顾问 (EA) 创建的仓位。如果设置为 true,系统将监控其挂单。
- 此外,如果挂单失败且其打开的仓位已被用户或其他方式关闭,挂单会被自动删除。
- 系统允许使用参数 MNLOT 倍增挂单的手数。例如,如果一个仓位以 0.2 的手数开仓,挂单将以 0.2 * MNLOT 的手数开仓。
- 如果 CloseOneifStopsActive 设置为 true,则打开挂单的仓位将被关闭,仅保留由此 专家顾问 (EA) 创建的仓位。
- 此外,系统允许为挂单设置 止损 (Stop Loss) 和 止盈 (Take Profit) 水平。
- 可以使用 TrailingStop 在仓位上包含跟踪止损。
您还可以测试我们的 “Swing” 策略,它会自动打开两个相反的挂单并跟踪它们:Swing 策略 (Pendulum)。自动打开 2 个相反的挂单,OCO 订单。
警告:EAPADPRO 面板上的数据计算:
SafetyLock 的使用示例
场景 1:使用 SafetyLock PRO 进行手动开仓保护
描述: 交易者手动开仓,SafetyLock PRO 会自动下达相反的挂单以提供保护。
- 手动开仓:
- 交易者在 EUR/USD 货币对上以 0.1 手的手数开设买入 (BUY)仓位。
- 激活 SafetyLock PRO:
- 通过设置SymbolMonitoring = Current_Symbol,EA 仅监控 EUR/USD 上的仓位。
- 将Magic_Monitoring 参数设置为 0,以监控手动开设的交易。
- 下达保护性订单:
- SafetyLock PRO 会在当前价格的指定距离(例如,StopOrderDeltaifUSEe = 100 点)处自动下达一个卖出止损 (Sell Stop)订单。
- 市场走势操作:
- 如果价格开始下跌并达到卖出止损 (Sell Stop)水平,订单将被触发,创建一个相反的卖出 (SELL)仓位。
- 这将形成一个包含买入 (BUY)和卖出 (SELL)仓位的锁定 (LOCK)。
- 管理仓位:
- 在触发保护性订单后,交易者可以配置跟踪止损 (Trailing Stop)或仅锁定损失点 (LockOnlyLossPosPoint)等参数,以优化风险管理。
- 自动防范突发的市场波动。
- 通过相反订单减少潜在损失。
在我们的交易面板中,提供更多手动和半自动交易选项:VirtualTradePad (VTP) 交易面板。来自图表和键盘的一键交易
场景 2:将 SafetyLock PRO 与交易专家顾问 (EA) 结合使用
描述: SafetyLock PRO 与另一个基于其交易策略自动开仓的 EA 一起使用。
- 安装两个 EA:
- 在 EUR/USD 图表上,安装一个交易 EA(例如,AI Sniper),魔术编号设置为 1001。
- 将 SafetyLock PRO 配置为Magic_Monitoring = 1001,以监控由 AI Sniper 开设的仓位。
- 交易 EA 自动开仓:
- AI Sniper 以 0.2 手的手数和魔术编号 1001 开设一个买入 (BUY)仓位。
- SafetyLock PRO 下达保护性订单:
- SafetyLock PRO 会根据StopOrderDeltaifUSEe(例如,150 点)的指定距离,自动下达一个卖出止损 (Sell Stop)订单。
- MNLOT = 2 参数将保护性订单的手数设置为 0.4 手。
- 市场走势操作:
- 如果市场走势与买入 (BUY)仓位相反并达到卖出止损 (Sell Stop)水平,订单将被触发,创建一个 0.4 手的卖出 (SELL)仓位。
- 形成一个包含买入 (BUY)和卖出 (SELL)仓位的锁定 (LOCK)。
- 管理仓位:
- SafetyLock PRO 会自动管理两个仓位的止损 (Stop Loss) 和止盈 (Take Profit)。
- 当达到一定的利润水平时,跟踪止损 (Trailing Stop) 会被激活以保护利润。
- 结合交易策略以增强保护。
- 自动调整保护性订单的手数以抵消风险。
对于自动交易,我推荐使用 Trading Scalper:AI Sniper. MetaTrader 的自动智能专家顾问。
场景 3:使用过滤器保护手动仓位
描述: 交易者在不同货币对上开设多个手动仓位,SafetyLock PRO 仅对带有指定注释的特定仓位提供保护。
- 开设多个手动仓位:
- 交易者在 EUR/USD、USD/CHF 和 GBP/USD 上开设买入 (BUY)和卖出 (SELL)仓位,并添加各种注释(例如,“VirtualTradePad”)。
- 配置 SafetyLock PRO:
- SymbolMonitoring = SPECIFIC_SYMBOL 和 SPECIFIC_Symbol_Monitoring = EURUSD,USDCHF 仅监控这些货币对。
- Comment_Monitoring = “VirtualTradePad” 仅监控带有此注释的仓位。
- 下达保护性订单:
- SafetyLock PRO 仅为符合指定过滤条件的仓位下达相反的挂单。
- 市场走势操作:
- 如果价格走势与某个受保护的仓位相反并达到挂单水平,订单将被触发,创建一个锁定 (LOCK)。
- 管理和监控:
- 使用Min_Lot_Monitoring 和 Max_Lot_Monitoring 参数控制受保护仓位的手数。
- 交易者可以根据需要通过 EA 面板手动调整安全参数。
- 灵活的保护,仅针对重要仓位。
- 最小化对不太重要或随机仓位的影响。
场景 4:使用 MNLOT 参数扩展仓位
描述: SafetyLock PRO 根据主仓位的手数扩展保护性订单。
- 手动或通过交易 EA 开设大仓位:
- 在 GBP/USD 上开设一个卖出 (SELL)仓位,手数为 0.5 手。
- 配置 SafetyLock PRO:
- 设置MNLOT = 3 以将保护性订单的手数增加三倍。
- 下达保护性订单:
- SafetyLock PRO 会下达一个买入止损 (Buy Stop)订单,手数为 1.5 手(0.5 * 3)。
- 市场走势操作:
- 如果价格走势与卖出 (SELL)仓位相反并达到买入止损 (Buy Stop)水平,订单将被触发,创建一个 1.5 手的买入 (BUY)仓位。
- 形成一个包含显著市场走势的锁定 (LOCK),因为保护性订单的手数增加。
- 风险管理:
- 使用NumberofStopOrder 和 DistancefromStopOrders 参数创建保护性订单网格,增强在强势市场走势下的覆盖。
- 有效覆盖大仓位。
- 增强对重大市场波动的保护。
场景 5:利用 TPWCM EXTRA SETS 进行额外保护
描述: SafetyLock PRO 使用扩展的 TPWCM 设置,在主仓位关闭后管理保护性仓位。
- 手动或通过交易 EA 开设仓位:
- 在 USD/JPY 上开设一个买入 (BUY)仓位,手数为 0.2 手。
- 配置 SafetyLock PRO:
- 设置TPWCM_Use = true 以激活扩展的 TPWCM 设置。
- 设置TPWCM_TakeProfitWhenCloseSource = 100 和 TPWCM_TakeProfitOnlyToProfitZone = true。
- 下达保护性订单:
- SafetyLock PRO 会在指定距离(例如 100 点)处下达一个卖出止损 (Sell Stop)订单。
- 关闭主仓位:
- 通过止损 (Stop Loss) 或止盈 (Take Profit) 关闭主买入 (BUY)仓位。
- TPWCM 操作:
- SafetyLock PRO 不会关闭保护性订单,而是为剩余仓位激活跟踪止损 (Trailing Stop) 或保本 (BreakEven)。
- 如果卖出止损 (Sell Stop)订单被触发并且卖出 (SELL)仓位盈利,跟踪止损 (Trailing Stop) 开始保护利润。
- 利润固定和保护管理:
- SafetyLock PRO 继续跟随价格走势,固定利润并防止市场走势逆转。
- 主仓位关闭后提供额外保护。
- 自动管理保护性仓位,最大化效果。
场景 6:在利润条件下自动关闭仓位
描述: 当保护性仓位达到指定的利润水平时,SafetyLock PRO 会自动关闭主仓位,从而抵消主仓位当前的损失。
- 手动或通过交易 EA 开设仓位:
- 在 GBP/USD 上开设一个卖出 (SELL)仓位,手数为 0.2 手。
- 配置 SafetyLock PRO:
- 设置Close_One_if_Safety_Closed_In_Profit = true。
- 设置Close_One_if_Safety_Closed_In_Profit_Dollars = 10。
- 设置MNLOT = 2。
- 下达保护性订单:
- SafetyLock PRO 会下达一个手数为 0.4 手的买入止损 (Buy Stop)订单。
- 市场走势操作:
- 价格走势与卖出 (SELL)仓位相反,达到买入止损 (Buy Stop)水平并触发订单,创建一个手数为 0.4 手的买入 (BUY)仓位。
- 形成一个锁定 (LOCK)。
- 满足关闭条件:
- 买入 (BUY)仓位开始盈利。
- 当买入 (BUY)仓位的利润达到或超过 $10 时,SafetyLock PRO 会关闭两个仓位(卖出 (SELL) 和 买入 (BUY)),锁定总利润。
- 利润固定:
- 此机制在达到指定水平时保护初始仓位并锁定利润,无需持续监控。
- 达到利润目标时自动关闭仓位。
- 无需手动干预即可实现有效的风险管理和利润锁定。
场景 7:当 SafetyLock 仓位更盈利时关闭原始仓位
描述: 如果保护性SafetyLock 仓位变得更盈利,SafetyLock PRO 会关闭原始仓位,从而抵消原始仓位当前的损失。
- 手动或通过交易 EA 开设仓位:
- 在 EUR/USD 上开设一个买入 (BUY)仓位,手数为 0.1 手。
- 配置 SafetyLock PRO:
- 设置Close_One_if_Safety_More_profitable = true。
- 设置Close_One_if_Safety_More_profitable_Dollars = 10。
- 设置MNLOT = 2。
- 下达保护性订单:
- SafetyLock PRO 会下达一个手数为 0.3 手的卖出止损 (Sell Stop)订单(0.1 * 3)。
- 市场走势操作:
- 价格走势与买入 (BUY)仓位相反,达到卖出止损 (Sell Stop)水平并触发订单,创建一个手数为 0.3 手的卖出 (SELL)仓位。
- 形成一个包含买入 (BUY)和卖出 (SELL)仓位的锁定 (LOCK)。
- 实现利润条件:
- 卖出 (SELL)仓位实现 $30 的利润。
- 买入 (BUY)仓位亏损 $20。
- 关闭仓位:
- 由于Close_One_if_Safety_More_profitable = true,并且卖出 (SELL)仓位的利润 ($30) 抵消了买入 (BUY)仓位的亏损 (-$20),总利润为 $10。
- 两个仓位(卖出 (SELL)(SafetyLock)和买入 (BUY)(原始))被关闭。
- 两个仓位(买入 (BUY) + 卖出 (SELL))的总利润为 $10。
- 利润固定:
- 此机制在达到指定水平时保护原始仓位并锁定利润,无需持续监控。
- Close_One_if_Safety_More_profitable = true
- Close_One_if_Safety_More_profitable_Dollars = 10
- StopOrderDeltaifReopens = 10
- MNLOT = 3
- 原始买入 (BUY) 仓位: 0.1 手
- SafetyLock 卖出止损 (SELL STOP) 订单: 0.3 手
- 市场走势:
- 买入 (BUY) 仓位亏损:-$20
- 卖出 (SELL) 仓位利润:+$30
- 总利润: -$20 + $30 = +$10
- 结果: 两个仓位被关闭,总利润为 $10。
- 自动用 SafetyLock 仓位的利润抵消原始仓位的损失。
- 确保在关闭仓位前满足整体利润条件,增强风险管理。
场景 8:通过移除原始仓位的止盈和止损创建干净的锁定
描述: 当保护性挂单被激活时,SafetyLock PRO 会删除原始仓位的止盈 (TakeProfit)和止损 (StopLoss),创建一个“安全锁定 (Safe Lock)”,该锁定保持固定状态,不会被解锁。
- 手动或通过交易 EA 开设仓位:
- 在 USD/CHF 上开设一个卖出 (SELL)仓位,手数为 0.2 手。
- 配置 SafetyLock PRO:
- 设置Remove_TAKEPROFIT_ofOriginalifStopsActive = true。
- 设置Remove_STOPLOSS_ofOriginalifStopsActive = true。
- 下达保护性订单:
- SafetyLock PRO 会在指定距离(例如 100 点)处下达一个买入止损 (Buy Stop)订单。
- 市场走势操作:
- 价格走势与卖出 (SELL)仓位相反,达到买入止损 (Buy Stop)水平并触发订单,创建一个买入 (BUY)仓位。
- 形成一个包含卖出 (SELL)和买入 (BUY)仓位的锁定 (LOCK)。
- 修改原始仓位:
- 在保护性订单激活后,SafetyLock PRO 会删除原始卖出 (SELL)仓位的止盈 (TakeProfit)和止损 (StopLoss)水平。
- 此操作“硬”固定了两个仓位之间的锁定 (LOCK),防止止盈 (TakeProfit)和止损 (StopLoss)解锁锁定 (LOCK)。
- 创建“安全锁定 (Safe Lock)”:
- 通过移除止盈 (TakeProfit)和止损 (StopLoss),锁定 (LOCK)保持固定,确保任何仓位都无法通过达到预定的利润或损失水平轻易关闭。
- 此设置为应对不可预测的市场走势提供了强有力的防护。
- Remove_TAKEPROFIT_ofOriginalifStopsActive = true
- Remove_STOPLOSS_ofOriginalifStopsActive = true
- 创建一个“安全锁定 (Safe Lock)”,该锁定不会因止盈 (TakeProfit)或止损 (StopLoss)触发而轻易解锁。
- 提供一种安全机制,以在不意外关闭的情况下维持保护性仓位。
设置 SafetyLOCK External Variables and Settings
名称 | 描述 |
MillisecondsTimerForMonitoring |
算法执行的毫秒数 (默认 1000 = 1 秒) |
监控和过滤设置 | |
Symbol Monitoring |
SymbolMonitoring=ALL_SYMBOL – 检查所有符号; 账户上所有货币对的所有交易。 如果您在任何货币对的图表上安装了顾问,它将监控账户上的所有货币对; SymbolMonitoring=Current_Symbol – 仅检查当前符号; 顾问将仅监控并伴随安装了专家顾问的符号的交易; SymbolMonitoring=SPECIFIC_SYMBOL; 仅检查 SPECIFIC_Symbol_Monitor 符号中指定的交易。例如,EURUSD – 则顾问将仅伴随 EURUSD 符号的交易; |
SPECIFIC_Symbol_Monitoring | 用于监控的符号列表,符号之间用逗号分隔。 您可以指定要监控的符号: SymbolMonitoring=SPECIFIC_SYMBOL SPECIFIC_Symbol_Monitoring=EURUSD, USDCHF, USDJPY 然后,顾问将监控 3 个货币对。 警告: 您必须按照“市场观察”中出现的方式指定符号。 如果写的是 EURUSD.c,则需要写 EURUSD.c 而不是 |
Type_Monitoring |
监控的交易类型。 BUY SELL ALL |
Magic_Monitoring |
用于监控交易的魔术编号。 现在您可以指定一个用逗号分隔的魔术编号列表进行检查。 例如: Magic_Monitoring = -1 表示将检查所有魔术编号; Magic_Monitoring = 0 表示将监控手动交易(无魔术编号); Magic_Monitoring = 555,777 表示将监控魔术编号 555 和 777; |
Comment_Monitoring |
此选项筛选交易,以对评论与 Comment_Monitoring 匹配的头寸加锁。 例如: Comment_Monitoring = “” – 监控所有头寸(交易),无论其评论如何; Comment_Monitoring = “VirtualTradePad” – 监控所有包含 “VirtualTradePad” 的评论的交易,即使评论包含 “VirtualTradePad-1″、”VirtualTradePadEXTRA” 或 “TickVirtualTradePadEXTRA”。 |
Min_Lot_Monitoring |
专家顾问监控的最小手数, 如果为 0 – 禁用该参数; |
Max_Lot_Monitoring |
专家顾问监控的最大手数, 如果为 0 – 禁用该参数; |
SafetyPosMonitoring |
启用对 SafetyLock 专家顾问 (EA) 开启的头寸的监控。 如果 SafetyLock 通过设置挂单锁定了您的头寸,并且该挂单被激活并转换为头寸,那么 SafetyLock 将为该头寸安装一个新的挂单。 该算法类似于 Swing 算法。 |
LockOnlyLossPosPoint | 仅锁定当前亏损小于指定亏损(以点数 (Pips) 表示,带负号)的头寸, 0 – 禁用。 |
LockOnlyProfPosPoint | 仅锁定当前利润大于设置利润(以点数 (Pips) 表示)的头寸, 0 – 禁用。 |
LockOnlyLossPosPoint + LockOnlyProfPosPoint |
组合条件(同时设置两个参数) 当 LockOnlyLossPosPoint 和 LockOnlyProfPosPoint 均设置(即不为 0)时,将锁定满足任一条件的头寸: – 当前亏损大于或等于 LockOnlyLossPosPoint 的头寸。 – 当前利润大于或等于 LockOnlyProfPosPoint 的头寸。 这为基于潜在亏损和利润管理头寸提供了灵活性。 |
通用设置 | |
Stop Loss | SafetyLock 挂单的 止损 (Stop Loss) |
TakeProfit | SafetyLock 挂单的 止盈 (Take Profit) |
挂单的手数倍增器 例如,如果订单以 0.2 手数开立,则挂单将以 0.2 * MNLOT 的手数开立; |
StopOrderDeltaifUSEe | SafetyLock 挂单的距离 |
DynamicStopOrderDelta |
动态距离参数: 它允许您根据受保护头寸的手数设置不同的挂单距离。 当 DynamicStopOrderDelta > 0 时: 手数越大,挂单距离越近! 当 DynamicStopOrderDelta < 0 时: 手数越大,挂单距离越远! DynamicStopOrderDelta 基于 1 手数的头寸设置。 例如: 当 DynamicStopOrderDelta = 100 时: – 如果头寸的手数(量)为 1 手,则 StopOrderDeltaifUSEe 距离 = 100 点 (Pips); – 如果头寸的手数(量)为 0.1 手,则 StopOrderDeltaifUSEe 距离 = 1000 点 (Pips); – 如果头寸的手数(量)为 0.01 手,则 StopOrderDeltaifUSEe 距离 = 10,000 点; 当 DynamicStopOrderDelta = -100 时: – 如果头寸的手数(量)为 1 手,则 StopOrderDeltaifUSEe 距离 = 100 点 (Pips); – 如果头寸的手数(量)为 0.1 手,则 StopOrderDeltaifUSEe 距离 = 10 点 (Pips); – 如果头寸的手数(量)为 0.01 手,则 StopOrderDeltaifUSEe 距离 = 1 点 (Pip); |
NumberofStopOrder |
每个头寸的 SafetyLock 挂单数量。 您可以设置 NumberofStopOrder = 5,然后每个头寸将开立 5 个挂单锁定订单。 允许您构建挂单网格。 |
DistancefromStopOrders | 使用 NumberofStopOrder 时网格的间距,以点数 (Pips) 表示。 |
ModifyOrdPend |
启用在价格移动时修改挂单的开仓价格。 允许挂单跟随价格移动。 如果 SELL 头寸(主头寸)有盈利并继续获利,且当前价格下跌,则将修改买入挂单的价格。 如果 BUY 头寸(主头寸)有盈利并继续获利,且当前价格上涨,则将修改卖出挂单的价格。 此功能的逻辑是将挂单更接近主头寸,以减少挂单与主头寸之间的距离。 |
ModifyOrdPend_STEP | 修改步长,以点数 (Pips) 表示 |
ModifyOrdPend_onlytoOpenPrice |
true – 仅能将挂单修改到头寸的开仓价格(旧版本) false – 根据价格移动继续修改挂单的开仓价格 |
附加平仓设置 | |
ReopenClosedSafetyOrders |
如果保护头寸仍然开启,则重新开启已被止损关闭的 SafetyLock 挂单。 例如: 一个挂单,SafetyLock 已经工作并被激活为一个头寸。该头寸有一个止损、止盈或跟踪止损。 当价格移动时,该头寸被其止损或止盈关闭。 启用此选项时,SafetyLock 顾问将为主头寸设置一个新的挂单。 |
StopOrderDeltaifReopens |
重新开启订单后设置 SafetyLock 挂单的距离。 如果 StopOrderDeltaifReopens = 0,则距离等于 StopOrderDeltaifUSEe(旧版本)。 设置挂单的价格将基于当前价格计算。 |
Close_One_if_Safety_Closed_In_Profit |
如果 SafetyLock 头寸以覆盖原始头寸当前亏损的利润关闭,则关闭原始头寸。 例如,Close_One_if_Safety_Closed_In_Profit = true 和 MNLOT = 2。 一旦触发锁定并且 Safety 头寸通过止盈关闭,原始头寸将被关闭。 使用 NumberofStopOrder > 1 时,SafetyLock 头寸的利润基于主头寸票号下所有头寸的总利润计算。 现在,主头寸的平仓仅在所有关闭的 SafetyLock 头寸和主头寸的总利润大于或等于 Close_One_if_Safety_Closed_In_Profit_Dollars 时发生。 所有 SAFETYLOCK 的订单和头寸将被关闭。 Close_One_if_Safety_Closed_In_Profit_Dollars 考虑了所有利润或亏损 + 佣金 + 主头寸的掉期 + 所有 SafetyLock 头寸(激活的挂单)的利润或亏损 + 佣金 + 掉期,这些都是基于主头寸的票号开立的。 所有 SafetyLock 头寸基于主头寸的票号。 如果总利润大于 Close_One_if_Safety_Closed_In_Profit_Dollars(以存款货币计),则将关闭主头寸。 例如: Close_One_if_Safety_Closed_In_Profit = true 和 Close_One_if_Safety_Closed_In_Profit_Dollars = 10 以及 StopOrderDeltaifReopens = 10; 原始 BUY 头寸和 SAFETYLOCK SELLSTOP 挂单; 价格下跌,BUY 以 -10 $ 的亏损平仓,挂单 SELLSTOP 被激活; 价格继续下跌,SELL 成为一个有利润的头寸,利润为 $ 20; 根据此功能的条件:原始 BUY 头寸的亏损 -10 $ + 当前 SafetyLock SELL 头寸的利润 + 20 $ = 总利润 10 $; SAFETYLOCK SELL 头寸被关闭,两者的总利润(BUY + SAFETYLOCK_SELL)= 10 $。 |
Close_One_if_Safety_More_profitable |
如果 SafetyLock 头寸更有盈利,抵消原始头寸的当前亏损,则关闭原始头寸。 例如,Close_One_if_Safety_More_profitable = true 和 MNLOT = 2。 一旦触发锁定并且 Safety 头寸更有盈利,Safety 头寸和原始头寸都将被关闭。 使用 NumberofStopOrder > 1 时,SafetyLock 头寸的利润基于主头寸票号下所有头寸的总利润计算。 现在,主头寸和 SafetyLock 头寸的平仓仅在这些头寸的总利润大于或等于时发生。 Close_One_if_Safety_More_profitable_Dollars(当 NumberofStopOrder > 1) 为实现之前版本的结果,将 Close_One_if_Safety_More_profitable_Dollars = 0 设置。 例如: Close_One_if_Safety_More_profitable = true,Close_One_if_Safety_More_profitable_Dollars = 10,StopOrderDeltaifReopens = 10,以及 MNLOT = 3; 原始 BUY 头寸手数 0.1 和 SAFETYLOCK SELLSTOP 挂单手数 0.3; 价格下跌,BUY 的当前亏损为 -10 $,则挂单 SELLSTOP 被激活; 价格继续下跌,SELL 成为一个有利润的头寸,利润为 $ 30,导致原始 BUY 头寸亏损 -20 $; 根据此功能的条件:原始 BUY 头寸的亏损 -20 $ + 当前 SafetyLock SELL 头寸的利润 + 30 $ = 总利润 10 $; SAFETYLOCK SELL 头寸和原始 BUY 头寸被关闭,两者的总利润(BUY + SAFETYLOCK_SELL)= 10 $! |
CloseOneifStopsActive |
如果 SafetyLock 挂单被触发,则关闭头寸。 如果挂单被激活并转换为头寸,则启用此选项时,将关闭主头寸。 |
CloseSafetyPositionsifclosed |
当主头寸关闭时,关闭已激活的 SafetyLock 头寸。 如果主头寸已关闭,则 SafetyLock 头寸也将被关闭。 |
Close_One_if_Safety_Closed | 如果 SAFETYLOCK 头寸因任何原因关闭(手动关闭、止盈、跟踪止损),则主头寸也将被关闭。 |
Remove_TAKEPROFIT_ofOriginalifStopsActive | 如果 SafetyLock 挂单被激活,则删除原始头寸的止盈 (Take Profit); |
Remove_STOPLOSS_ofOriginalifStopsActive |
如果 SafetyLock 挂单被激活,则删除原始头寸的止损 (Stop Loss); 这允许您在删除止损和止盈的同时“硬”锁定两个头寸。 创建一个“安全锁”,它不会被解锁。 |
跟踪止损设置 | |
TrailingStopUSE |
为 SafetyLock 头寸启用跟踪止损(PRO)。 打开时(true),为已被激活并由专家顾问 (EA) 开启的头寸启用跟踪止损。 www.expforex.com 的专家功能特性 |
IfProfTrail |
如果为 “true” – 专家顾问仅在头寸达到盈亏平衡点(止损位于盈亏平衡点)加上跟踪止损利润点(Pips)时开始修改。 如果为 “false” – 跟踪止损在头寸开启后立即工作,并且头寸进入盈利状态后跟踪止损会跟随价格。 |
TrailingStart | 开始跟踪止损功能的利润点数(Pips) |
TrailingStop |
当前价格到止损的距离,以点数 (Pips) 表示。 如果当前利润为 200 点 (Pips) 且 TrailingStop = 100,则止损将设置在 +100 点。 因此,价格有可能回撤最多 100 点 (Pips)。 否则,将触发止损,并在 +100 点 (Pips) 处关闭头寸。 |
TrailingStep | 启用跟踪止损功能时止损的步长。 |
盈亏平衡设置 | |
MovingInWLUSE |
启用盈亏平衡功能。 当头寸达到 LevelProfit 点的利润时,此功能将通过 LevelWLoss 点修改止损。 www.expforex.com 的专家功能特性 示例: LevelWLoss = 50, LevelProfit = 200 一旦头寸累计 200 点利润,头寸的止损将修改为头寸开仓价(+ 点差)+ 50 点。 示例: LevelWLoss = 0, LevelProfit = 100 一旦头寸累计 100 点利润,头寸的止损将修改为头寸开仓价(+ 点差)。 |
LevelWLoss |
当启用此功能时,止损将在利润达到 LevelWLoss 点时设置。 – 1 = 1 点利润; – 0 = 自动最小利润模式。 如果设置为 0,则盈亏平衡点的点数(止损位于盈亏平衡点)等于当前货币对的点差。 |
LevelProfit |
头寸获得的利润点数 (LevelProfit),以便在 LevelWLoss 利润点数 (Pips) 处设置止损。 LevelProfit 必须大于 LevelWLoss。 |
TPWCM EXTRA SETS 设置TPWCM EXTRA SETS:当源头寸关闭时停止 启用此块时:如果源头寸关闭,则 SAFETYLOCK 头寸不会关闭。相反,将激活跟踪止损或盈亏平衡。 而不是关闭 SAFETYLOCK 头寸,您可以选择启用跟踪止损并继续跟随头寸。 在这种情况下,跟踪止损设置是独立的。仅在源头寸关闭时启用。 注意: 未激活的挂单将被删除!TPWCM 块在初始头寸关闭后工作,但 SAFETYLOCK 头寸不会关闭,并将在其上设置止损 / 止盈 / 跟踪止损。 | |
TPWCM EXTRA SETS:当主头寸关闭时停止 当该块开启 (TRUE) 时: 如果源头寸关闭,SAFETYLOCK 头寸不会关闭。 相反,SAFETYLOCK 头寸可以使用跟踪止损或盈亏平衡功能。 而不是关闭 SAFETYLOCK 头寸(交易),您可以选择开启跟踪止损功能并继续跟随头寸。 在这种情况下,跟踪止损设置与标准的 TrailingStopUSE 独立。 此功能在源头寸关闭时工作。 |
TPWCM_TakeProfitWhenCloseSource |
参数,用于设置源头寸(交易)关闭后保留的 SAFETYLOCK 头寸(交易)的止盈 (Take Profit); 在关闭源交易后 – 有一个选项,不关闭 SAFETYLOCK 交易,而是根据源交易的关闭价格设置止盈。 例如: TakeProfitWhenCloseSource = 100: 源头寸(交易)BUY 的收盘价 = 1.2345, SAFETYLOCK 头寸(交易)BUY 的开仓价 = 1.2370, SAFETYLOCK 头寸(交易)BUY 的止盈 (Take Profit) = (1.2345 + 100) = 1.2445; |
TPWCM_TakeProfitOnlyToProfitZone |
启用时(true),专家顾问在源交易关闭后仅在止盈水平处于盈利区时设置止盈。 如果 TPWCM_TakeProfitOnlyToProfitZone = true,此功能仅在止盈水平处于盈利时设置止盈。 例如: TPWCM_TakeProfitWhenCloseMaster = 100 和 TPWCM_TakeProfitOnlyToProfitZone = true: 源头寸(交易)BUY 的收盘价 = 1.2345, SAFETYLOCK 头寸(交易)BUY 的开仓价 = 1.2370, SAFETYLOCK 头寸(交易)BUY 的止盈 (Take Profit) = (1.2345 + 100) = 1.2445; 源头寸(交易)BUY 的收盘价 = 1.2345, SAFETYLOCK 头寸(交易)BUY 的开仓价 = 1.2470, SAFETYLOCK 头寸(交易)BUY 的止盈 (Take Profit) = (1.2345 + 100) = 1.2445;因为 1.2445 < 1.2470! 如果您将 TPWCM_TakeProfitOnlyToProfitZone = false 关闭,专家顾问将在任何情况下设置止盈,即使在负区。 例如,一个 SAFETYLOCK 头寸亏损 -30 点,您设置 TakeProfit = 10 点 和 TPWCM_TakeProfitOnlyToProfitZone = false, 则当您关闭源头寸(交易)时,止盈将设置在 -20 点(亏损)水平。 源头寸(交易)BUY 的收盘价 = 1.2345, SAFETYLOCK 头寸(交易)BUY 的开仓价 = 1.2470, SAFETYLOCK 头寸(交易)BUY 的止盈 (Take Profit) = (1.2345 + 100) = 1.2445! |
TPWCM_StopLossWhenCloseSource |
参数,用于设置源头寸(交易)关闭后保留的 SAFETYLOCK 头寸(交易)的止损 (Stop Loss); 在关闭源交易后,有一个选项,不关闭 SAFETYLOCK 交易,而是根据源交易的关闭价格设置止损。 例如: TPWCM_StopLossWhenCloseMaster = 100: 源头寸(交易)BUY 的收盘价 = 1.2345, SAFETYLOCK 头寸(交易)BUY 的开仓价 = 1.2370, SAFETYLOCK 头寸(交易)BUY 的止损 (Stop Loss) = (1.2345 – 100) = 1.2245; |
TPWCM_TrailingStopUSE |
在源交易关闭后为 SAFETYLOCK 头寸启用跟踪止损 / 盈亏平衡。 区别在于: TrailingStopUSE 和 TPWCM_TrailingStopUSE: 1. TrailingStopUSE (true) 始终启用。 这意味着它对所有开启的头寸持续工作。 如果启用(TrailingStopUSE = true),SAFETYLOCK 交易将始终有跟踪止损。 2. TPWCM_TrailingStopUSE (true) 仅在源头寸关闭时工作。 只有在这种情况下,SAFETYLOCK 头寸才会开始使用跟踪止损。 跟踪止损仅在盈利(Profit)区工作。 这意味着跟踪止损功能仅在 SAFETYLOCK 头寸已获得 TPWCM_TrailingStop 点(Pips)的利润时开始工作。 |
TPWCM_BreakEven |
在源交易关闭后为 SAFETYLOCK 头寸启用盈亏平衡。 TPWCM_LevelWLoss – 在开仓价加上 TPWCM_LevelWLoss 点(Pips)处设置止损; TPWCM_LevelProfit – 当头寸盈利达到 TPWCM_LevelProfit 点(Pips)时设置盈亏平衡。 |
其他设置 | |
SetMinStops |
自动将专家顾问的所有参数(以点数表示)标准化为服务器上的最低止损水平。 如果您指定了止损或距离 = 10 点,且服务器上的最低止损水平 = 20 点,则专家顾问将自动将止损和距离值标准化为 20 点。 如果您关闭此选项(false),则当服务器返回错误 130 时,专家顾问将无法安装挂单或止损。 自动将专家顾问的所有参数标准化为最低可接受的止损水平。 使用 virtual 止损 – 此参数不影响。 使用 AutoSetMinLevel 时,止损水平将设置为服务器允许的最低水平; 使用 ManualSet 时,用户将收到消息,指出专家顾问中的止损水平低于最低水平,并且专家顾问将停止交易。 |
Magic | 由 EA 开启的挂单的 魔术编号。 |
Slippage |
开仓和平仓时允许的最大价格偏差(以点数表示)。 示例: Slippage = 1 开仓时的最大价格偏差 = 开仓价 ± 1 点(Pip)。 Slippage = 100 开仓时的最大价格偏差 = 开仓价 ± 100 点(Pips)。 例如,向服务器发送交易时的开仓价格 = 1.12345 但如果在发送和开仓(交易)期间价格变动了 100 点(Requote),则头寸(交易)将在 1.12245 – 1.12445 之间的价格开仓。 |
MarketWatch |
针对在 MARKET 执行的账户上的已开启头寸设置止损 / 止盈。 首先,EA 可以开立头寸(交易),成功开立后,将在此头寸(交易)中修改止损和止盈水平。 True – 针对 ECN 经纪商和禁止在开仓时同时设置止损的账户。 如果您的账户属于 ECN 或 NDD 组,则必须将此选项设置为 true。 |
关于 SafetyLOCK 的常见问题解答
如何为最小距离设置一个挂单?可以将StopOrderDeltaifUSE = 0 吗?
在MetaTrader 终端(以及其他交易平台)中,下达挂单、止损或止盈有特定的规则——这被称为最小止损级别,由您的经纪商确定。
这个专家顾问 (EA)的主要功能是促进保护性挂单的下达。
什么是 SafetyLOCK PRO?
SafetyLOCK PRO 是一个专家顾问 (EA),旨在通过下达相反的挂单(对冲)来保护您的 Forex 交易仓位,最小化潜在损失并有效管理风险。
SafetyLOCK PRO 如何保护我的仓位?
SafetyLOCK PRO 通过开启相反的挂单,如买入停止单 (Buy Stop) 或 卖出停止单 (Sell Stop) 来保护您的仓位。如果市场走势与您的原始仓位相反,挂单将触发以创建锁定,从而最小化损失。
SafetyLOCK PRO 能与任何交易策略一起使用吗?strong>
是的,SafetyLOCK PRO 设计用于与各种交易策略和专家顾问 (EA)集成,通过添加相反的挂单来增强其风险管理能力,提供保护措施。
SafetyLOCK PRO 的主要功能是什么?
SafetyLOCK PRO 提供下达相反挂单、使用跟踪止损修改订单价格、倍增手数、设置止损 (Stop Loss)和止盈 (Take Profit)水平,以及监控特定符号和魔术数字来有效保护您的交易的功能。
SafetyLOCK PRO 如何处理止损和止盈?
SafetyLOCK PRO 允许您为挂单设置止损 (Stop Loss)和止盈 (Take Profit)水平。此外,它可以根据市场走势动态修改这些水平,以确保最佳保护和潜在利润最大化。
MagictoMonitor 参数的作用是什么?
MagictoMonitor 用于指定 SafetyLOCK PRO 应监控的仓位的魔术数字。这确保了 EA 仅管理与特定策略或专家顾问 (EA) 相关的仓位,增强了选择性保护。
如何设置 SymbolToMonitor 参数?
SymbolToMonitor 允许您指定 EA 应监控哪些货币对或工具。您可以将其设置为特定的符号,如 EURUSD、USDCHF,或使用 0 来监控所有符号。
当挂单被触发时,SafetyLOCK PRO 会通过激活原始仓位和相反仓位来创建一个锁定 (Lock)。这有助于平衡交易并最小化潜在损失。
SafetyLOCK PRO 能修改挂单吗?
是的,SafetyLOCK PRO 可以使用跟踪止损 (Trailing Stop)功能修改挂单的价格。这确保了挂单随着市场价格的变化而移动,维持有效的保护。
手数倍增器 (MNLOT) 是如何工作的?
MNLOT 允许您根据原始仓位的手数倍增挂单的手数。例如,如果原始手数为0.5,且 MNLOT 设置为 2,则挂单将以1.0的手数打开。
跟踪止损 (Trailing Stop) 功能是什么?
跟踪止损 (Trailing Stop) 是一个功能,当市场价格向有利方向移动时,自动调整止损 (Stop Loss)水平。这有助于锁定利润并通过在当前价格的指定距离跟踪止损来减少潜在的亏损。
BreakEven 功能是做什么的?
BreakEven 功能在仓位达到一定盈利水平后,将止损 (Stop Loss)修改为开仓价加上指定的点数。这确保了交易不再导致亏损。
SafetyLOCK PRO 能处理多个挂单吗?
是的,您可以将NumberofStopOrder 设置为为每个仓位打开多个挂单。这允许您使用DistancefromStopOrders 参数创建具有指定间距的挂单网格。
OrderSafetyMonitor 参数的作用是什么?strong>
OrderSafetyMonitor 控制 SafetyLOCK PRO 是否应该监控和管理它下达的挂单。将其设置为 true 启用监控,而 false 则禁用。
SafetyLOCK PRO 如何处理服务器的最小止损级别?strong>
SafetyLOCK PRO 可以使用SetMinStops 功能自动调整所有与止损相关的参数,以符合服务器的最小止损级别。这确保了您的订单符合经纪商的要求并防止错误。
Slippage 参数是什么?strong>
Slippage 定义了在开仓或平仓时价格的最大允许偏差。它以点 (pips) 为单位衡量,有助于管理订单执行期间的价格变化风险。
SafetyLOCK PRO 能监控特定类型的交易吗?strong>
是的,使用Type_Monitoring 参数,您可以指定要监控的交易类型,如 BUY、SELL 或 ALL,根据您的交易策略实现有针对性的保护。
SafetyLOCK PRO 如何处理仓位注释?strong>
通过 Comment_Monitoring 参数,SafetyLOCK PRO 可以根据仓位的注释进行过滤和管理。这允许 EA 针对特定交易进行保护,增强其选择性管理能力。
如果主仓位因止损、止盈或手动操作被关闭,SafetyLOCK PRO 将自动删除相关的挂单,以防止不必要的操作并维护账户完整性。
是否可以重新开启 SafetyLock 挂单?strong>
是的,ReopenClosedSafetyOrders 功能允许 SafetyLOCK PRO 在原始仓位仍然开启的情况下重新开启被关闭的挂单,确保持续保护。
SafetyLOCK PRO 在源仓位关闭后如何管理跟踪止损?strong>
在源仓位关闭后,SafetyLOCK PRO 可以使用TPWCM_TrailingStopUSE 参数在剩余的 SAFETYLOCK 仓位上激活跟踪止损或 BreakEven 功能,从而实现进一步的利润管理。
SafetyLOCK PRO 能同时处理不同的符号吗?strong>
是的,SafetyLOCK PRO 可以根据 SPECIFID_Symbol_Monitoring 参数监控和管理多个符号下的仓位,增强其在多样化交易环境中的多功能性。
LockOnlyLossPosPoint 参数是什么?strong>
LockOnlyLossPosPoint 确保 SafetyLOCK PRO 仅锁定当前亏损超过指定点数 (pips) 的仓位,允许基于亏损阈值进行选择性风险管理。
当 LockOnlyLossPosPoint 和 LockOnlyProfPosPoint 都设置时,SafetyLOCK PRO 会锁定满足任一条件的仓位:亏损大于或等于 LockOnlyLossPosPoint 的仓位或盈利大于或等于 LockOnlyProfPosPoint 的仓位。
使用 SafetyLOCK PRO 的好处是什么?strong>
SafetyLOCK PRO 提供了增强的风险管理、自动交易保护、挂单的动态调整以及与各种交易策略的集成,使其成为一个全面的工具,保护您的 Forex 投资。
When both LockOnlyLossPosPoint and LockOnlyProfPosPoint are set (i.e., not 0), the locking will be applied to positions that meet either condition:
- Positions with a loss greater than or equal to LockOnlyLossPosPoint.
- Positions with a profit greater than or equal to LockOnlyProfPosPoint.
This provides flexibility for managing positions based on both potential losses and profits.
Locking only those positions for which the current loss is less than or equal to the specified loss in Points (Pips) (indicated with a minus).
0 – disabled.
This parameter allows you to automatically lock positions that are currently in loss.
The position will be locked when the loss reaches the specified number of pips.
Locking only those positions for which the current profit is greater than or equal to the set profit in Points (Pips).
0 – disabled.
This parameter allows you to automatically lock positions that have reached a certain profit level.
The position will be locked when the profit reaches the specified number of pips.
--Enhanced Graphical Interface Translation
We have completely revamped and updated the translations across all elements of the graphical interface. This ensures a more accurate and natural localization, allowing the interface to better reflect the linguistic and cultural nuances of our diverse user base. As a result, interacting with the application is now even more seamless and intuitive, providing a more personalized and comfortable user experience.
--Introduced Informative Tooltips for Panel Elements
To elevate user convenience, we've added descriptive tooltips to various panel components. When you hover over buttons and icons, informative explanations about each element's functionality will appear instantly. This enhancement significantly simplifies navigation and interaction within the application, making it easier for both new and experienced users to utilize all features effectively.
--Resolved Minor Bugs and Boosted Stability
In this update, we've addressed and fixed several minor bugs that were affecting the application's performance. These corrections enhance the overall stability and reliability of the program, ensuring a smoother and more consistent user experience. By eliminating these small issues, we've laid the groundwork for a more robust and efficient application.
Version 24.404 2024.04.04
Global Update EAPADPRO v55
-Added: information about profit from closed positions to the chart.
The information is displayed for each bar of the current timeframe.
You can change the timeframe to see the result of trading on a certain bar of the current timeframe.
If several positions/deals are closed on one bar of the current timeframe, the trading result is summarized, and the total information for a certain bar is displayed.
The information is updated when the next position/deal is closed.
You can turn off showing history in the panel settings.
-Added: The status of the Expert Advisor operation if it was launched on the server from "VPS MQL MetaQuotes".
When Expert Advisor is running on the server from MetaQuotes, a message will be created on the home computer that Expert Advisors are running on the server "VPS MQL MetaQuotes". The smiley face is blue.
Attention: If an Expert Advisor is launched on both the server and the home computer, it can trade in parallel on 2 terminals (server "VPS MQL MetaQuotes" + home computer); there may be conflicts.
Attention: If the Expert Advisor is launched on the server "VPS MQL MetaQuotes", do not Turn it on work on the home computer to avoid conflicts.
Frequency of polling the status of work on the server = 1 day.
After deinitialization of the Expert Advisor on the server - It will get the status - stopped.
To test the work on the server from "VPS MQL MetaQuotes", pending orders are created!
-Added: The error status of the Expert Advisor operation can now be read on the EAPADPRO panel.
You can click on the Smile or the Expert Advisor operation status bar and you will be shown a message about current errors of Expert Advisor operation.
If you click on the Smile button on the panel, you will be shown the causes and errors and their solutions with pictures.
-Added: Notification of errors and opening/closing of trades to the chart in the form of InfoBox.
Notification is shown for 4 types:
---Opening a new trade;
---Closing a deal;
---Modification of a trade;
---Error received by Expert Advisor from the server;
In the EAPADPRO panel settings, you can turn on or off the notification type you need.
Notifications can be viewed as they arrive in the notification queue.
Notifications are accumulated in a data array each time you install/reinstall/change Expert Advisor settings.
In the EAPADPRO header you can also enable disable INFOBOX.
-Added: Working with Telegram (Beta version)
For Expert Advisor to work with the Telegram bot, you need to set up the bot on your phone and create a "public" or "private" channel.
To receive notifications from your account, you need to assign your bot as an administrator of your "public" or "private" channel.
Attention! Sending notifications and working with commands takes computer resources! Use the Telegram bot only for your own needs.
New settings for working with Telegram:
EAPadPRO2=" =============== Telegram bot ";
==TG_PRIORITY=TG_HOME_VPS --> Priority of work. This is the priority mode when the Telegram bot works on the MetaQuotes VPS server and your home computer.
TG_HOME_ONLY=1, // Only the HOME bot. The Telegram bot works only on the home computer.
TG_VPS_ONLY=2, // Only the VPS bot. The Telegram bot works only on the MetaQuotes VPS server.
TG_VPS_HOME=3, // First VPS bot, second HOME bot. The Telegram bot works on the MetaQuotes VPS server if you upload it to the server. If not, it will work on your home terminal. Check the work on the VPS server every 10 minutes.
TG_HOME_VPS=4, // First HOME bot, second VPS bot. The Telegram bot works on a home computer, but if the home computer/terminal is turned off, it will work on the VPS server from MetaQuotes. Check the VPS server's work every 10 minutes.
Attention! Screenshots are not available on the VPS server from MetaQuotes!
==TG_Token="" --> Token bot. Token (unique code) of the bot that will send notifications and receive commands
==TG_ChannelName="" --> --> Public Channel Name @. Or "private" ID starts -100 of the private channel. That will send notifications about opening/closing/modification/errors and screenshots from the terminal.
New notification type added to EAPADPRO panel settings:
==Notice Open TG - Send a notification to the Telegram channel if a trade is open;
==Notice Close TG - Send a notification to the Telegram channel if a trade is closed;
==Notice Modify TG - Send a notification to the Telegram channel if a trade is modified;
==Notice Error TG - Send a notification to the Telegram channel if an error is received;
==ScreenShot TG - Send a screenshot to the Telegram channel if a trade is opened or closed;
Attention! This is a beta version of working with the Telegram bot. We are working on improving and adding new features.
If you have any suggestions, please write in the "Comments" section.
-Improvement: Code optimization to increase speed.
-Improvement: The speed of the panel update in the strategy tester is now calculated automatically depending on the speed of quotes arrival.
This is done to increase the speed of the program in the strategy tester.
Information update is now equal to 1 real second.
-Improvement: The speed of the program running EAPADPRO in the strategy tester.
Attention! Events in the strategy tester are processed only when a new tick is created.
If a new tick (minimum price movement) is not created, then the panel waits for the next tick.
With Visualization:
Version 48: 390sec (TickSniper 2024-2024)
Version 55: 244sec >>159% (TickSniper 2024-2024)
w/o Visualization:
Version 48: 363sec (TickSniper 2020-2024)
Version 55: 220sec >>165% (TickSniper 2020-2024)
with Visualization:
Version 48: 15750sec (TickSniper 2020-2024)
Version 55: 6220sec >>253% (TickSniper 2020-2024)
-Improvement: The color of the button to close a position on the chart changes depending on the current profit of this position.
-Improvement: Graphic improvements to optimize the Expert Advisor's performance
-Improvement: The account deposit Symbol is cent ¢, USD $, or eur €. All others are the first letter of the deposit currency name.
-Improvement: When visual testing is completed, objects are not removed from the graph.
-Improvement: When creating screenshots after opening/closing positions, the EAPAPDPRO Control Panel will be expanded to show full information.
This is done in order to study the trading history of Expert Advisor on the visualization graph after testing is completed.
-Fixed: Managing positions and orders from the chart when the panel is minimized.
-Fixed: Corrected the error of clearing the chart from unused order labels.
-Fixed: AutoSize when switching charts.
-Fixed: Drawing errors to Print when the Expert Advisor runs on "VPS MQL MetaQuotes"
Version 24.202 2024.02.02
changed the variable type from int to long for some brokers.
Version 24.127 2024.01.27
+Added full control from the chart. Closing positions/orders, removing stop loss / take profit.
For full management and testing of Expert Advisor in the strategy tester.
+Added languages Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Turkish.
Version 24.125 2024.01.25
EaPadPro v47
Version 24.123 2024.01.23
+BugFix with TrailingStarte=0!
+Changed Default Settings:
Version 23.999 2023.12.27
Version 23.913 2023.09.18
-Last Build Compilation
Version 23.401 2023.03.30
Version 21.948 2021.10.18
Updating the ModifyOrdPend function
Version 21.946 2021.10.16
Вывод записи о открытии отложенном ордере удалено для экономии физической памяти.
Version 21.612 2021.06.12
EAPADPRO v40 update, according to the new rules for using the MQL5 Market
Version 21.224 2021.02.24
Version 21.223 2021.02.23
--EAPADPRO v38: Added tags of pending orders to the chart
- Added a new block of work:
TPWCM EXTRA SETS Actions when the Source position is closed
TPWCM_Use = false; // TPWCM_Use -> Use this block
TPWCM_StopLossWhenCloseSource = 0; // TPWCM_StopLossWhenCloseSource -> Setup StopLoss after close Source
TPWCM_TakeProfitWhenCloseSource = 0; // TPWCM_TakeProfitWhenCloseSource -> Setup TakeProfit after close Source
TPWCM_TakeProfitOnlyToProfitZone = true; // TPWCM_TakeProfitOnlyToProfitZone -> Takeprofit only in Profit
TPWCM_TrailingStopUSE = false; // TPWCM_TrailingStopUSE -> Use TrailingStop after close Source
TPWCM_TrailingStop = 0; // TPWCM_TrailingStop -> Distance of TrailingStop
TPWCM_TrailingStep = 1; // TPWCM_TrailingStep -> Step of TrailingStop
TPWCM_BreakEven = false; // TPWCM_BreakEven -> Setup Breakeven after close Source
TPWCM_LevelWLoss = 0; // TPWCM_LevelWLoss -> Distance from OpenPrice to profitable SL
TPWCM_LevelProfit = 0; // TPWCM_LevelProfit -> Number of points gained by pos to use BE
- Added new filter block:
LockOnlyLossPosPoint = 0; // LockOnlyLossPosPoint -> Min loss for open Pending Order
LockOnlyProfPosPoint = 0; // LockOnlyProfPosPoint -> Min profit for open Pending Order
================================================== ================================================== =========================
TPWCM EXTRA SETS Stops when Source Close Pos
When the block is turned on: If the source is closed, then the SAFETYLOCK position will not be closed.
Instead, a trailing stop or breakeven is activated.
Those. instead of closing a SAFETYLOCK position, you have the opportunity to enable a trailing stop and follow the position further.
Trailing stop settings are separate in this case. And it turns on only when this position source is closed.
Attention: Pending orders that are not activated will be deleted!
The TPWCM block works after the initial position is closed, but the SAFETYLOCK position will not be closed and a stop loss / take profit / trailing stop will be set on it
parameter for setting the take-profit for SAFETYLOCK positions that remain after the source is closed;
After closing the source position, it is possible, without closing the SAFETYLOCK position, to set a take profit for it from the closing price of the source;
When enabled, true - the advisor sets take profit, after closing the source - only in the profitable zone.
If, after closing the source position, the SAFETYLOCK position is at a loss, then the take profit will not be set until it is in profit;
If disabled, false - the advisor will place a take profit in any case, even in a losing zone.
TPWCM_TakeProfitOnlyToProfitZone = true means that the take profit will be set only when the SAFETYLOCK position is in profit.
TakeProfit (when installed) will be in profit.
For instance:
If the SAFETYLOCK position is at a loss of -30 points and you set take profit = 10 points, then when you close the source position, the take profit will be set at the level of -20 points (loss).
This function sets the take profit only when the take profit level is in profit.
the parameter for setting the stop loss for SAFETYLOCK positions that remain after the source is closed;
Enable trailing stop Breakeven on SAFETYLOCK positions after closing trades in the source;
difference between TrailingStopUSE and TPWCM_TrailingStopUSE
TrailingStopUSE is always used. that is, it works constantly.
If you enable it TrailingStopUSE = true, then SAFETYLOCK positions will always be with a trailing stop.
If TPWCM_TrailingStopUSE = true, then trailing stop is enabled only when the original position is closed.
Only then will the SAFETYLOCK position include a trailing stop.
Trailing stop works only in the profitable zone.
This means that the trailing stop starts working only when the position already has a profit in TPWCM_TrailingStop points.
Trailing stop distance;
Trailing stop step;
Enable breakeven on SAFETYLOCK positions after closing trades in the source
Set stop loss at the open price + - TPWCM_LevelWLoss points;
Set the breakeven when the position is in profit TPWCM_LevelProfit points;
Locking only those positions for which the current loss is less than the specified loss in points (indicated with a minus),
0 - disabled.
Locking only those positions for which the current profit is greater than the set profit in points,
0 - disabled.
Version 20.604 2020.06.04
The error of the SafetyPosMonitoring function when using Magic_Monitoring with several values is fixed.
Version 19.915 2019.09.15
Исправлена ошибка отображения StopOrderDeltaifUSEe в панели EAPADPRO
Version 19.903 2019.09.03
Change when using Max_Lot_Monitoring / Min_Lot_Monitoring and SafetyPosMonitoring.
Advisor takes into account Max_Lot_Monitoring / Min_Lot_Monitoring in its positions, opened by SAFETYLOCK.
Version 19.804 2019.08.04
Version 19.606 2019.06.09
- Update EAPADPRO v 28
- Added DynamicStopOrderDelta = dynamic distance parameter:
Allows you to set a different distance of pending order, depending on the lot of the protected position.
With DynamicStopOrderDelta >0: The Higher the lot, the closer the pending order distance!
With DynamicStopOrderDelta <0: The higher the lot, the further the pending order distance!
DynamicStopOrderDelta is set to a position with a volume of 1 lot.
For example:
With DynamicStopOrderDelta = 100:
If the lot (volume) of your position is 1 lot, then the StopOrderDeltaifUSEe distance will be = 100 points;
If the lot (volume) of your position is 0.1 lot, then the StopOrderDeltaifUSEe distance will be = 1000 points;
If the lot (volume) of your position will be 0.01 lot, then the StopOrderDeltaifUSEe distance will be = 10,000 points;
With DynamicStopOrderDelta = -100:
If the lot (volume) of your position is 1 lot, then the StopOrderDeltaifUSEe distance will be = 100 points;
If the lot (volume) of your position is 0.1 lot, then the StopOrderDeltaifUSEe distance will be = 10 points;
If the lot (volume) of your position is 0.01 lot, then the StopOrderDeltaifUSEe distance will be = 1 point;
Version 19.107 2019.01.07
- Update EAPADPRO v25;
- Additional languages added to the panel: Spanish, Portuguese (Brazil), German, Chinese, Japanese;
The translation was made using the GOOGLE Translator + MQL + Terminal site!
if you find an error in your language, please report it in messages. Thank!
- Increase the speed of the panel;
Version 18.991 2018.12.21
- Update EAPADPRO panel to v23 version
- Added a control unit and control the speed of the quotes and the speed of testing.
- Added block output table open deals and positions.
Version 18.966 2018.11.06
Update panel EAPAPDPRO v21
Added hints to external variables
Added variable ModifyOrdPend_onlytoOpenPrice -
true - the ability to modify a pending order only up to the opening price of the position (old version)
false - continue to modify the opening price of pending orders by price movement.
Version 18.830 2018.08.30
Update EAPADPRO v20
Version 18.718 2018.07.30
The functions Close_One_if_Safety_More_profitable and Close_One_if_Safety_Closed_In_Profit have been updated.
When using NumberofStopOrder> 1, the profit of SafetyLock positions is calculated from the amount of the profit of all positions according to the ticket of the main position.
The function Close_One_if_Safety_More_profitable is imenen.
Now the closing of the main position and SAFETYLOCK positions occurs only when the amount of profit of these positions is greater or equal to Close_One_if_Safety_More_profitable_Dollars (With NumberofStopOrder> 1)
To get the results of previous versions, set Close_One_if_Safety_More_profitable_Dollars = 0.
The function Close_One_if_Safety_Closed_In_Profit is changed.
Now the closing of the main position occurs only when the amount of profit of the closed positions SAFETYLOCK and the main position is greater than or equal to Close_One_if_Safety_Closed_In_Profit_Dollars.
All orders and positions of SAFETYLOCK are closed.
If both Close_One_if_Safety_More_profitable and Close_One_if_Safety_Closed_In_Profit functions are enabled,
then the total profit is calculated from the closed positions SAFETYLOCK and positions SAFETYLOCK, which are still open. (Actual for NumberofStopOrder> 1)
The profit amount of SAFETYLOCK must be greater than or equal to Close_One_if_Safety_More_profitable_Dollars + Close_One_if_Safety_Closed_In_Profit_Dollars., Than the main position.
Added function Close_One_if_Safety_Closed
If the position SAFETYLOCK was closed for any reason (manual close, takeprofit, trailing stop), then the main position will also be closed.
The variable StopOrderDeltaifReopen is added to the ReopenClosedSafetyOrders block
StopOrderDeltaifReopens - The distance to set the pending order SAFETYLOCK after reopening the order.
If StopOrderDeltaifReopens = 0, then the distance = StopOrderDeltaifUSEe (old version)
The price for setting a pending order will be calculated from the current price.
Version 18.6 2018.04.24
- Update for the information panel EAPADPRO v2.0;
- If the SPECIFID_Symbol_Monitoring parameter is not set and SymbolMonitoring = SPECIFID_SYMBOLs, then the EA monitors the currency pair it is attached to.
- Changed the conditions for closing Safety positions, if they are more profitable.
Close_One_if_Safety_Closed_In_Profit - close the original position if the SafetyLock position was closed with profit covering the current loss of the original position;
Close_One_if_Safety_Closed_In_Profit_Dollars - profit in USD to cover the original position;
Close_One_if_Safety_More_profitable - close the original position if the profitable SafetyLock position covers the current loss of the original position;
Close_One_if_Safety_More_profitable_Dollars - profit in USD to cover the original position;
Version 17.966 2017.11.10
Fixed error in Buy Stop order modification
Version 17.958 2017.11.01
Updated Remove_TAKEPROFIT_ofOriginalifStopsActive and Remove_STOPLOSS_ofOriginalifStopsActive.
Fixed an error than caused repeated modification of stop loss/take profit of the original position.
Updated the timer function. In case the timer does not start, the EA operates based on ticks.
Version 17.946 2017.10.19
Fixed an error related to the list of magic numbers.
SPECIFID_Symbol_Monitoring - added the ability to create a comma-separated list of symbols to be monitored.
Version 17.324 2017.04.10
- Added the Close_One_if_Safety_Closed_In_Profit parameter, which closes the original position, if the Safety position was closed in profit covering the current loss of the original position.
For example, Close_One_if_Safety_Closed_In_Profit=true MNLOT=2.
As soon as the LOCK triggers and the Safety position closes by take profit, the original position will be closed.
- Added the Close_One_if_Safety_More_profitable parameter, which closes the original position, if the Safety position is more profitable, covering the current loss of the original position.
For example, Close_One_if_Safety_More_profitable=true MNLOT=2.
As soon as the LOCK triggers and the Safety position is more profitable, both the Safety and the original positions will be closed.
- Added the ModifyOrdPend_STEP pending - trailing step for pending orders when the ModifyOrdPend function is enabled
- Added the MilliSecondsTimerForMonitoring parameter - the number of milliseconds of the algorithm execution (by default, 1000 = 1 second)
- The Magic_Monitoring parameter has been updated. It is now possible to specify a list of magic numbers (separated by a comma) to be monitored.
For example:
Magic_Monitoring= -1 means that all magic numbers will be monitored
Magic_Monitoring= 0 means that manual trades will be monitored
Magic_Monitoring= 555,777 means that magic numbers 555 and 777 will be monitored
- Added monitoring filtering by the Comment_Monitoring comment. This option filters deal for placing locks for positions with the comment matching Comment_Monitoring
For example:
Comment_Monitoring="" - monitors all trades, regardless of the comment
Comment_Monitoring="VirtualTRadePad" - monitors all trades with the VirtualTRadePad comment, even if the comments contain VirtualTRadePad-1 or VirtualTRadePadEXTRA or TickVirtualTRadePadEXTRA
- Added a breakeven function
MovingInWLUSE - transfer the position to breakeven;
LevelWLoss - transfer the stop loss to +LevelWLoss points;
LevelProfit - when the trade gains LevelProfit points of profit;
- Fixed the error with placing pending orders on their positions when the SafetyPosMonitoring is enabled and more than 1 position in different directions are present in the market.
- Fixed the error with Magic_Monitoring, when setting a Magic_Monitoring value other than "-1"
The EA made this error in such functions as: CloseOneifStopsActive, Remove_TAKEPROFIT_ofOriginalifStopsActive, Remove_STOPLOSS_ofOriginalifStopsActive
- Fixed the error with modification of Take Profit when using the ModifyOrdPend parameter
Version 17.212 2017.02.20
- Added two options:
Remove_TAKEPROFIT_ofOriginalifStopsActive - remove the take profit of the original position, if the SafetyLock pending order was triggered;
Remove_STOPLOSS_ofOriginalifStopsActive - remove the stop loss of the original position, if the SafetyLock pending order was triggered;
It allows to "hard" lock two positions by removing the stop loss and take profit. It creates a "safe lock", which will not be unlocked if the original position was closed by its stop loss or take profit.
Version 17.123 2017.01.27
- Added the EAPADPRO information panel
Details on the panel in our blog: https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/687140
Version 16.919 2016.10.11
Added two new options for filtering trades, where safety stop orders need to be placed
Min_Lot_Monitoring - minimum lot for the EA to monitor, if 0 - parameter is disabled;
Max_Lot_Monitoring - maximum lot for the EA to monitor, if 0 - parameter is disabled;
For example, you need to use the current SafetyLock EA for protecting positions which accumulated a large lot, such as after using martingale. The lot for which an opposite stop order should be placed = 0.16, at the same time the EA must not touch the positions less than 0.16. To do that, set the parameter to: Min_Lot_Monitoring =0.16;
For example, you need to lock all positions with lot sizes from 0.1 to 0.25, to do that, set the parameters to:
Min_Lot_Monitoring = 0.1;
Max_Lot_Monitoring = 0.25;
Added the SetMinStops variable:
In case of AutoSetMinLevel, the stop levels are reduced to the minimum possible levels, allowed on the server;
In case of ManualSet, user receives a message that the stop levels in the EA are less than the minimum allowed ones, and the EA stops operation.
Added the CloseSafetyPositionsifclosed variable:
Close SAFETY positions that have been activated, if the main position was closed.
Version 16.313 2016.03.16
Added variables:
ReopenClosedSafetyOrders - reopen the 'Safety' pending orders, if they were closed by a stop order, while the protected position is still open.
NumberofStopOrder - the number of pending orders placed for a position.
DistancefromStopOrders - the distance between the 'Safety' orders
CloseOneifStopsActive - Close the position if the 'Safety' pending orders was triggered
Version 16.213 2016.02.16
Added the parameters
SymbolMonitoring = ALL_SYMBOL = Monitor all symbols, all trades on the account. If you placed the EA on 1 chart of any currency pair, then it will monitor every currency pair on the account;
SymbolMonitoring = ONLY_CURRENT_SYMBOL = Monitor only the current symbol. The EA will monitor and maintain only trades on the symbol the EA is set on;
SymbolMonitoring = SPECIFID_SYMBOL = Monitor only the trades on the symbol specified in SPECIFID_Symbol_Monitor. For example, EURUSD - then the EA will only maintain the trades on the EURUSD symbol;
关于 SafetyLOCK 的评论
Steven Wong
This tool is really very useful for protecting your account from bursting. You must tweak continuously to understand all it's function. Patience is the key to fully understand it. To the author, please consider making the Pending order in virtual mode as this would prevent on some brokers to flag this EA having hyperactivity due to the constant of modifying it's price due to trailing activity. Also if possible make this EA have TP and SL points all is in virtual mode and will hide from some unscrupulous broker's manipulation during high news impact. Just my 2 cents of advice.
Reply from ExpForex:
Hello. Thank you for the review and suggestions. These may be virtual positions. I agree that many brokers interfere with the work of advisors. But I want to say that at the time of the news release, even a position may not open due to requotes. (This often happens with both stop loss and take profit). I have a mechanism for virtual orders. I need to think about it.
Ir Moh Zainal Arifin
Ir Moh Zainal Arifin
excellent EA to use protect your capital. I am using this SafetyLock instead of Stop Loss and do something when reversal...
Joe Wolfen
Joe Wolfen
Good EA highly recommend, settings can be configured to suit your trading style. Takes time to backrest to get a settings to work with your trading strategy. This tool is important
Joe Wolfen
Joe Wolfen
Good EA highly recommend, settings can be configured to suit your trading style. Takes time to backrest to get a settings to work with your trading strategy. This tool is important
Stefan Constantinescu
Stefan Constantinescu 2023.05.24 15:12
This tool is very useful. Too bad it is not created for the MT5 platform
Maik Siebel
Maik Siebel 2022.10.02 12:47
One of the most important tools in my automated trading.
Luis Leal
Luis Leal 2021.10.13 22:18
I haven't enough experience yet with all functions, but IS A SERIOUS TOOL! If you know about lock and hedging /covering positions, you will test the cost difference between the stop loss and a well configured lock. I bet on the lock. It's all about RRR, this is the tool for you.
Excellent EA! It has functions for different types of strategy and works very well. Developer is very attentive and provides the necessary support. Congratulations!
Alexandre Jean Besnard
Alexandre Jean Besnard 2020.12.29 20:22
Interesting idea ,but in fact it doesnt works , ICmarkets send me emails because they wanna ban my account if i use this ea .Tried several times , but the eea seems to send to much messages . *No ideas about the messages the server receive , i just have emails from the broker that will ban me for hyperactivity2020.12.29 20:47Hello. What message you have ? you would wonder what exactly the problem is. perhaps change the parameters.
Robert Torres Jr
Robert Torres Jr 2020.11.14 22:57
I would like to know how I can get some training on how to use this EA that I rented for the XAUUSD
C4ptAwesome 2019.08.21 21:21
Absolutely great to secure your asset. Great manual and top developer!
I use many products from Vladislav, the utilities are exceptional even if they require a bit of patience to find the right settings based on their use. Each reviewed utility is used in my real account. Vladislav is a kind and helpful person for any help required. Great Vladislav !!
This EA is excellent, it can really save and protect the trade. Author is very helpful after a few months of trial, Safety Lock can really help to protect the positions However, sometimes the recovery zone will have problem in range market. may I request a parameter that can control the Max Hedge Cycle? Safety Lock is great, but sometimes the swing market will cause unlimited hedging orders and big max drawdown. I hope the hedging order number is under control. For example, if I set Max 3 Hedge orders, the original position is buy, then there will be max sell, buy, sell, no more. After that, Safety Lock will disable the pending order function. Is it possible to add this in next update? Safety Lock will become perfect if this para is included. Thanks in advance.
ericcheungtakyu 2018.02.06 16:36
useful and great EA. but it would be better if it can close the original trade when safetylock order SL
Mathews Achankunju
Mathews Achankunju 2018.01.28 18:46
Amazing product with all the features you will ever need and many more. It's a very reasonable price for such a useful and adaptable utility.
Very good EA and developer is very supportive of his client base. Highly recommended.
robertleecf 2017.11.11 01:4
Good and Very useful EA. Author is nice and helpful, willing to update the EA in time.
Yu Pang Chan
Yu Pang Chan
The author keeps reviewing and fixing any reported bugs in only a few days. Good EA.
Mike Panadar
Mike Panadar 2017.10.23 23:41
LUIZ CLAUDIO TRANNIN 2017.06.19 22:43
Very good quality, safety lock installed and you can even hibernate like a bear, there will be no stop out.
Victor Epand
Victor Epand 2017.02.18 14:49
This EA can be useful for creating locked hedges. If you take a partial take profit of the original position before the safety position activates, the EA closes the old safety position and replaces it with a new one having the adjusted lot size.
burak Güçükdere
burak Güçükdere
Thrust me nothing can protect you better than this product. Every traders must have protection like this manuel or Auto not important everybody or every EA can make wrong chose. And youre Wrong chose protection is waiting 🙂
SafetyLOCK 的评论
50 responses to “SafetyLOCK PRO 通过使用相反的挂单开仓来锁定您的头寸。锁定对冲”
Hi there,
I m interesting to purchase the EA SafetyLock, a question i need to clarify…
If i have setting:Close_One_ if_Safety_Closed_In_Profit = true
NumberofStopOrder = 1
Close_One_if_Safety_Closed_In_Profit_Dollars = 10
StopOrderDeltaifReopens = 400then now i have open positions:
MAIN: Buy1=0.04, Buy2=0.05, Buy3=0.06
SafetyLock: Sell1=0.04, Sell2=0.05 and Sell3 = 0.06my question is… is it Close SIMULTANEOUSLY Buy1,Sell1,Sell2,Sell3 if they have cummulative profit $10…? and then re-open Sell2 and Sell3..??
hope you understand what i mean…. thanks in advance..
Zainal -
Hi there,
I m interesting to purchase the EA SafetyLock, a question i need to clarify…
If i have setting:Close_One_ if_Safety_Closed_In_Profit = true
NumberofStopOrder = 1
Close_One_if_Safety_Closed_In_Profit_Dollars = 10
StopOrderDeltaifReopens = 400then now i have open positions:
MAIN: Buy1=0.04, Buy2=0.05, Buy3=0.06
SafetyLock: Sell1=0.04, Sell2=0.05 and Sell3 = 0.06my question is… is it Close SIMULTANEOUSLY Buy1,Sell1,Sell2,Sell3 if they have cummulative profit $10…? and then re-open Sell2 and Sell3..??
hope you understand what i mean…. thanks in advance..
Zainal -
Hi there,
I m interesting to purchase the EA SafetyLock, a question i need to clarify…
If i have setting:Close_One_ if_Safety_Closed_In_Profit = true
NumberofStopOrder = 1
Close_One_if_Safety_Closed_In_Profit_Dollars = 10
StopOrderDeltaifReopens = 400then now i have open positions:
MAIN: Buy1=0.04, Buy2=0.05, Buy3=0.06
SafetyLock: Sell1=0.04, Sell2=0.05 and Sell3 = 0.06my question is… is it Close SIMULTANEOUSLY Buy1,Sell1,Sell2,Sell3 if they have cummulative profit $10…? and then re-open Sell2 and Sell3..??
hope you understand what i mean…. thanks in advance..
Thank you for your interest in my program.
Safetylok is designed to monitor and manage both the original transaction (deal) and the corresponding pending order (or activated transaction(deal)).
As such, all settings are programmed to independently track each pair.If you need to close positions based on a total profit, this can only be achieved using an additional program. For instance,
I recommend my CLP PAD panel, which is specifically designed for closing positions when a total profit or loss target is reached.
You can learn more about it and download it here: CLP PAD – Close If Profit or Loss.
Hi there,
I m interesting to purchase the EA SafetyLock, a question i need to clarify…
If i have setting:Close_One_ if_Safety_Closed_In_Profit = true
NumberofStopOrder = 1
Close_One_if_Safety_Closed_In_Profit_Dollars = 10
StopOrderDeltaifReopens = 400then now i have open positions:
MAIN: Buy1=0.04, Buy2=0.05, Buy3=0.06
SafetyLock: Sell1=0.04, Sell2=0.05 and Sell3 = 0.06my question is… is it Close SIMULTANEOUSLY Buy1,Sell1,Sell2,Sell3 if they have cummulative profit $10…? and then re-open Sell2 and Sell3..??
hope you understand what i mean…. thanks in advance..
Thank you for your interest in my program.
Safetylok is designed to monitor and manage both the original transaction (deal) and the corresponding pending order (or activated transaction(deal)).
As such, all settings are programmed to independently track each pair.If you need to close positions based on a total profit, this can only be achieved using an additional program. For instance,
I recommend my CLP PAD panel, which is specifically designed for closing positions when a total profit or loss target is reached.
You can learn more about it and download it here: CLP PAD – Close If Profit or Loss.
Hi there,
I m interesting to purchase the EA SafetyLock, a question i need to clarify…
If i have setting:Close_One_ if_Safety_Closed_In_Profit = true
NumberofStopOrder = 1
Close_One_if_Safety_Closed_In_Profit_Dollars = 10
StopOrderDeltaifReopens = 400then now i have open positions:
MAIN: Buy1=0.04, Buy2=0.05, Buy3=0.06
SafetyLock: Sell1=0.04, Sell2=0.05 and Sell3 = 0.06my question is… is it Close SIMULTANEOUSLY Buy1,Sell1,Sell2,Sell3 if they have cummulative profit $10…? and then re-open Sell2 and Sell3..??
hope you understand what i mean…. thanks in advance..
Thank you for your interest in my program.
Safetylok is designed to monitor and manage both the original transaction (deal) and the corresponding pending order (or activated transaction(deal)).
As such, all settings are programmed to independently track each pair.If you need to close positions based on a total profit, this can only be achieved using an additional program. For instance,
I recommend my CLP PAD panel, which is specifically designed for closing positions when a total profit or loss target is reached.
You can learn more about it and download it here: CLP PAD – Close If Profit or Loss.
Hi there,
I m interesting to purchase the EA SafetyLock, a question i need to clarify…
If i have setting:Close_One_ if_Safety_Closed_In_Profit = true
NumberofStopOrder = 1
Close_One_if_Safety_Closed_In_Profit_Dollars = 10
StopOrderDeltaifReopens = 400then now i have open positions:
MAIN: Buy1=0.04, Buy2=0.05, Buy3=0.06
SafetyLock: Sell1=0.04, Sell2=0.05 and Sell3 = 0.06my question is… is it Close SIMULTANEOUSLY Buy1,Sell1,Sell2,Sell3 if they have cummulative profit $10…? and then re-open Sell2 and Sell3..??
hope you understand what i mean…. thanks in advance..
Thank you for your interest in my program.
Safetylok is designed to monitor and manage both the original transaction (deal) and the corresponding pending order (or activated transaction(deal)).
As such, all settings are programmed to independently track each pair.If you need to close positions based on a total profit, this can only be achieved using an additional program. For instance,
I recommend my CLP PAD panel, which is specifically designed for closing positions when a total profit or loss target is reached.
You can learn more about it and download it here: CLP PAD – Close If Profit or Loss.
Hi there,
I m interesting to purchase the EA SafetyLock, a question i need to clarify…
If i have setting:Close_One_ if_Safety_Closed_In_Profit = true
NumberofStopOrder = 1
Close_One_if_Safety_Closed_In_Profit_Dollars = 10
StopOrderDeltaifReopens = 400then now i have open positions:
MAIN: Buy1=0.04, Buy2=0.05, Buy3=0.06
SafetyLock: Sell1=0.04, Sell2=0.05 and Sell3 = 0.06my question is… is it Close SIMULTANEOUSLY Buy1,Sell1,Sell2,Sell3 if they have cummulative profit $10…? and then re-open Sell2 and Sell3..??
hope you understand what i mean…. thanks in advance..
Zainal -
Hi there,
I m interesting to purchase the EA SafetyLock, a question i need to clarify…
If i have setting:Close_One_ if_Safety_Closed_In_Profit = true
NumberofStopOrder = 1
Close_One_if_Safety_Closed_In_Profit_Dollars = 10
StopOrderDeltaifReopens = 400then now i have open positions:
MAIN: Buy1=0.04, Buy2=0.05, Buy3=0.06
SafetyLock: Sell1=0.04, Sell2=0.05 and Sell3 = 0.06my question is… is it Close SIMULTANEOUSLY Buy1,Sell1,Sell2,Sell3 if they have cummulative profit $10…? and then re-open Sell2 and Sell3..??
hope you understand what i mean…. thanks in advance..
Zainal -
Hi there,
I m interesting to purchase the EA SafetyLock, a question i need to clarify…
If i have setting:Close_One_ if_Safety_Closed_In_Profit = true
NumberofStopOrder = 1
Close_One_if_Safety_Closed_In_Profit_Dollars = 10
StopOrderDeltaifReopens = 400then now i have open positions:
MAIN: Buy1=0.04, Buy2=0.05, Buy3=0.06
SafetyLock: Sell1=0.04, Sell2=0.05 and Sell3 = 0.06my question is… is it Close SIMULTANEOUSLY Buy1,Sell1,Sell2,Sell3 if they have cummulative profit $10…? and then re-open Sell2 and Sell3..??
hope you understand what i mean…. thanks in advance..
Zainal -
Hi there,
I m interesting to purchase the EA SafetyLock, a question i need to clarify…
If i have setting:Close_One_ if_Safety_Closed_In_Profit = true
NumberofStopOrder = 1
Close_One_if_Safety_Closed_In_Profit_Dollars = 10
StopOrderDeltaifReopens = 400then now i have open positions:
MAIN: Buy1=0.04, Buy2=0.05, Buy3=0.06
SafetyLock: Sell1=0.04, Sell2=0.05 and Sell3 = 0.06my question is… is it Close SIMULTANEOUSLY Buy1,Sell1,Sell2,Sell3 if they have cummulative profit $10…? and then re-open Sell2 and Sell3..??
hope you understand what i mean…. thanks in advance..
Thank you for your interest in my program.
Safetylok is designed to monitor and manage both the original transaction (deal) and the corresponding pending order (or activated transaction(deal)).
As such, all settings are programmed to independently track each pair.If you need to close positions based on a total profit, this can only be achieved using an additional program. For instance,
I recommend my CLP PAD panel, which is specifically designed for closing positions when a total profit or loss target is reached.
You can learn more about it and download it here: CLP PAD – Close If Profit or Loss.
thanks for the clarification… i just ordered through MQL5…
mZainal Arifin -
thanks for the clarification… i just ordered through MQL5…
mZainal Arifin
Thank you for your interest in my program.
Safetylok is designed to monitor and manage both the original transaction (deal) and the corresponding pending order (or activated transaction(deal)).
As such, all settings are programmed to independently track each pair.If you need to close positions based on a total profit, this can only be achieved using an additional program. For instance,
I recommend my CLP PAD panel, which is specifically designed for closing positions when a total profit or loss target is reached.
You can learn more about it and download it here: CLP PAD – Close If Profit or Loss.
Français. SafetyLock Protéger les positions en verrouillant à l’aide d’ordres en attente opposés
https://youtu.be/d8ArLrsJNfcGuide complet : https://www.expforex.com/?p=29
💎 SafetyLock MT4 : https://www.mql5.com/fr/market/product/13407📽 https://youtu.be/0-HDzgcXZBI English.
📽 https://youtu.be/2hqoYxa65kg Español.
📽 https://youtu.be/byuTfBuuUPM Português.
📽 https://youtu.be/EMEyf31j1V0 Deutsch.
📽 https://youtu.be/d8ArLrsJNfc Français.Aperçu de SAFETYLOCK :
SAFETYLOCK est un outil puissant pour protéger les traders des inversions de marché brusques en plaçant automatiquement des ordres opposés pour des positions déjà ouvertes. Si une position devient perdante, l’ordre en attente se déclenche pour créer un verrou (LOCK), protégeant ainsi votre capital.Avec SafetyLOCK PRO, vos positions sont verrouillées grâce à l’ouverture d’ordres en attente opposés (Buy Stop ou Sell Stop). Cela permet de mieux gérer les risques, notamment en cas de retournement de marché inattendu.
Fonctionnalités clés :
Verrou HEDGE : Place des ordres en attente opposés pour verrouiller les positions existantes.
Activation automatique du verrou : En cas de perte, l’ordre opposé se déclenche automatiquement pour protéger la position.
Gestion des risques avancée : Fermez la position initiale, appliquez un trailing stop, ou multipliez le lot selon votre stratégie.
Ajustement dynamique des prix : Modifie automatiquement le prix d’ouverture des ordres en attente en fonction du prix de la position ouverte.
Hashtags :
#mql5 #mql4 #SafetyLock #expert #EA #Expforex #forex #tradingforex #metatrader #metaquotes #trading #automatedtrading #hedging #gestionderisque #trailingstop #forexstrategie #mt4 #mt5 #Expforex #Vladon #HedgeTradingMots-clés :
SafetyLock MT4, trading forex, gestion des risques, verrouillage de positions, ordres opposés, hedging, stop loss, trading automatisé, Expert Advisor, EA forex, stratégie de protection -
Deutsch. SafetyLock Schutz von Positionen durch Sperren mit entgegengesetzten schwebenden Aufträgen.
https://youtu.be/EMEyf31j1V0Vollständige Anleitung: https://www.expforex.com/?p=29
💎 SafetyLock MT4: https://www.mql5.com/de/market/product/13407📽 https://youtu.be/0-HDzgcXZBI English.
📽 https://youtu.be/2hqoYxa65kg Español.
📽 https://youtu.be/byuTfBuuUPM Português.
📽 https://youtu.be/EMEyf31j1V0 Deutsch.
📽 https://youtu.be/d8ArLrsJNfc Français.Übersicht von SAFETYLOCK:
SAFETYLOCK ist ein leistungsstarker Expert Advisor, der es Tradern ermöglicht, starke Marktumkehrungen zu vermeiden, indem automatisch eine Gegenorder (HEDGE) für bereits eröffnete Positionen platziert wird. Sollte die Position ins Minus rutschen, wird die Pending Order aktiviert und ein LOCK erzeugt, um die Position abzusichern.Mit SafetyLOCK PRO können Trader ihre offenen Positionen schützen, indem automatische Sperren durch entgegengesetzte Pending Orders gesetzt werden. Diese Funktion hilft, das Risiko zu managen und ermöglicht eine effizientere Steuerung offener Positionen, indem Trailing Stopps verwendet und die Losgrößen vervielfacht werden.
HEDGE-Sicherung: Setzt entgegengesetzte Pending Orders (Buy Stop oder Sell Stop) für bestehende Positionen.
Automatische Sperre: Aktiviert die Pending Order, um verlustbringende Positionen abzusichern.
Risikomanagement: Schützt Ihre Trades durch Sperren, um Marktumkehrungen zu vermeiden.
Dynamischer Trailing Stop: Arbeitet mit Trailing Stops, um Gewinne zu sichern.
Lot-Vervielfachung: Option zur Erhöhung der Losgröße für ein besseres Kapitalmanagement.
Automatische Preisanpassung: Passt den Einstiegspreis der Pending Orders an den Positionspreis an.
#mql5 #mql4 #SafetyLock #expert #EA #Expforex #forex #forextrading #metatrader #metaquotes #hedge #forexmarkt #risikomanagement #mt4 #trailingstop #hedgetrading #Vladon #ExpforexKeywords:
SafetyLock MT4, forex hedging, Risikomanagement im Trading, Gegenorder setzen, Trades absichern, forex expert advisor, trailing stop, Positionsschutz, hedging EA, Lot-Vervielfachung, Sicherheit im Forex-Handel, Reversal-Schutz im Forex -
Español. SafetyLock Proteja posiciones bloqueando usando órdenes pendientes opuestas
https://youtu.be/2hqoYxa65kgGuía completa: https://www.expforex.com/?p=29
💎 SafetyLock MT4: https://www.mql5.com/es/market/product/13407📽 https://youtu.be/0-HDzgcXZBI English.
📽 https://youtu.be/2hqoYxa65kg Español.
📽 https://youtu.be/byuTfBuuUPM Português.
📽 https://youtu.be/EMEyf31j1V0 Deutsch.
📽 https://youtu.be/d8ArLrsJNfc Français.SAFETYLOCK es una herramienta que permite a los traders protegerse de reversiones bruscas en el mercado mediante la creación de una orden opuesta para una posición ya abierta. Si la posición original se vuelve perdedora, el EA activa una orden opuesta pendiente para proteger la operación y bloquear las pérdidas.
Con SafetyLOCK PRO, tus posiciones estarán seguras gracias al bloqueo mediante órdenes opuestas (HEDGE). Esta estrategia de cobertura asegura que, ante una pérdida potencial, se abra una orden opuesta que permita limitar el riesgo.
Características clave:
Cobertura automática (HEDGE): Abre órdenes opuestas pendientes (Buy Stop o Sell Stop) para proteger las posiciones existentes.
Bloqueo automático: Si la posición entra en pérdidas, la orden pendiente se activa creando un bloqueo.
Gestión avanzada del riesgo: Permite cerrar la posición original, utilizar trailing stop o multiplicar el lote según tus preferencias.
Ajuste dinámico del precio: Modifica automáticamente el precio de apertura de la orden pendiente siguiendo el precio de la posición.
#mql5 #mql4 #SafetyLock #expert #EA #Expforex #forex #tradingforex #metatrader #metaquotes #trading #tradingautomatizado #forexestrategia #hedging #gestiónderiesgos #trailingstop #Expforex #Vladon #protecciónPalabras clave:
SafetyLock MT4, SafetyLock PRO, cobertura de posiciones, gestión de riesgos, trading de forex, órdenes pendientes, hedging, trading automatizado, trailing stop, bloqueo de posiciones, EA forex, asesor experto -
Português.SafetyLock Proteja posições bloqueando usando ordens pendentes opostas
https://youtu.be/byuTfBuuUPMGuia completo: https://www.expforex.com/?p=29
💎 SafetyLock MT4: https://www.mql5.com/pt/market/product/13407📽 https://youtu.be/0-HDzgcXZBI English.
📽 https://youtu.be/2hqoYxa65kg Español.
📽 https://youtu.be/byuTfBuuUPM Português.
📽 https://youtu.be/EMEyf31j1V0 Deutsch.
📽 https://youtu.be/d8ArLrsJNfc Français.SAFETYLOCK é uma ferramenta essencial para proteger suas operações contra reversões bruscas do mercado. Ele configura uma ordem oposta para uma posição já aberta, ativando um sistema de bloqueio (LOCK) quando a posição original se torna negativa.
Com SafetyLOCK PRO, suas posições estarão seguras através do bloqueio, utilizando a abertura de ordens pendentes opostas (HEDGE). Se a posição original estiver em risco, uma ordem pendente de Buy Stop ou Sell Stop será automaticamente ativada, minimizando as perdas.
Características principais:
Cobertura automática (HEDGE): Abre ordens pendentes opostas para proteger posições abertas.
Bloqueio inteligente: Se a posição estiver perdendo, a ordem oposta é ativada automaticamente.
Gestão avançada de risco: Fecha a posição original, permite o uso de trailing stop ou a multiplicação do lote para otimizar o risco.
Ajuste dinâmico do preço: Modifica automaticamente o preço de abertura das ordens pendentes conforme o preço da posição.
#mql5 #mql4 #SafetyLock #expert #EA #Expforex #forex #tradingforex #metatrader #metaquotes #trading #trailingstop #hedging #proteçãoderisco #forexestratégia #Expforex #Vladon #automatizadotradingPalavras-chave:
SafetyLock MT4, SafetyLock PRO, cobertura de posições, gestão de risco, trading forex, ordens pendentes, hedging, trailing stop, bloqueio de posições, expert advisor, EA forex, proteção de capital -
Português.SafetyLock Proteja posições bloqueando usando ordens pendentes opostas
▶️YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byuTfBuuUPMGuia completo: https://www.expforex.com/?p=29
💎 SafetyLock MT4: https://www.mql5.com/pt/market/product/13407SAFETYLOCK permite que os traders evitem fortes reversões de mercado ao definir uma ordem oposta para uma posição já aberta.
SafetyLOCK PRO protege suas posições bloqueando-as através da abertura de ordens pendentes opostas (HEDGE).
Se um trader ou um EA abrir uma posição, SAFETYLOCK abrirá uma ordem pendente oposta (Buy Stop ou Sell Stop) para essa posição.
Se a posição se tornar negativa, a ordem pendente será ativada, criando um bloqueio (LOCK).
O EA permite fechar a posição inicial, trabalhar com trailing stop ou multiplicar o lote.
Você também pode modificar o preço de abertura da ordem pendente conforme o preço da posição.
Español. SafetyLock Proteja posiciones bloqueando usando órdenes pendientes opuestas
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hqoYxa65kg💎 SafetyLock MT4: https://www.mql5.com/es/market/product/13407
SAFETYLOCK permite a los traders evitar fuertes reversiones del mercado estableciendo una orden opuesta para una posición ya abierta.
SafetyLOCK PRO protege tus posiciones bloqueándolas mediante la apertura de órdenes pendientes opuestas (HEDGE).
Si un trader o un EA abre una posición (transacción), SAFETYLOCK abre una orden pendiente opuesta (Buy Stop o Sell Stop) para dicha posición.
Si la posición se vuelve perdedora, la orden pendiente se activa, creando un bloqueo (LOCK).
El EA permite cerrar la posición inicial (fuente), trabajar con un trailing stop o multiplicar el lote.
También puedes modificar el precio de apertura de la orden pendiente siguiendo el precio de la posición.
Français. SafetyLock Protéger les positions en verrouillant à l’aide d’ordres en attente opposés
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8ArLrsJNfcGuide complet : https://www.expforex.com/?p=29
💎 SafetyLock MT4 : https://www.mql5.com/fr/market/product/13407SAFETYLOCK permet aux traders d’éviter de fortes inversions de marché en plaçant un ordre opposé pour une position déjà ouverte.
SafetyLOCK PRO protège vos positions en les verrouillant via l’ouverture d’ordres en attente opposés (HEDGE).
Si un trader ou un EA ouvre une position (Deal), SAFETYLOCK place un ordre en attente opposé (Buy Stop ou Sell Stop) pour cette position.
Si la position devient perdante, l’ordre en attente est activé, créant un verrou (LOCK).
L’EA permet de fermer la position initiale (source), de travailler avec un trailing stop ou de multiplier le lot.
Vous pouvez également modifier le prix d’ouverture de l’ordre en attente en fonction du prix de la position.
Deutsch. SafetyLock Schutz von Positionen durch Sperren mit entgegengesetzten schwebenden Aufträgen.Vollständige Anleitung: https://www.expforex.com/?p=29
💎 SafetyLock MT4: https://www.mql5.com/de/market/produc…SAFETYLOCK ermöglicht es Tradern, starke Marktumkehrungen zu vermeiden, indem eine Gegenorder für eine bereits eröffnete Position gesetzt wird.
SafetyLOCK PRO Schützen Sie Ihre Positionen durch das Sperren mithilfe der Eröffnung von entgegengesetzten Pending Orders (HEDGE).
Wenn ein Trader oder ein Expert Advisor (EA) eine Position (Trade) öffnet, öffnet SAFETYLOCK eine entgegengesetzte Pending Order (Buy Stop oder Sell Stop) dafür.
Wenn die Position in Verlust gerät, wird die Pending Order aktiviert und erzeugt eine Sperre (LOCK).
Der Expert Advisor ermöglicht es Ihnen, die ursprüngliche (Quelle-)Position zu schließen, mit einem Trailing Stop zu arbeiten oder den Lot zu vervielfachen.
Sie können auch den Einstiegspreis der Pending Order entsprechend dem Positionspreis anpassen.
Hi Vladislav. I have been reviewing your SafetyLock utility and was wondering if you have the ability to set the lock at different distances that the set distance in the input parameters. For example, could you set the distance at something like a HiLo or HiLo ATR?
Hi Vladislav. I have been reviewing your SafetyLock utility and was wondering if you have the ability to set the lock at different distances that the set distance in the input parameters. For example, could you set the distance at something like a HiLo or HiLo ATR?
Hi Vladislav. I have been reviewing your SafetyLock utility and was wondering if you have the ability to set the lock at different distances that the set distance in the input parameters. For example, could you set the distance at something like a HiLo or HiLo ATR?
You can set the distance only in pips from the opening price of the position.
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Hi Vladislav. I have been reviewing your SafetyLock utility and was wondering if you have the ability to set the lock at different distances that the set distance in the input parameters. For example, could you set the distance at something like a HiLo or HiLo ATR?
Hi Vladislav. I have been reviewing your SafetyLock utility and was wondering if you have the ability to set the lock at different distances that the set distance in the input parameters. For example, could you set the distance at something like a HiLo or HiLo ATR?
Hi Vladislav. I have been reviewing your SafetyLock utility and was wondering if you have the ability to set the lock at different distances that the set distance in the input parameters. For example, could you set the distance at something like a HiLo or HiLo ATR?
Hi Vladislav. I have been reviewing your SafetyLock utility and was wondering if you have the ability to set the lock at different distances that the set distance in the input parameters. For example, could you set the distance at something like a HiLo or HiLo ATR?
Hi Vladislav. I have been reviewing your SafetyLock utility and was wondering if you have the ability to set the lock at different distances that the set distance in the input parameters. For example, could you set the distance at something like a HiLo or HiLo ATR?
Hi Vladislav. I have been reviewing your SafetyLock utility and was wondering if you have the ability to set the lock at different distances that the set distance in the input parameters. For example, could you set the distance at something like a HiLo or HiLo ATR?
Hi Vladislav. I have been reviewing your SafetyLock utility and was wondering if you have the ability to set the lock at different distances that the set distance in the input parameters. For example, could you set the distance at something like a HiLo or HiLo ATR?
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