SafetyLOCK PRO 通过使用相反的挂单开仓来锁定您的头寸。锁定对冲
EAPADPRO 库 – 将我们的面板添加到您的 EA 中
关于 CLP CloseIfProfitorLoss
专家顾问 (Expert Advisor, EA) 提供了用于管理和关闭 MetaTrader 中的头寸的高级功能,特别是在达到预定的总利润或亏损 (Total Profit or Loss)水平时。
启用利润追踪功能 (Profit Trailing Function)后,EA 动态调整止损水平 (Stop Levels),以确保随着利润的增长而锁定收益。
- 在达到总利润或亏损时关闭所有头寸 (Close All Positions at Total Profit or Loss)
当达到特定的总利润或亏损水平时,自动关闭所有未平仓头寸,保护您的资本并锁定结果。 - 利润追踪 (Trailing Profit)
动态调整利润水平,以在市场向有利方向移动时锁定不断增长的利润。EA 包含一个利润追踪功能,随着总利润的增加,自动调整利润水平。 - 基于存款货币的关闭 (Closing Based on Deposit Currency)
设置 EA 在达到预定的存款货币的利润或亏损水平时关闭头寸,确保精确控制。 - 基于账户余额百分比的关闭 (Closing Based on Percentage of Balance)
当达到特定的账户余额百分比时,无论是盈利还是亏损,自动关闭头寸。 - 基于点数的关闭 (Closing Based on Pips)
根据获利或亏损的点数 (Pips Gained or Lost)定义关闭头寸的标准,允许根据您的交易策略进行定制调整。 - 头寸管理过滤器 (Position Management Filters)
- 所有符号或当前符号 (All Symbols or Current Symbol): 管理所有货币对或仅限于当前符号。
- 独立管理买入和卖出方向 (Separate Management for BUY and SELL Directions): 独立管理和关闭买入 (BUY)和卖出头寸 (SELL Positions),提供更多对交易方向的控制。
- 独立订单的虚拟止损和获利 (Separate Order Virtual Stop-Loss and Take-Profit): 利用虚拟水平 (Virtual Levels)隐藏您的策略于经纪商,同时提高交易精度。这有助于保持您的策略不被经纪商发现。
- 风险管理器和权益保护器 (Risk Manager and Equity Protector)
集成的功能可防止过度亏损,并在市场波动期间保护您的资本。 - 灵活的设置和自定义 (Flexible Settings and Customization)
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在MetaTrader 4/5中以总利润/亏损及利润跟踪方式平仓。
- 存款货币:当账户的基本货币达到特定的利润或亏损时平掉交易。
- 点数(点):当获得或损失设定数量的点数或点时平掉交易。
- 百分比:您可以设置EA在达到账户余额的特定百分比时平掉交易,无论是利润还是亏损。
还有一个紧急按钮 – 全部平仓(您可以在输入设置中激活此按钮)。
- 所有符号 – 在所有符号上使用平仓。
- 工具将监控并关闭终端中所有开放的交易符号(货币对)。
- 仅XXXXXX – 仅在安装了顾问的当前货币对上使用平仓。
- 工具将监控并仅关闭当前货币对上开放的头寸。按安装我们工具的交易符号。
- 独立买卖 – 对所有买入和所有卖出持仓分别进行独立平仓。
- 这意味着我们的工具将监控并分别关闭一系列买入持仓和一系列卖出持仓。
- 所有买入持仓的总利润/亏损和所有卖出持仓的总利润/亏损。
- 如果关闭此功能,我们的工具将仅在达到总利润或亏损时一起监控并关闭所有买入和卖出持仓。
- 独立交易 – 对每个交易/持仓分别进行独立平仓。
- 工具将分别监控并关闭每个持仓。
- 每个持仓将分别在设定的利润或亏损时平仓。
- 每个持仓彼此独立处理。
- 利润 $ – 启用/禁用以总美元利润或存款货币平仓。
- 利润 p – 启用/禁用以总点数利润平仓。
- 利润 % – 启用/禁用以当前余额的百分比总利润平仓。
- 跟踪 $ – 从利润 $的距离开始利润跟踪。
- 跟踪 p – 从利润 p的距离开始利润跟踪。
- 跟踪 % – 从利润 %的距离开始利润跟踪。
- 亏损 $ – 启用/禁用以总美元亏损或存款货币平仓。
- 亏损 p – 启用/禁用以总点数亏损平仓。
- 亏损 % – 启用/禁用以当前余额的百分比总亏损平仓。
- 利润或亏损时平仓开启 – 总利润或亏损的平仓功能已开启
- 按下开启按钮以启动功能。
- 利润或亏损时平仓关闭 – 总利润或亏损的平仓功能已关闭。
- 面板在设定的符号(当前符号)上运行,或考虑所有符号的总利润或亏损。
- 面板可用作虚拟止损或止盈。
- 为此,设置利润和亏损并勾选独立订单。
- EA将根据设定的利润和亏损值(点数、美元和百分比)分别平掉头寸。
- 在面板中,您可以选择平仓类型:以美元、点数或余额百分比的利润,以及以美元、点数或余额百分比的亏损。
- 此外,还有一个名为“全部平仓”的按钮,可以立即平掉符号的持仓或所有持仓(取决于选择)。
- 面板上直接显示有关所选平仓方法的当前持仓状况的信息。
- 利润 只能设置为大于0。
- 如果设置为0,该字段将闪烁红色。
- 这意味着设定的值有误,该字段将无法与专家顾问一起使用。
- 如果您设置为负值,EA将自动将该字段调整为正值(例如,-100 = 100)。
- 亏损 只能设置为小于0。
- 如果设置为0,该字段将闪烁红色。
- 这意味着设定的值有误,该字段将无法与专家顾问一起使用。
- 如果您设置为正值,EA将自动将该字段调整为负值(例如,100 = -100)。
- 将面板放置在您的货币对上。
- 根据您想要平仓的方式(所有符号或当前符号),请在面板上选择相应的选项。
- 要使选择平仓类型的复选框处于激活状态,您需要输入除0以外的参数值,利润为正值,亏损为负值,例如-100。
- 勾选您在平仓时想要使用的单位(利润/亏损以点数/美元/百分比)。
- 启用 利润或亏损时平仓 按钮;应变为蓝色(绿色)。
- 这意味着EA已激活。
- 一旦您的持仓的利润或亏损超过设定的水平标记,交易将被平掉。
- 紧急按钮全部平仓旨在立即平掉所有持仓。
- 要设置总利润平仓功能,请将专家顾问加载到MetaTrader中所需的图表并激活。
- 配置关键参数:启用利润 $、利润 p或利润 %,并输入基于总利润的平仓目标值(美元、点数或余额百分比)。
- 切换利润或亏损时平仓开启以激活功能
- 并选择是否适用于所有符号或仅限当前符号([XXXXXX] 仅此符号)。
- 为了获得更多控制,启用独立买卖以独立监控并平掉买入和卖出头寸,或独立交易以单独处理和平掉每个持仓。
- 设置完成后,按下开启按钮开始监控,EA将在达到预定义阈值时自动平掉头寸。
- 通过勾选相应的框启用利润 $。
- 在利润 $ 字段中输入50。
- 设置所有符号以监控并平掉所有货币对的头寸。
- 确保独立买卖和独立交易处于关闭状态,如果您希望同时监控买入和卖出头寸。
- 开启按钮
- 通过勾选相应的框启用利润 p。
- 在利润 p 字段中输入10。
- 设置[XXXXXX] 仅此符号以限制监控到当前符号。
- 如果您希望每个持仓单独平掉,请激活独立交易。
- 开启按钮
- 通过勾选框启用利润 %。
- 在利润 % 字段中输入5。
- 激活独立买卖以独立监控并平掉买入和卖出组的头寸。
- 开启按钮
- 要设置总亏损平仓功能,请将专家顾问加载到MetaTrader中所需的图表并激活。
- 配置关键参数:启用亏损 $、亏损 p或亏损 %,并输入基于总亏损的平仓目标值(美元、点数或余额百分比)。
- 切换利润或亏损时平仓开启以激活功能。
- 选择是否适用于所有符号或仅限当前符号([XXXXXX] 仅此符号)。
- 为了获得更多控制,启用独立买卖以独立监控并平掉买入和卖出头寸,或独立交易以单独处理和平掉每个持仓。
- 设置完成后,按下开启按钮开始监控,EA将在达到预定义亏损阈值时自动平掉头寸。
情景:当所有品种的总亏损(total loss)达到100美元时平仓。
- 通过勾选相应的框,启用亏损$(Loss $)。
- 在亏损$(Loss $)字段中输入100。
- 设置所有品种(All Symbols)以监控并在所有货币对上平仓。
- 如果您希望对BUY和SELL仓位进行组合监控,确保独立买卖(Separate BuySell)和独立交易(Separate DEALs)处于关闭状态。
- 设置完成后,按下开启按钮(ON button)开始监控,当达到预定义的亏损阈值时,EA将自动平仓。
- 通过勾选相应的框,启用亏损点(Loss p)。
- 在亏损点(Loss p)字段中输入300。
- 设置[XXXXXX] 仅限以限制监控仅针对当前品种。
- 如果您希望每个仓位单独平仓,激活独立交易(Separate DEALs)。
- 设置完成后,按下开启按钮(ON button)开始监控,当达到预定义的亏损阈值时,EA将自动平仓。
- 通过勾选框,启用亏损%(Loss %)。
- 在亏损%(Loss %)字段中输入1。
- 激活独立买卖(Separate BuySell),以分别监控和关闭BUY和SELL组的仓位。
- 设置完成后,按下开启按钮(ON button)开始监控,当达到预定义的亏损阈值时,EA将自动平仓。
跟踪利润(Trailing Profit)
跟踪利润(Trailing Profit)功能允许您的交易策略在市场向您有利方向移动时自动调整并锁定利润。
与其在固定利润水平平仓,此功能启用了一个动态跟踪机制(dynamic trailing mechanism),通过根据指定的跟踪距离调整平仓阈值来锁定利润。
当启用跟踪利润(Trailing Profit)功能时,EA会持续监控您的总利润。
此功能具有多功能性,并能与所有类型的平仓配置无缝协作,包括所有品种(All Symbols)、当前品种(Current Symbol)和独立买卖(Separate BuySell)。
- 要设置跟踪利润(Trailing Profit)功能,请将专家顾问(Expert Advisor)加载到MetaTrader中您希望的图表上并激活它。
- 通过勾选利润跟踪(Profit Trailing)对应的框,启用跟踪功能。
- 在指定字段中输入您希望的利润$(Profit $)值,以设置初始利润目标。
- 指定跟踪$(Trail $)距离,决定跟踪机制将如何在当前利润后方跟随。
- 选择是否将跟踪应用于所有品种(All Symbols)、仅当前品种(Current Symbol Only),或使用独立买卖(Separate BuySell)以独立管理BUY和SELL仓位。
- 配置完成后,按下开启按钮(ON button)以激活跟踪利润功能。
- 通过勾选利润跟踪(Profit Trailing)对应的框,启用跟踪功能。
- 在利润$(Profit $)字段中输入10,以设置初始利润目标。
- 将跟踪$(Trail $)设置为5,以定义跟踪距离。
- 选择所有品种(All Symbols)以在所有开放的货币对上应用跟踪利润。
- 按下开启按钮(ON button)以启动跟踪利润功能。
- 一旦总利润达到10美元,EA将激活跟踪,并将利润阈值调整为当前利润后方5美元。
- 如果利润继续增加,跟踪阈值将相应移动。如果利润减少并低于跟踪距离,EA将自动平仓所有仓位。
- 通过勾选相应的框,启用利润点(Profit p)。
- 在利润点(Profit p)字段中输入50,以设置初始利润目标(以点计)。
- 将跟踪点(Trail p)设置为20,以定义跟踪距离(以点计)。
- 选择所有品种(All Symbols)以在所有开放的货币对上应用跟踪利润。
- 按下 开启按钮(ON button)以启动跟踪利润功能。
- 一旦总利润达到50点,EA将激活跟踪,并将利润阈值调整为当前利润后方20点。
- 如果利润继续增加,跟踪阈值将相应移动。如果利润减少并低于跟踪距离,EA将自动平仓所有仓位。
- 通过勾选框,启用利润%(Profit %)。
- 在利润%(Profit %)字段中输入5,以设置初始利润目标(作为当前余额的百分比)。
- 将跟踪%(Trail %)设置为2,以定义跟踪距离(作为当前余额的百分比)。
- 选择所有品种(All Symbols)以在所有开放的货币对上应用跟踪利润。
按下开启按钮(ON button)以启动跟踪利润功能。
- 一旦总利润达到5%,EA将激活跟踪,并将利润阈值调整为当前利润后方2%。
- 如果利润继续增加,跟踪阈值将相应移动。如果利润减少并低于跟踪距离,EA将自动平仓所有仓位。
情景:在当前品种上使用独立交易(Separate DEALs)进行跟踪利润。
- 通过勾选利润跟踪(Profit Trailing)对应的框,启用跟踪功能。
- 在利润$(Profit $)字段中输入您希望的利润$(Profit $)值(例如,15)。
- 将跟踪$(Trail $)设置为3,以定义跟踪距离。
- 选择[XXXXXX] 仅限以限制跟踪利润仅适用于当前货币对。
- 激活独立交易(Separate DEALs),以确保每个独立仓位根据定义的利润和跟踪距离单独跟踪和平仓。
- 按下开启按钮(ON button)以启动跟踪利润功能。当前品种上的每个仓位现在将独立跟踪其利润,仅在满足跟踪距离条件时平仓。
此选项适用于所有类型的平仓:所有品种(All symbols)、当前品种(Current symbol)、独立方向BUY和SELL。每个订单都是独立的。
TrailingStop仓位与Trailing Profit CLP的区别:
Trailing Stop(TrailingStop) 是对实际止损(stop-loss)的修改,将其调整到保本水平(breakeven level),并将止损(stop loss)拉升到每个仓位的盈利区域。
- 在Trailing Stop(TrailingStop)操作的第一步是将止损(stop loss)设置为保本(breakeven)。
- 在Trailing Stop(TrailingStop)操作的第二步是修改止损(stop loss)以增加固定的利润(profit)。
TrailingStop 只能以点(points)为单位设置!
Trailing Profit – 这是对虚拟止损(virtual stop loss)水平的修改,适用于仓位(所有或根据选择分别)在盈利区域。
Trailing Profit 在CLP标签页上工作,允许您基于总利润(profit)平仓一系列仓位,设置并固定总利润(profit)的最低水平。
TrailingProfit 可以以点(points)、存款货币(deposit currency)和当前余额的百分比(percentage)进行设置。
当值设置为利润 = 10,且跟踪利润 = 5时,利润跟踪线(profit trailing line)设置为5美元。
当顾问(advisor)通过10美元标记时,将开启利润跟踪功能(profit trailing function),并将平仓标记跟随利润(profit)后方。
10:20:20 Exp - CloseifProfitorLoss EURUSD, H1: Trailing is ON tralprofit = 12.00000000
10:20:20 Exp - CloseifProfitorLoss EURUSD, H1: Level Profit up tralprofit = 12.00000000
10:20:20 Exp - CloseifProfitorLoss EURUSD, H1: Level Profit up tralprofit = 13.00000000
10:20:20 Exp - CloseifProfitorLoss EURUSD, H1: Level Profit up tralprofit = 13.50000000
10:20:21 Exp - CloseifProfitorLoss EURUSD, H1: Level Profit up tralprofit = 13.50000000
10:20:23 Exp - CloseifProfitorLoss EURUSD, H1: Level Profit up tralprofit = 13.50000000
10:20:23 Exp - CloseifProfitorLoss EURUSD, H1: Level Profit up tralprofit = 14.00000000
10:20:24 Exp - CloseifProfitorLoss EURUSD, H1: Level Profit up tralprofit = 14.50000000
10:20:24 Exp - CloseifProfitorLoss EURUSD, H1: Level Profit up tralprofit = 14.50000000
10:20:29 Exp - CloseifProfitorLoss EURUSD, H1: Level Profit up tralprofit = 15.00000000
10:20:31 Exp - CloseifProfitorLoss EURUSD, H1: Level Profit up tralprofit = 16.00000000
10:20:32 Exp - CloseifProfitorLoss EURUSD, H1: Level Profit up tralprofit = 17.50000000
10:20:36 Exp - CloseifProfitorLoss EURUSD, H1: Level Profit up tralprofit = 18.50000000
10:20:37 Exp - CloseifProfitorLoss EURUSD, H1: Level Profit up tralprofit = 21.50000000
10:20:37 Exp - CloseifProfitorLoss EURUSD, H1: Level Profit up tralprofit = 24.00000000
10:20:37 Exp - CloseifProfitorLoss EURUSD, H1: Level Profit up tralprofit = 24.00000000
10:20:39 Exp - CloseifProfitorLoss EURUSD, H1: Level Profit up tralprofit = 26.50000000
10:20:39 Exp - CloseifProfitorLoss EURUSD, H1: Level Profit up tralprofit = 28.00000000
当总利润(profit)跌破最后固定水平 – TrailingProfit,顾问将强制关闭所有交易:
10:20:42 Exp - CloseifProfitorLoss EURUSD, H1: Close position _close = 23.00000000 tralprofit = 23.00000000
10:20:43 Exp - CloseifProfitorLoss EURUSD, H1: close # 212724663 buy 0.10 EURUSD at 1.34049 at the price of 1.34095
10:20:44 Exp - CloseifProfitorLoss EURUSD, H1: close # 212724661 buy 0.10 EURUSD at 1.34049 at the price of 1.34094
10:20:45 Exp - CloseifProfitorLoss EURUSD, H1: close # 212724660 buy 0.10 EURUSD at 1.34049 at the price of 1.34095
10:20:45 Exp - CloseifProfitorLoss EURUSD, H1: close # 212724658 buy 0.10 EURUSD at 1.34049 at the price of 1.34095
10:20:46 Exp - CloseifProfitorLoss EURUSD, H1: close # 212724657 buy 0.10 EURUSD at 1.34049 at the price of 1.34094
CLP_TralOptionsStep 是更改跟踪的步骤。如果您以百分比(percentage)平仓,则此参数以百分比表示。例如,= 0.01,则为0.01%。
利润%(Profit%) 是在该利润水平上平仓或跟踪的利润。例如,2%。
TrailingProfit 是从利润到跟踪固定的距离。以您将要平仓的值表示。
例如,以百分比形式,= 1。这意味着当利润(profit)达到2%时,利润水平将固定在1%的位置(2 – 1 = 1)。
CLP_TralOptionsStep – 跟踪变化步骤。如果您以美元(dollars)(或其他货币)平仓,则此参数以美元(或其他)表示。例如,1 则为1美元(或其他)。
利润$(Profit $) 是在该利润水平上平仓或跟踪的利润,例如,5美元(或其他)。
TrailingProfit 是从利润到跟踪固定的距离。以您将要平仓的值表示。
例如,以美元(或其他货币)形式,= 1。这意味着当BUY或SELL的利润(profit)达到5美元(或其他)时,利润水平将固定在4美元(或其他)的位置(5 – 1 = 4)。
CLP上的虚拟止损/获利(Virtual Stop Loss/Take Profit)模式(独立交易(Separate DEALs))
您可以在CLP标签页上启用虚拟止损(Virtual Stop Loss)和获利(Take Profit)以及虚拟跟踪利润(Virtual Trailing Profit)功能。
您可以以点(points)、存款货币(deposit currency)和百分比(percent)设置虚拟止损/获利(virtual stop loss/take profit)!
仓位将在设置的利润(Profit)(虚拟获利(Virtual Take Profit))和亏损(loss)(虚拟止损(Virtual Stop Loss))后平仓。
为什么叫虚拟(Virtual)?因为实际止损(Real Stop Loss)和获利(Take Profit)是在服务器上按价格设置的(止损(Stop Loss)和获利(Take Profit))。
在设置独立交易(Separate Deals)时,每个独立的交易/仓位(deal/position)都有其自己的虚拟平仓水平(利润/亏损(Profit/Loss)以存款货币(deposit currency)、点(pips)、百分比(percent)计)。
因此,此模式被称为虚拟止损(Virtual Stops)!
启用虚拟获利/止损(Virtual Take Profit/Stop Loss)模式:
- 转到CLP标签页。
- 选择独立交易(Separate Deals)复选框;
- 在字段中设置虚拟获利(Virtual TakeProfit):利润$(Profit $)/利润p(Profit p)/利润%(Profit %);
- 在字段中设置虚拟止损(Virtual StopLoss):亏损$(Loss $)/亏损p(Loss p)/亏损%(Loss %);
- 在字段中设置虚拟跟踪止损(Virtual Trailing Stop):跟踪$(Trail $)/跟踪p(Trail p)/跟踪%(Trail %);
- 启用并激活CLP 开启(CLP ON)。
此外,专家顾问(Expert Advisor)会显示总利润(profit)或亏损(loss)的预计平仓价格线。
参数Show_Future_BE_TP_SL – 显示总利润(profit)或亏损(loss)的未来平仓线。
注意:仅适用于当前品种(current symbol)且独立订单(Separate Orders)模式关闭时。
注意:在线和价格数据在浮动点差(floating spread)上可能不准确。
记住! SELL通过ASK平仓,BUY通过BID平仓。
CLP标签页设置到交易面板(Trade Pad)的外部参数。
VPS_CLP_Activation=false; // VPS_CLP_Activation → VPS上的CLP激活
因为MetaQuotes禁止从MQL(MetaQuotes Language)向VPS服务器(VPS Server)发送全局变量,MQL(MetaQuotes)上的所有按钮、复选框、编辑字段和控件在VPS上不再有效。
外部变量和设置 CLP CloseIfProfitorLoss
名称 | 描述 |
声音 (Sounds) |
启用/禁用在打开、关闭或修改仓位和订单时的声音提醒 您可以在“通知”部分关闭手机上的打开、关闭或错误通知,或启用声音通知。 您还可以更改WAV格式的声音文件名称,无需指定文件扩展名(仅名称)。 |
提示显示 (HintShow) | 启用/禁用在悬停按钮时的工具提示 |
语言 (Language) |
语言选择: 西班牙语, 葡萄牙语(巴西), 德语, 中文, 日语; 默认情况下,提示语言会根据您的终端语言自动确定。 您也可以选择您偏好的语言; 翻译使用了谷歌翻译、MQL和终端网站! 为节省空间,一些单词已被缩减(工具提示的最大行长为255个字符)。 如果发现翻译错误,请联系我们: 联系我们 |
按钮语言 (ButtonLanguage) | 使用 ButtonLanguage 参数选择按钮上的文本语言和面板的主要语言(选项卡上的信息)。 可用语言: 英语, 葡萄牙语, 西班牙语, 德语, 法语, 意大利语, 土耳其语。 注意: 此参数仅影响按钮和选项卡的文本。 工具提示的文本可以使用 语言 (Language) 参数选择! |
int MagicNumber = 777 |
MagicNumber (魔术数字) – 打开仓位时设置仓位和订单的魔术数字。 用于识别我的EA或其他EA的仓位和订单。 0 – 无魔术数字, 多魔术数字 (MultiMagic): MagicNumber (魔术数字) 参数已更新:第一位数字表示打开和修改仓位的魔术数字。 您还可以指定多个魔术数字; 例如: — MagicNumber = 777 UseAllMagicFromAllAccount = true: 专家顾问监控整个账户中当前符号的所有仓位; — MagicNumber = 777 UseAllMagicFromAllAccount = false: 专家顾问监控整个账户中当前符号的魔术数字为777的仓位; — MagicNumber = 777,888 UseAllMagicFromAllAccount = false: 专家顾问跟踪整个账户中当前符号的魔术数字为777和888的仓位(打开魔术数字为777的仓位); — MagicNumber = 777,888,999 UseAllMagicFromAllAccount = false: 专家顾问跟踪整个账户中当前符号的魔术数字为777, 888和999的仓位(打开魔术数字为777的仓位); |
bool UseAllMagicFromAllAccount = true |
允许考虑终端中为该货币对打开的所有仓位。 示例: UseAllMagicFromAllAccount = true 在打开、关闭、修改或计算信息时,将考虑所有具有任何魔术数字的仓位。 UseAllMagicFromAllAccount = false 专家顾问仅考虑具有 MagicNumber (魔术数字) 的交易。 |
显示未来盈亏 TP SL (Show_Future_BE_TP_SL) | Show_Future_BE_TP_SL – 在当前图表上显示盈亏平衡和利润/亏损水平。 线条的价格水平基于在利润和亏损字段中输入的值计算,单位为点、美元或百分比。 注意: 仅在当前符号和 Separate Orders (分离订单) 模式关闭时有效。 线条显示在触发“按利润或亏损关闭”功能的点。 线条分别显示买入和卖出仓位,或作为平均线显示。 如果未显示线条,仓位将被锁定,无法基于总利润或亏损关闭。 注意: 浮动电子表格上的线条和价格数据可能不准确。 记住: 卖出仓位通过ASK价格关闭,买入仓位通过BID价格关闭。 需要注意的是,一个点的价格可能根据其他货币对的报价而变化。 例如: 如果EURJPY货币对的1点价值和存款货币为美元,USDJPY汇率的变化会影响它。 1点的成本 = 0.01 JPY。 如果您的账户以美元或卢布计价,符号的成本会不断变化。 这意味着未来的利润或亏损线可能会波动。 无法预测确切的关闭水平。未来的利润或亏损水平可能会受到佣金和掉期的影响。 关闭时也是如此。 |
double CLP_TralOptionsStep = 0 |
CLP_TralOptionsStep – 当跟踪利润以标准单位(点、存款货币、百分比)测量时,调整利润水平的步长。 当跟踪利润功能激活时,专家顾问每个单位(点、美元、百分比)更新一次利润水平。 示例: CLP_TralOptionsStep = 1 每1个单位(点、美元、百分比)调整一次利润水平。 CLP_TralOptionsStep = 15 每15个单位(点、美元、百分比)调整一次利润水平。 |
bool CLP_DeleteStopOrders = false | CLP_DeleteStopOrders – 在“按总利润或亏损关闭”时删除挂单。 |
bool Use_Lots_in_CLP_Points = false |
Use_Lots_in_CLP_Points – 在计算利润或亏损点时,专家顾问还会考虑这些仓位的手数(Volume)。 当在具有不同手数的对冲账户上交易时,此选项非常有用。 示例: 为EURUSD打开2个卖出仓位: SELL 0.01,利润为 20 点和 $0.2 SELL 0.02,亏损为 -12 点和 -$0.24。 – 当 Use_Lots_in_CLP_Points = false 时,专家顾问计算“净”点数。 在这种情况下,利润将为 -$0.04 或 8 点。 如我们所见,仓位(交易)在点数上获得了利润,但在美元上导致了亏损。 – 当 Use_Lots_in_CLP_Points = true 时,专家顾问通过考虑手数来计算点数。 在这种情况下,利润将为 -$0.04 或 -4 点。 在计算点数利润并启用“包括手数在利润计算中”选项时, EA 会识别呈现仓位中的最小手数,并基于此手数计算点数。 例如: 最小仓位 0.01,1 个“净”点 = 1 点, 如果打开手数为0.02的仓位,则1个净点 = 2 点,包括手数。 如果打开手数为0.05的仓位,则1个净点 = 5 点,包括手数。 |
使用佣金在 CLP 中 (Use_Commission_in_CLP) | Use_Commission_in_CLP – 在关闭仓位时启用佣金计算。 True – 佣金包含在计算中。 False – 佣金不包含在计算中。 注意: 佣金基于打开的交易计算,然后乘以2(关闭交易时也收取佣金)。 这是计算佣金的标准方法! 在MetaTrader 5中,无法从EA(专家顾问)检索佣金计算类型! 如果您不希望EA自动计算佣金,可以禁用此功能! 注意: 此功能仅影响 CLP 选项卡上的计算。 所有其他选项卡以标准模式运行,考虑佣金。 |
bool AutoCorrect_LevelCLP = true |
AutoCorrect_LevelCLP – 自动校正 CLP 水平的输入值。 在亏损字段中,您只能输入负值; 如果用户输入 +10,系统将自动设置为 -10。 在利润字段中,您只能输入正值; 如果用户输入 -10,系统将自动设置为 +10。 在 CLP_TralOptions 中,只能输入正值。 否则,专家顾问将返回错误。 如果 AutoCorrect_LevelCLP = false 您可以设置从负区触发跟踪利润 https://expforex.com/zh/closeifprofitorloss/#faq |
bool CPL_Alert = false | 在 终端图表 上发送有关利润/亏损的消息。 |
bool CPL_Mail = false |
通过 电子邮件 发送有关利润/亏损的消息 如何设置终端发送电子邮件 |
bool CPL_Push = false |
通过 推送通知 发送有关利润/亏损的消息 如何设置终端发送推送通知 |
CPL_CloseAllCharts_per_CloseAllDeals | CPL_CloseAllCharts_per_CloseAllDeals – 在关闭仓位之前关闭图表/其他图表。 — 此参数有助于解决我们的面板在达到总利润或亏损时开始关闭仓位,而其他专家顾问同时开始打开新仓位的问题。 — CPL_CloseAllCharts_per_CloseAllDeals 参数仅关闭安装了其他专家顾问的图表(不包括 VirtualTradePad) 仅适用于 MT5。 — CPL_CloseAllCharts_per_CloseAllDeals 参数关闭所有图表(当启用所有符号时)或仅关闭与 VirtualTradePad 符号匹配的符号的图表。 — CPL_CloseAllCharts_per_CloseAllDeals 参数在关闭图表之前保存图表模板! 模板可以稍后下载。模板名称格式: VTP_Symbol_Period_ExpertName(仅适用于 MT5)。 重要: — 在 MT5 中:仅关闭安装了专家顾问的图表。 — 在 MT4 中:无法识别专家顾问的名称,因此关闭所有图表。 当此功能启用(CPL_CloseAllCharts_per_CloseAllDeals = true)时,VirtualTradePad 将首先保存所有图表的模板,关闭所有图表,然后关闭所有仓位。 https://www.youtube.com/embed/AVSjDDitclE |
bool CPL_CloseTerminalAfterClose = false | CPL_CloseTerminalAfterClose – 所有仓位关闭后终端将关闭。 |
CPL_AUTOOFF_AfterClose |
CPL_AUTOOFF_AfterClose – 在所有仓位关闭后自动关闭“按总利润或亏损关闭”按钮。 自动关闭仅在 所有 仓位关闭时发生。 考虑专家顾问中指定的魔术数字和关闭符号。 如果您选择仅关闭一种货币,则当参数 CPL_AUTOOFF_AfterClose 启用时,EA 会等待该货币的所有仓位关闭后再关闭按钮。 |
仅关闭当前票据 (ClosingCurrentTicketOnly) |
ClosingCurrentTicketOnly – 仅关闭当前票据列表。 此选项有助于避免程序基于总利润开始关闭仓位,而另一个专家顾问同时打开新仓位的问题。 ClosingCurrentTicketOnly = true. 然后,如果满足总利润条件,VirtualTradePad 程序将仅关闭当前仓位列表。 如果新票据被添加到仓位列表中,VirtualTradePad 程序将忽略它们。 ClosingCurrentTicketOnly = false. 然后,如果满足总利润条件,VirtualTradePad 程序将关闭所有仓位,即使另一个专家顾问打开了新仓位。 |
按FIFO关闭 (ClosebyFIFO) | ClosebyFIFO – 按FIFO(先进先出)规则关闭仓位; 关闭仓位时,应用FIFO规则(先开先关)。 仓位按打开的顺序关闭。 注意: 此规则应仅在处理所有符号并一次性关闭所有仓位时使用。 注意: 此模式禁止使用诸如 Separate Deals (分离订单) 之类的功能。 |
显示全部关闭按钮 (ShowCloseAllButton) | ShowCloseAllButton – 在面板上显示“全部关闭”按钮。 该按钮允许您立即关闭所有交易。 按下按钮后,所有仓位和订单将被关闭。 注意: 行为取决于 所有符号 或 仅当前符号 参数。 |
| |
e05vps=”================= VPS MQL5 CLP 选项 VPS_CLP_Activation=false;//VPS_CLP_Activation → VPS的CLP激活 VPS_CLP_AllSymbols=false; VPS_CLP_CurrentSymbol=false; VPS_CLP_SeparateBUYSELL=false; VPS_CLP_SeparateDEALS=false; e060=”===================================”; VPS_CLP_Profit_Currency=false; VPS_CLP_Profit_Currency_amount=0; VPS_CLP_Profit_Pips=false; VPS_CLP_Profit_Pips_amount=0; VPS_CLP_Profit_Percent=false; VPS_CLP_Profit_Percent_amount=0; e061=”===================================”; VPS_CLP_Trailing_Profit_Currency=false; VPS_CLP_Trailing_Profit_Currency_amount=0; VPS_CLP_Trailing_Profit_Pips=false; VPS_CLP_Trailing_Profit_Pips_amount=0; VPS_CLP_Trailing_Profit_Percent=false; VPS_CLP_Trailing_Profit_Percent_amount=0; e062=”===================================”; VPS_CLP_Loss_Currency=false; VPS_CLP_Loss_Currency_amount=0; VPS_CLP_Loss_Pips=false; VPS_CLP_Loss_Pips_amount=0; VPS_CLP_Loss_Percent=false; VPS_CLP_Loss_Percent_amount=0; | Trade Pad 外部参数的 CLP 选项卡设置。 由于 MetaQuotes 禁止从 MQL (MetaQuotes) 向 VPS 服务器发送全局变量,Trade Pad 面板上的所有按钮、复选框、编辑字段和控件不再通过 MQL 在 VPS 上工作。 您可以通过实用工具的外部设置自定义“按总利润或亏损关闭”功能: 注意: 如果启用了 VPS_CLP_Activation 参数(true),此功能的所有设置将通过外部变量管理! CLP 选项卡上的对象将处于非活动状态! |
int MAGIC_FONTSIZE = 12 | 使用 MagicTarget 时图表上的文本大小,以及 Show_Future_BE_TP_SL 和 Show_Future_Line。 |
color MAGIC_ORDER = clrYellow | 图表上中心线、仓位的开盘价和订单的颜色。 |
color MAGIC_STOPLOSS = clrRed | 图表上 止损 (Stop Loss) 线的颜色。 |
color MAGIC_TAKEPROFIT = clrGreen | 图表上 止盈 (Take Profit) 线的颜色。 |
color NULLColor1 = clrGray | 面板中用于信息文本的颜色。 |
color PLUS_Color = clrLime | 面板信息中表示正值的颜色。 |
color MINUS_Color = clrOrangeRed | 面板信息中表示负值的颜色。 |
color TEXTColor4 = clrAqua | 面板信息中使用的文本颜色。 |
Limiting LimitFor = 3 |
新增风险管理器: 亏损/利润、手数和仓位数量的限制 如果您决定基于当前魔术数字限制亏损,可以在新块中配置。 注意: 此块不会关闭交易!它只会触发警报! 在下一个 LimitFor 后,此参数将重置为 0。 您还可以通过 NotificationMailSend 启用在达到限制时通过电子邮件和电话发送消息。 注意: 此块仅阻止从我们的 VirtualTradePad 面板打开仓位,无法影响或阻止其他专家顾问! 限制块已更新和增强! 此设置块允许用户限制指定时间段内的利润/亏损、手数、交易/仓位数量。 风险管理器会监控您的交易,并在基于当前仓位/今天/本周/月/所有时间的时间限制被超时时通知您。 如果超出限制,可以禁用 BUY / SELL / LOCK / REVERSE / BUY STOP / BUYLIMIT / SELL STOP / SELLLIMIT 按钮的操作。 如果当前值超过您的限制,则禁用在当前货币对上打开交易/仓位的能力。 设置:: CurrentOpenDeals – 考虑当前打开的交易/仓位; ClosedDeals – 考虑随着时间推移关闭的交易/仓位: LimitFor – 检查历史中关闭的交易/仓位的时间段; LimitForLosses – 当亏损达到此限制时,EA 将发送消息(必须指定为负值); LimitForProfits – 当利润达到此限制时,EA 将发送消息; LimitForLotsDeals – 当交易/仓位的手数达到此限制时,EA 将发送消息; LimitForCountDeals – 当交易/仓位的数量达到此限制时,EA 将发送消息; NotificationMailSend – 如果超过限制,通过电话(PUSH)和电子邮件发送消息; ProhibitOpeningNewDealsOrders – 如果超过限制,禁用 BUY / SELL / LOCK / REVERSE / BUYSTOP / BUYLIMIT / SELLSTOP / SELLLIMIT 按钮的操作。 选项:: DAY – 考虑当天的利润和亏损; WEEK – 考虑本周的利润和亏损; MONTH – 考虑本月的利润和亏损; ALLTIME – 考虑所有时间的利润和亏损。 示例:: 您需要一个专家顾问,在 LimitFor 内打开和关闭的交易的总亏损超过 -$100 时,发送电子邮件并在屏幕上显示警报: 您的设置如下: LimitFor = 0; LimitForLosses = -100; LimitForProfits = 0; 在当天的历史记录中达到 -$100 的亏损后,EA 将在屏幕上显示警报并发送电子邮件。 |
LimitForLosses | 亏损值。 |
LimitForProfits | 利润值。 |
NotificationMailSend |
您还可以通过 NotificationMailSend 启用在达到限制时通过电子邮件和电话发送消息。 如何设置终端发送电子邮件 |
filling TypeFilling = Auto |
TypeFilling – 仓位和订单的填充类型。 用于 MT5 终端。 在 AUTO 模式下,专家顾问会自动确定填充类型。 但是,在某些情况下,您可能需要手动设置填充类型。 如果在打开仓位时遇到错误,例如 10030 TRADE_RETCODE_INVALID_FILL, Unsupported execution type,表示剩余订单具有不受支持的填充类型。 根据您的经纪商规则设置填充类型。 示例: FillOrKill 此执行策略意味着订单只能以指定数量执行。如果当前市场没有足够的金融工具数量,订单将不会执行。所需的数量可以由市场上当时可用的多个报价组成。 ImmediateOrCancel 这意味着同意在指定限额内以市场上最大可用数量执行订单。如果无法完全执行,订单将按可访问的数量执行,未执行的订单数量将被取消。 Return 此模式用于市场、限价和止损限价订单,仅在“市场执行”和“库存执行”模式下使用。在部分执行的情况下,剩余量的市场或限价订单不会被取消,而是继续操作。 对于止损限价订单,在激活时将创建具有执行类型 Return 的相应限价订单。 |
关于 CLP CloseIfProfitorLoss 的常见问题解答
在以点数 (Points) 或点差 (Pips) 编辑字段中的值是什么?
以点数 (Points) !该项取自 MQL 语言的 Point() 变量的值。
- 如果您使用的是 5 或 3 位经纪商,那么 1 点 = 0.00001 或 0.001
- 如果您使用的是 4 或 2 位经纪商,那么 1 点 = 0.0001 或 0.01
图表上有 2 个开仓头寸,手数分别为 0.1 和 0.2。我看到从当前价格到盈亏平衡点有 50 点,即亏损 50 点,但您显示的是 -150 点,为什么?
因此,即使您有 2 个不同手数的头寸,亏损点数总和也会高于当前价格与盈亏平衡点之间的距离。
该顾问考虑了点差 (Spread)、掉期 (Swap) 和佣金 (Commission) 的计算。因此,我们的顾问的所有计算和指标都考虑了多种因素。
如果 1 个订单亏损 –10 点,那么亏损为 –10 点;
如果 2 个订单各亏损 –10 点,那么总亏损为 –20 点;
如果有 2 个不同手数的订单,那么手数 0.1 亏损 -10 点,手数 0.2 亏损 -20 点,总共 -30 点
因为如果您设置在 –50 点关闭,您将有 1 个订单亏损 –50 点,然后将以 –50 美元的亏损关闭;
但如果按照您的计算,将有 100 个订单,亏损距离为 –50 点,那么在关闭时,亏损将达到 –5000 美元,依此类推。
看起来亏损 –50 点是合理的,但在关闭时,亏损金额可能从 –$50 跳升至 –$5000 等等。
是否可以将利润追踪 (Trailing Profit) 设置为从负区开始?
请在 EA 设置中将 AutoCorrect_LevelCLP = false。
亏损 (Loss) = -100 USD
利润 (Profit) = 10 USD
利润追踪 (Trailing Profit) = 100 USD
价格朝有利方向移动 = +10 USD
新亏损 = -90 USD
如果价格朝不利方向移动,我将亏损 90 USD 而不是最初的 100 USD。
Exp - VirtualTradePad EXTRA (XAUUSD,H1) SEPARATE ORDERS 150167924499 Trailingprofit is ON profitpipstralprofit= 1.999999999998181
Exp - VirtualTradePad EXTRA (XAUUSD,H1) SEPARATE ORDERS 150167924499 Level of Profit is rise profitpipstralprofit= 16.000000000030923
Exp - VirtualTradePad EXTRA (XAUUSD,H1) SEPARATE ORDERS 150167924499 Level of Profit is rise profitpipstralprofit= 17.000000000007276
Exp - VirtualTradePad EXTRA (XAUUSD,H1) SEPARATE ORDERS 150167924499 Level of Profit is rise profitpipstralprofit= 18.000000000029104
Exp - VirtualTradePad EXTRA (XAUUSD,H1) SEPARATE ORDERS 150167924499 Level of Profit is rise profitpipstralprofit= 19.000000000005457
Exp - VirtualTradePad EXTRA (XAUUSD,H1) SEPARATE ORDERS 150167924499 Level of Profit is rise profitpipstralprofit= 22.000000000025466
Exp - VirtualTradePad EXTRA (XAUUSD,H1) SEPARATE ORDERS 150167924499 Level of Profit is rise profitpipstralprofit= 32.00000000001637
Exp - VirtualTradePad EXTRA (XAUUSD,H1) SEPARATE ORDERS 150167924499 Level of Profit is rise profitpipstralprofit= 55.00000000001819
Exp - VirtualTradePad EXTRA (XAUUSD,H1) CLP SEPARATE ORDERS 150167924499 CloseifProfitorLoss Close by profitpipstralprofit = -48.00000000000182 XAUUSD+ All Symbol
Exp - VirtualTradePad EXTRA (XAUUSD,H1) CLP SEPARATE ORDERS 150167924499 CloseifProfitorLoss Close by profitpipstralprofit = -48.00000000000182 XAUUSD+ All Symbol XAUUSD SELL 0.01
Exp - VirtualTradePad EXTRA (XAUUSD,H1) ClosePosition 150167924499 Result = 10009 symbol XAUUSD volume 0.01 action 1 tp 0.0 sl 0.0 type 0 price 2345.55 TRADE_RETCODE_DONE
CLP CloseIfProfitorLoss EA 的主要功能是什么?
CLP CloseIfProfitorLoss EA 通过自动关闭头寸并实施利润追踪功能来管理总利润或亏损,以最大化收益。
利润追踪 (Trailing Profit) 功能如何工作?
利润追踪 根据利润增加动态调整止损水平 (Stop-Loss Levels),允许您在市场向有利方向移动时锁定更多收益。
独立订单 (Separate Order) 功能是什么?
独立订单 允许您根据特定参数(如止损 (Stop-Loss)和获利 (Take-Profit))独立管理和关闭买入 (BUY)和卖出头寸 (SELL Positions)。
EA 可以处理多个符号 (Symbols) 吗?
可以。您可以配置 EA 将其功能应用于终端中的所有符号,或限制为当前符号,为不同的交易对提供灵活性。
紧急“全部关闭”按钮 (Close ALL Button) 是什么?
“全部关闭”按钮 允许您即时关闭所有未平仓头寸,在遇到意外的市场波动时提供快速退出选项。
如何激活 CLP CloseIfProfitorLoss 功能?
通过按下控制面板上的开启 (ON)按钮来激活该功能。确保所有必需的参数设置正确,以便 EA 开始管理您的交易。
头寸可以基于 存款货币、点数 (Pips)、账户余额百分比 或 回撤水平 (Drawdown Levels) 关闭,允许多样化的风险管理。
追踪止损 (Trailing Stop) 和利润追踪 (Trailing Profit) 有什么区别?
追踪止损 为每个头寸单独调整止损,而 利润追踪 修改总利润的虚拟止损,允许整体利润管理。
配置 EA 在总亏损或总利润达到预设值时自动关闭头寸,可以使用美元 (Dollars)、点数 (Points) 或百分比 (Percentages)。
虚拟止损/获利模式 (Virtual Stop Loss/Take Profit Mode) 是什么?
虚拟止损/获利 设置虚拟水平,以在不使用真实止损订单的情况下关闭头寸,允许 EA 根据定义的标准管理关闭。
如何启用独立买卖模式 (Separate BuySell Mode)?
启用 独立买卖 (Separate BuySell) 选项,以独立计算和关闭买入 (BUY)和卖出头寸 (SELL Positions),为每个市场方向提供精确控制。
EA 可以在任何交易账户上使用吗?
可以。EA 与任何交易账户通用兼容 (Universally Compatible),并且可以与其他专家顾问或手动交易策略一起使用。
EA 如何处理回撤 (Drawdown)?
EA 可以在账户经历指定的回撤水平时自动关闭头寸,有效地管理和减轻潜在的亏损。
控制面板 (Control Panel) 的关键功能是什么?
控制面板 提供了一个用户友好的界面,用于管理交易、设置利润/亏损水平、启用诸如独立订单等功能,并监控 EA 的状态。
如何以百分比设置利润追踪 (Trailing Profit)?
设置 利润百分比 (Profit%) 水平和 利润追踪 (Trailing Profit) 距离为百分比。例如,将利润百分比设置为 2%,利润追踪设置为 1%,因此当利润超过 2% 时,利润追踪激活并随着利润的增加而调整。
利润追踪 (Trailing Profit) 激活后会发生什么?
当利润追踪激活时,EA 根据追踪距离设置新的关闭水平。如果利润跌破此水平,所有头寸将被强制关闭以锁定收益。
EA 如何在控制面板上显示利润追踪的状态?
我可以外部自定义 EA 设置吗?
可以。通过启用 VPS_CLP_Activation,您可以通过外部变量管理关闭功能,允许无需使用内部控制面板即可进行自定义。
如果利润字段闪烁红色,表示设置的值有误。确保利润值设置在 0 以上,并纠正任何负输入,因为 EA 需要正值的利润。
启用 显示未来盈亏平衡点和止损/获利 (Show_Future_BE_TP_SL) 后,图表上会显示未来头寸关闭的虚拟止损线,为潜在的关闭点提供视觉提示。
处理买入 (BUY) 和卖出 (SELL) 头寸有区别吗?
有的。通过 独立买卖 (Separate BuySell) 功能,EA 独立监控和关闭买入 (BUY)和卖出 (SELL)头寸,确保每个方向的精确管理。
EA 如何在 VPS 服务器上管理头寸?
启用 VPS_CLP_Activation 后,EA 通过外部设置管理关闭功能,因为 MetaQuotes 限制从 MQL 向 VPS 服务器发送全局变量。
如果未显示线条,可能表示头寸形成了锁定,无法通过总利润或亏损关闭。确保 独立订单 (Separate Orders) 模式配置正确。
EA 可以与其他专家顾问一起使用吗?
可以。EA 设计为 通用使用 (Universally Compatible),并且与其他顾问或手动交易策略兼容,允许无缝集成到您的交易设置中。
EA 如何处理利润和亏损设置中的错误?
EA 通过将负的利润值转换为正值,并将亏损值转换为相反方向,自动纠正错误。如果值设置为 0,字段将闪烁红色,表示存在错误。
控制面板 显示您头寸的当前状况,包括美元 (Dollars)、点数 (Pips)和百分比 (Percentages)的利润/亏损水平 (Profit/Loss Levels),以及利润追踪 (Trailing Profit)等活动功能的状态。
如何设置虚拟获利和止损 (Virtual Take Profit and Stop Loss)?
通过选择 独立订单 (Separate Deals),设置所需的 获利 (Profit) 和 亏损 (Loss) 值(以美元、点数或百分比),并在控制面板上激活 CLP 开启 (CLP ON) 选项,启用虚拟止损/获利。
是否有视频教程可供使用 EA?
有的。本文包含了通过图片和视频展示的使用示例,演示如何有效地配置和操作 EA。
更新日志 CLP CloseIfProfitorLoss
Version 24.426 2024.04.26
– CLP tab: with AutoCorrect_LevelCLP = false, you can work with negative trailing profit!
You can set trailing profit to be triggered from the minus zone.
Please set AutoCorrect_LevelCLP = false in the EA settings.
Loss = -100 USD
Profit = 10 USD
Trailing Profit = 100 USD
Price moves in my direction = +10 USD
New Loss = -90 USD
If the price moves against me, I will have lost 90 USD instead of the initial 100 USD.
Version 24.419 2024.04.20
– Optimization of the “Show Profit on History” function
– Added CLP tab settings to the Trade Pad external parameters.
Because MetaQuotes prohibits sending global variables to the VPS server from MQL (MetaQuotes), all buttons, checkboxes, edit fields, and controls on the Trade Pad panel no longer work on VPS from MQL (MetaQuotes).
You can customize the function of closing by total profit or loss from the external settings of the Utility:
Attention! If the VPS_CLP_Activation parameter is enabled (true), then All settings for this function will work from external variables!
Objects on the CLP tab – will be inactive!
e05vps=”================= VPS MQL5 CLP options ==================”;//———————————————————————————————————
VPS_CLP_Activation=false;//VPS_CLP_Activation –> CLP activation for VPS
Version 24.124 2024.01.24
Compilation in the latest terminal build.
Long Ticket Number: Fixed CLP Trail Profit error when working with brokers with long ticket numbers.
Version 23.913 2023.09.18
-Last Build Compilation
Version 22.111 2022.01.12
Update repeat
Version 22.110 2022.01.12
Исправлекна ошибка рисования объектов для новых версий терминала MT5
Version 21.956 2021.11.14
Code optimization and General improvements and bug fixes as reported by users.
Version 20.952 2020.10.22
– Added parameter to CLP (Closing on total profit and loss) settings:
— CPL_CloseAllCharts_per_CloseAllDeals = close charts / other charts before closing positions.
— This parameter allows us to solve the problem when our panel begins to close positions upon reaching the total profit or loss, and in the meantime, other experts simultaneously begin to open new positions.
— The CPL_CloseAllCharts_per_CloseAllDeals parameter closes only those charts on which other Expert Advisors are installed (except for VirtualTradePad) only for MT5.
— The CPL_CloseAllCharts_per_CloseAllDeals parameter closes All charts (When All Symbols is enabled) or only those with a chart symbol = VirtualTradePad symbol.
— The CPL_CloseAllCharts_per_CloseAllDeals parameter saves chart templates before closing them! The template can be downloaded later. Template name: VTP_Symbol_Period_Name of the expert (only for MT5).
— In MT5: Only those charts on which the Expert Advisor is installed are closed in MT5
Version 20.608 2020.06.08
Перекомпиляция 2485
Version 20.423 2020.04.23
-In the CLP_Alert CLP_Push Notification, the name of the currency pair with which the program works has been added.
-In the CLP_Alert CLP_Push Notification, the name of the currency pair, position type and lot of the closed position are added.
Version 20.206 2020.02.09
=================================================== =====================================
— Added opportunity to use Expert Adviser on Forex VPS for MetaTrader 4/5 from MetaQuotes
It works on any chart. Supports multiple chart at once!
Tabs work: CLP, TrailinStop, Signals!
Before changing the variables on your computer:
1. Enable AutoTrading to make the Expert Advisor active.
2. change the parameters,
3. After that, start the Migration!
=================================================== =====================================
– Added Risk Manager: Risk Manager Limiting losses / profits / Lots / Numbers
Block Limiting updated and supplemented!
This settings block allows users to limit Profit / loss / lots / number of deals/positions for a specified time.
A risk manager who monitors your trading and notifies you that the time limit has been exceeded with Current positions / today / week / month / all the time.
CurrentOpenDeals – Take into account current open deals/positions;
ClosedDeals – Take into account closed deals / positions over time:
LimitFor – The time during which closed deals / positions in the history will be checked;
LimitForLosses – Loss limit at which the EA will sent a message, must be specified with -;
LimitForProfits – Profit limit at which the EA will sent a message;
LimitForLotsDeals – Limit of Lots of deals / positions, at which the adviser will sent a message;
LimitForCountDeals – Limit of the number of deals / positions at which the EA will sent a message;
NotificationMailSend – Send a message to the phone (PUSH) and mail if the limit is exceeded;
Version 20.129 2020.01.29
Исправлено завсиание при сворачивании
Version 20.127 2020.01.27
Version 20.125 2020.01.27
— Forced writing global variables to disk.
— Color of TrailingStop and CLP in the ON mode – is changed to green.
– The version for the MetaTrader 5 terminal now can use scrolling (on the mouse):
If you hover over the field for editing the parameter (lot, stop loss, take profit, distance, CLP), then when scrolling with scrolling, you can increase or decrease the value in this field!
Note: Only for MetaTrader 5!
Note: Scrolling of the chart is disabled if the cursor is on the area of our VIRTUALTRADEPAD panel and is enabled if the cursor is outside the VIRTUALTRADEPAD area.
Version 20.110 2020.01.10
Added CLP: New parameter Use_Commission_in_CLP – Use calculation of commission when closing positions.
true – take into account the commission in the calculations.
false – do not take into account the commission in the calculations.
Attention: The commission is calculated from an open deal and multiplied by 2 (When closing a deal a commission is also charged)
This is the standard way to calculate commission!
In MetaTrader 5, it is impossible to get the type of commission calculation from an adviser!
If you do not want the adviser to automatically calculate the commission, you can turn off this feature!
Attention! This function only affects the calculations on the CLP tab, all other tabs work in standard mode, taking into account commissions.
Version 19.992 2019.12.15
CLP – Обновлен расчет прибыли для CFD, Index
Version 19.991 2019.12.02
CLP: Fixed display of future levels (Show_Future_BE_TP_SL) for BUY positions.
CLP: The Show_Future_BE_TP_SL function has been added to show future profit / loss lines when closing is selected as a percentage of the current balance.
CLP: Added a new parameter to the “CLP options” section:
ClosebyFIFO = Closing positions according to FIFO rules;
When closing positions, the FIFO rule will be used (First opened, First closed).
The position will be closed in the order of their opening!
Attention: This rule is intended to be used only when working with all symbols and closing all positions at once.
Attention: This mode prohibits the use of functions: Separate Deals
Version 19.830 2019.08.31
Update for Separate Order
Version 19.824 2019.08.26
Fixed Virtual CLP error when the list of orders was not updated.
Version 19.701 2019.07.06
– A new parameter has been added to the function “Closing by total profit or loss”:
ClosingCurrentTicketOnly – Close only the current list of tickets.
This option will help to avoid problems when my program starts to close positions on the basis of total profit, and the user’s adviser starts to open new positions.
ClosingCurrentTicketOnly = true, Then the VirtualTradePad program, if the total profit conditions are met, will close the current list of positions. If new tickets are added to the list of positions, the VirtualTradePad program will ignore them.
ClosingCurrentTicketOnly = false, Then the VirtualTradePad program, if the total profit conditions are met, will close all positions, even if another adviser opens new positions.
Version 19.228 2019.02.26
Fixed a percentage value profit on the CLP tab when the user did not press Enter to save parameters.
Version 19.226 2019.02.26
Общие улучшения
Version 19.211 2019.02.11
Fixed the error of moving the graph when the panel is minimized!
Version 19.206 2019.02.06
– In the CLP block, when closing positions by profit in points, the profit in the deposit currency will be additionally checked.
Actual when closing positions with different volume of lots.
If the adviser can close positions by profit in points, but the profit in the deposit currency is less than 0, then the adviser will not close the position, but will wait for the positions to gain profit in the deposit currency> 0.
– Text labels with information about open positions are reduced, to save space.
– Cosmetic enhancements.
Version 19.201 2019.01.30
Global Update 2019
– Improved graphics part of the panel. Re-design of individual elements;
– Added the ability to resize the panel: GeneralSize!
– GeneralSize default = 12, Increasing the size of the panel.
– Last panel size with GeneralSize = 10!
– Text labels of open positions optimized. Fixed error when text labels were drawn on top of the VirtualTradePad panel;
Version 19.121 2019.01.21
Some graphical changes.
Version 19.114 2019.01.17
Global Update 2019:
– When using CLP_DeleteStopOrders = true and the CloseALL buttons, the choice of characters to close is taken into account (All symbols, only the current one);
– Added hints to external variables when setting up the program;
– Added language selection tips Language: Spanish, Portuguese (Brazil), German, Chinese, Japanese;
By default, the language of prompts will be determined automatically by the language of your terminal. You can also choose your language;
The translation was made using the GOOGLE Translator + MQL + Terminal site!
If you find an error in your language, please report it in messages. Thank!
– Parameter and function Sounds replaced by a more advanced function from our EAPADPRO
Added new parameters:
Notice_Open_Push = false;
Notice_Open_Sound = true;
Notice_Close_Push = false;
Notice_Close_Sound = true;
Notice_Modify_Push = false;
Notice_Modify_Sound = true;
Notice_Error_Push = false;
Notice_Error_Sound = true;
Notice_Open_NameSoundFromEa = “ok”;
Notice_Close_NameSoundFromEa = “alert2”;
Notice_Modify_NameSoundFromEa = “stops”;
Notice_Error_NameSoundFromEa = “timeout”;
You can enable / disable sound when opening, closing, modifying, error, as well as specify the name of the sound file (without .wav)
You can also enable notification to the phone (PUSH messages) when opening, closing, modifying, an error.
Additional information is displayed in the log.
– The ShowInfoPosition function has been updated; now the position information on the chart will not overlap our panel. Dynamic change of coordinates of information data on a chart.
– Font name changed to Roboto
Version 18.945 2018.10.18
The parameters of the number of attempts to close and open positions using one-click trading are added in external variables:
NumberTryClose – The number of attempts to close a position.
When receiving an error from the server, the adviser tries to open / close.
Required with frequent requotes.
CLP Activation (Close if Profit or Loss Activation) Changed!
ON OFF buttons are added to the panel for more understandable action!
Version 18.932 2018.10.01
– Added support for the work of the Expert Advisor and the CLP tab (Closing on Total Profit or Loss) on VPS hosting from MetaQuotes.
Version 18.515 2018.05.23
– Fixed the error with profit trailing and closure at a loss, which occurred when using the closing on all symbols.
– Added a variable for specifying the currency pair for the panel to work with: SymbolToTradeCustom
This allows working on offline charts (Tick charts, Renko charts, etc.).
Attention: Be careful when writing the name. The name should exactly match the name in the Market Watch!
EurUSD – incorrect!
EURUSD – correct!
If this parameter is not set, the EA works on the currency pair it is attached to.
– Added the ability for Magic Target to work on an offline (Tick, Renko…) chart.
– Added the indication of the feature operation to the CLP tab.
If the indication is red, the feature is disabled and does not work;
If the indication is green, the feature is enabled and working.
Version 18.309 2018.03.14
Fixed an error in the Close ALL button.
Version 18.227 2018.03.06
– Added support for font scaling in Windows (font size settings are not available);
– Added support for multiple magic numbers. Updated the MagicNumber parameter: the first number denotes the magic number for opening positions and management. It is also possible to set multiple magic numbers to be managed;
For example:
— MagicNumber=777 UseAllMagicFromAllAccount=true: the EA monitors all positions on the current symbol and on the entire account;
— MagicNumber=777 UseAllMagicFromAllAccount=false: the EA monitors positions with the magic number 777 on the current symbol and on the entire account;
— MagicNumber=777,888 UseAllMagicFromAllAccount=false: the EA monitors positions with the magic numbers 777 and 888 (opens positions with the magic number 777) on the current symbol and on the entire account;
— MagicNumber=777,888,999 UseAllMagicFromAllAccount=false: the EA monitors positions with the magic numbers 777, 888 and 999(opens positions with the magic number 777) on the current symbol and on the entire account;
– When a new object appears on the chart, the panel is refreshed to avoid overlapping of objects on the panel;
Version 17.979 2017.12.12
Cosmetic changes.
A new parameter has been added: CPL_AUTOOFF_AfterClose allows disabling the “Close if profit or loss” button after closing all positions.
The button is only disabled when ALL! positions are closed.
It takes into account the magic number specified in the EA, as well as the symbol for closing.
If closing only 1 currency is selected and the CPL_AUTOOFF_AfterClose parameter is enabled, the EA waits for all positions on the given currency pair to be closed, and can disable the button only after that!
BugFix: Fixed dragging of trade levels (Stop Loss, Take Profit) when hovering over the panel and back.
Version 17.970 2017.11.13
In the EA settings, changed the option for closing the terminal after all trades are closed.
Parameter CPL_CloseTerminalAfterClose – enable closing the terminal.
CPL_CloseTerminalAfterClose = true.
Terminal is closed only when ALL! positions are closed.
It takes into account the magic number specified in the EA, as well as the symbol for closing.
If closing only 1 currency is selected. If the CPL_CloseTerminalAfterClose parameter is enabled, the EA waits for all positions on the given currency pair to be closed, and cab close the terminal only after that!
Added the Show_Future_BE_TP_SL parameter to CLP – show the lines of the future position closure by total profit or loss.
Attention: it works only on the current symbol and with the ‘SEPARATE Orders’ mode disabled.
The lines are displayed separately for Buy and Sell positions, or by a common line.
If a line is not shown, then the positions form a lock that cannot be closed by the total profit or loss.
Note: line and price data may be inaccurate for floating spread.
Remember! SELL is closed by ASK, while BUY is closed by BID
Profit trailing can now be enabled only after setting the parameters for closing by profit.
Added the profit trailing values on the CLP panel near the input box for the distance of Trailing Profit. The value appears when the trailing level is fixed by the EA and shows the fixed level for closure.
Added block of alerts for profit and loss in the deposit currency.
If you want to limit the losses on the current client magic number, you can do that in the new block.
For example: you need the EA to send you emails and display on-screen alerts when the total loss of open and closed trades within LimitFor becomes less than -100 USD:
Set the parameters to the following:
After receiving the daily loss of -100 USD in history for the given magic number, the EA displays an on-screen alert and sends an email.
Attention: this block does not close trades! It simply displays alerts!
At the next LimitFor, this parameter is reset to 0.
You can select LimitFor= DAY;WEEK;MONTH;ALLTIME;
You can also enable sending email and push notifications when reaching the limits of NotificationMailSend
To the CLP panel for closing by profit or loss, added a block of notifications when closing positions by profit or loss. 3 notification methods are available:
CPL_AlerT – alert message
CPL_Mail – email message
CPL_Push – push notification
How to set up mobile device or email to messages from the Expert Advisor:
the MagicOrderToClose parameter has been replaced by 2 parameters:
MagicNumber – unique magic number of positions to close.
true = apply the function of closing by total profit or loss to all magic numbers.
false = set the unique magic number for closing positions in the MagicNumber parameter.
Version 17.504 2017.05.11
– Fixed the error with the display of fractional numbers on the CLP panel: when entering fractional numbers in the fields Dollars, Percents and Profit trailing
Version 17.118 2017.01.24
Fixed operation with long tickets
Version 17.105 2017.01.13
-Added parameter Use_Lots_in_CLP_Points for working with the CLP tab – true – the EA will also consider the lot of those positions during calculation of profit points. This option can be useful in trading on a hedging account with different lots.
For example:
opened 2 SELL positions on EURUSD
SELL 0.01 with profit of 20 and 0.2 USD
SELL 0.02 with loss of -12 points -0.24 USD
-If Use_Lots_in_CLP_Points = false the EA will calculate the “net” points.
In this case, the Profit will be: -0.04 USD or 8 points.
As we can see, the position gained profit in points, but it is a loss in USD.
-If Use_Lots_in_CLP_Points = true the EA will calculate points with consideration of lots.
In this case, the profit will be: -0.04 USD or -4 points.
If calculation of profit is in points and the “Include lots in profit calculation” is enabled,
the EA will find the minimum lot of the provided positions and calculate the Points on that basis.
For example:
Minimum position 0.01, 1 “net” point = 1 point,
If a position is opened with a lot of 0.02, then 1 net point = 2 points with consideration of the lot.
If a position is opened with a lot of 0.05, then 1 net point = 5 points with consideration of the lot.
-Added checking of the input values for closing profit or loss:
If the specified profit is lower than the current – system generates a warning and disabled the closure mode.
If the specified loss is greater than the current – system generates a warning and disabled the closure mode.
If set to 0 and user attempts to enable closure – system generates an error.
-Added the AutoCorrect_LevelCLP parameter:
Only negative values can now be entered to the loss field. If user enters +10, the system automatically converts it to -10.
Only positive values can now be entered to the profit field. If user enters -10, the system automatically converts it to +10.
Only a positive value can be entered in the CLP_TralOptions, otherwise the EA generates an error.
-Added the SEPARATE Orders option to the CLP panel for separate calculation and deletion of each position.
“Virtual Stop Loss and Take Profit” mode.
For example, if you set closure by loss to $ -5 and closure by profit to 100 points, each trade will be closed separately by a loss of $ -5 or by profit of 100 points.
-Added the Separate BUYSELL option to the CLP panel, which allows to calculate a close positions by the net profit or loss separately for BUY and for SELL.
Version 16.930 2016.10.03
Updated the algorithm for working on hedging accounts
Fixed the error in the TrailingProfit edit box
Version 16.128 2016.02.01
Added the function to save the settings during the terminal reboot, the change in settings inside the panel, when closing the panel on the chart and attaching the panel to the chart.
All variables and data changes made in the panel are now saved when the terminal is restarted.
If you turn off the terminal and turn it on again – all the parameters will be re-loaded from the global variables.
Added the TrailingProfit function to the CLP tab:
Trailing Stop at Closing.
A new function for trailing profits has been implemented on user demand. In this case, the profit is fixed with some correction. As soon as the profit reaches the specified value, the Expert Advisor saves the current profit level and starts trailing the profit.
For example:
If you made settings for closing at the profit of 10 dollars:
Profit $ – positive closing.
Profit $ – value of positive closing.
TrailingProfit- distance from Profit $, which, when reached, triggers trailing of profit.
If Profit $ is set to 10 and TrailingProfit is set to 5 the Trailing Stop will be set at 5 dollars. The Trailing Stop will come into play when the Expert Advisor passes the 10 dollar line and start moving following the profit. The Journal will show entries about the current profit status.
When the total profit falls below the last fixed level, TrailingProfit, the Expert Advisor will perform forced closing of all position.
The function works for all closure types: Every symbol, Current symbol, Separate BUY and SELL direction, Each order separately.
Version 15.923 2015.09.24
Fill policy parameter has been added to the external parameters:
This fill policy means that an order can be executed only with the specified volume. If the required volume for a given financial instrument is currently unavailable in the market, the order will not be executed. The required volume can be filled using several offers currently available in the market.
This means that a trade will be executed with the maximum volume available in the market within the value indicated in the order. In case entire order volume is not available in the market at the moment, a partial fulfillment is possible, but any portion that cannot be filled immediately is canceled.
This fill policy is used for market, Limit and Stop Limit orders and only in the Market Execution and Exchange Execution modes. In case of partial filling a market or Limit order with remaining volume is not canceled but processed further.
When a Stop Limit order triggers, a relevant Limit order will be placed with the Return fill policy.
Version 15.116 2015.01.16
In case of incorrect settings, the Close button will be disabled and an error will be returned to the user.
Version 15.112 2015.01.13
Added check of input data before the start of algorithm operation. Protection against incorrect settings.
For example, if you specify the loss of more than the current one – the system will not allow you to perform the algorithm. Since the positions must be closed immediately.
For example: You have indicated close loss at 2 dollars. Currently loss is -3 dollar. This means that you obviously specified closing level below the current one. And the system will immediately close the position.
In this version, the system returns an error and asks you to enter another value.
If your сurrent loss is -5 dollars, you can set the loss value only -5.1 or below.
If you have a current profit of $10 and you want to set it to $5 – the system will return an error. You can set the value for locking the profit only above the current profit. For example, $11.
关于 CLP CloseIfProfitorLoss 的评论
I can't thank Vladislav enough for their tool and their patience in upgrading it to meet my needs. They were incredibly helpful and professional throughout the process. Thank you so much for your assistance!
Reply from ExpForex:
Thank you 😊
Amazing product, works very well and neat, what I was looking for and also have other his other products like full trade pad, good producer, many detailed functions buttons on chart and also in settings!
Atila R Akdeniz
Atila R Akdeniz
Excellent Tool, very useful to do operations on the termial. All of Vladislav's products are of excellent quality, and he provides very good support. With the current prices it's a good time to buy all his products.
wingliu27 2023.11.24 00:07
I have install ea, but why my ea didn’t have close all button ? Please help .Thanks2023.12.13 10:23You can enable this button in the EA settings
lorrenzs 2023.05.29 03:06 # RU Thanks for your response. Once again this ea is the best ea ever made in my opinion but one critical feature is missing, let me explain. I make a series of trades or just one trade, I hit a profit of $100 for example, now I want to place my trailing profit between 15% to 20% of my profit (not my balance and not my equity, just my profit alone). Now I set my trailing profit at 17.5% of my profit, meaning the profit will trail by $17.5 but as i keep getting more profit the value of the 17.5% keeps changing. For example if profit still rises from $100 to $150 my new trailing profit value would be $26.25. Immediately the trade begins to move in the loss direction it activates the most recent stop loss value and closes the trade if it falls to that value but throughout the trade 17.5% of my total profit was used in trailing my total profit. It has been rigorously proven that a trailing profit of 15% to 20% of the total profit itself is the most profitable take-profit strategy, taken from a sample of 50 years of trading pool, the article supporting this findings can be found online, that is why I am using 17.5% as my trailing profit exit strategy in the example. Also you asked if I am requesting for a new feature, the answer is yes, please make this new feature available, I am pleading. Feature: TRAILING PROFIT IN PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL PROFIT. Thanks for your kind understanding . I gave it 4 stars for now, 5th star after update, thanks in advance.
Vadim V.
Vadim V.
Hi, I bought Profit or Loss Pad 1 month ago and run it on MT5 and it worked OK. I found the EA very helpful and bug fee in work that helps me to scalp not looking when I need to get out. EA that good tool. 5 stars to Vlad.
купил сразу как нужен был equity trail, потому что все продукты от данного производителя высшего качества. будем посмотреть. функционал вроде не плохой. но сразу бросается в глаза притормаживающее отображение профита на панели, нельзя ли его ускорить как то? еще не нашел функцию отключения кнопки автоторговли после закрытия, но это не так важно. главное что бы equity trail работал.
Agnaldo Prata
Agnaldo Prata
Awsome tool, it makes risk management a lot easyer, thanks to the developer, good job.
It's excellent toll for multi entry trading management(brake even T/P with profit you want in Long/Short Separately).
Agnaldo Prata
Agnaldo Prata 2020.05.11 14:56
Excellent toll, I have been looking for a good trade manager EA for long time and now I found it, I have been testing it on my live account and it works like a charm.Thanks for the developer, great job done!
Saitama 2020.03.24 08:25
Very great EA and Vladislav is very helpful and responsive with prompt reply to my questions.
spetrosyan1979 2020.02.25 20:35
Полезный помощник. Не стал мелочиться, купил сразу. Окупился при первом же запуске )) Спасибо.
Konstantin Zharitov
Konstantin Zharitov 2020.01.15 10:01
Best 30 bucks investment on the market! Thanks for the great product!
Vasil lupanov
Vasil lupanov
For the good expert 5 gold stars !!! For the designer and the man who created it, 10 gold stars. Thank you my friend !!!
Phoutsamay Tonmany
Phoutsamay Tonmany 2019.08.10 09:10
this is great product that help you to discipline your trading strategy. 🙂
Wolfgang Rockert
Wolfgang Rockert 2019.07.02 14:18
Very useful, works combined with other EAs, great work!!!
empol 2019.08.02 12:41
It doesn't work for me, I don't see all the buttons, I can't open the store from the app.
pllm2708 2019.04.25 10:01
Dear Vladislav, Just purchased this EA a few hours ago and I am already thoroughly enjoying all the rich features. It is really value for money for only $30.00. It is almost everything that I have been looking for EXCEPT the fact that the EA does NOT delete any of the pending orders after the pre-set profit level has been reached. As my EAs trade in a cycle and needs to restart a fresh cycle after the closing of the on-going cycle and the fact that my EAs will only restart a fresh cycle upon all the pending orders being deleted - as a result, all the pending orders which were not deleted are being triggered now and my EAs would just continue to trade the just closed cycle as if nothing had happened. This obviously defeats the whole strategy employed by my EAs. So Vladislav, can we have an urgent update of the EA to include the deletion of ALL the pending orders of the same symbol when the pre-set TP or SL is reached??? The EA would be perfect if you could do that. Also, it would also be an excellent idea if the EA can somehow instruct all the EAs under its management to restart afresh every time when the pre-set TP or SL is hit/reached. If the above two suggestions could be implemented, the EA would really be PERFECT! So, for now, 4 stars only. sincerely, Philip Lee Update I wrote the above review less than 1 hour ago and Mr Vladislav PM me immediately to point out to me that there is already an option in the settings to choose whether or not to delete all pending orders - and I have just tried it and can confirm that there is an option to delete all pending orders. this is BRILLIANT, I really think this EA is all that one could ever ask for in as far as this kind of utility EA is concerned - it has everything and it works beautifully. I highly recommend this EA - this is a real no brainer - for only $30 - go ahead and buy it immediately, no need to think twice. Updated my rating to full 5 stars. Simply BRILLIANT!
Kin Hung Chow
Kin Hung Chow 2018.08.22 03:50
Very good Utilities. But I have a problem that MT4 doesnt close after stop out even I set the close terminal to "true". Any ideas for reason?
Staffan Ofwerman
Staffan Ofwerman 2018.04.26 09:59
This is just what I've been looking for. A great tool and it works fine. I had some trouble with understanding some of the settings, but finally I got it right. And the seller is really, really helpful. Impressive.
To Pui Kuen
To Pui Kuen 2017.11.11 02:55
This utilities is extremely useful. Great job for Author !
Валерий Булеев
Валерий Булеев 2017.02.06 10:51
Еще один отличный продукт от этого программиста! Спасибо! Необходимый инструмент для контроля прибыльности и убыточности сделок, использую как дополнение к своему советнику. Очень хорошо работает поддержка, приятно работать с такими людьми, еще раз спасибо!
DAVID DE CABO 2016.12.22 03:22
EA's do not stop when operations are closed. I am very upset because this robot does not work as described
Bambang Arief
Bambang Arief 2016.12.14 14:12
This tool is very important and useful, like Master that teach how to become a discipline trader. >>Version 16.990 - 2016.12.13>> works for ECN account and count swap fee (if any)
Ikechukwu Emmanuel Okaro
Ikechukwu Emmanuel Okaro 2016.06.29 06:05
This is a very important tool in any serious trader's arsenal. 5 stars!
Victor Epand
Victor Epand 2016.02.28 20:41
This EA can be very useful when combined with other EAs to set the desired minimum drawdown in % of balance at which time all positions will be closed.
Mark Huggett
Mark Huggett 2016.02.20 01:25
Thank you, Vladislav. You have done a very nice job developing this application. It closed a position perfectly yesterday at my intended profit.
bsandaruwan 2016.01.17 15:16
Before talk about the EA I like to talk about Author He is the best Author I saw in Mql5 His service 5star for me. Very kind and honest person Always response with very patient & professional way with his Knowledge. Profit or Loss Ea very useful for me. Its work very well with all currency pairs. Extremely happy with Ea Thx Lot Vladislav for your nice EA’s and 5 star Service.
Frederic Fachard
Frederic Fachard 2015.05.26 18:37 # RU I bought this product in january 2015. I'm happy with it 🙂 It really makes what he is supposed to ! It can close order(s) for a specified symbol OR ALL orders Setting of the targets (win and/or loss) are easy to setup (in account currency and/or points and/or % of balance) Hint : About setting the targets in "loss", don't forget to ADD THE MINUS SIGN BEFORE THE VALUES 😉 For example, if you enter positive value (without the minus sign) on "Loss $" field, the order may be immediately closed ! In loss section, you have to enter "-5.00" if you want the order to close when your loss reached USD 5.00 ... Things that could be enhanced : - When market is fast moving, the EA have some difficulty to follow... (the target may be reached for a flash moment and sometimes the EA miss it...) - Maybe an alert by email and/or push when the EA closes some order with details about what have been done. All in all, thank you for this nice product 🙂
Alexey Lushnikov
Alexey Lushnikov 2015.04.09 22:38
Спасибо. Хорошая программа для контроля просадки и общей прибыли
CLP CloseIfProfitorLoss 的评论
5 responses to “CLP CloseIfProfitorLoss。使用跟踪利润控制总利润或损失”
Thanks for the utility, I really like it
Français : CLP : Fermeture sur profit ou perte + Fonction de Trailing Profit
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1feTxvPUukGuide complet : https://www.expforex.com/?p=78
💎 CloseIfProfitorLoss MT4 : https://www.mql5.com/fr/market/product/2945
💎 CloseIfProfitorLoss MT5 : https://www.mql5.com/fr/market/product/872Marques de temps :
00:00 Aperçu
01:53 Installation
02:44 Fermeture sur profit total
03:18 Fermeture sur perte totale
03:50 Fermeture avec Trailing Profit
04:45 Fermeture de tous les symboles avec Trailing Profit
05:41 Fermeture des positions séparées avec Trailing Profit
06:42 Exemple de VirtualTradePadL’EA permet de fermer les positions dans MetaTrader lorsqu’un profit ou une perte totale est atteint, en utilisant la fonction de Trailing Profit.
Principales caractéristiques :
Vous pouvez activer les arrêts virtuels (Ordre séparé).
Calculer et fermer les positions d’achat et de vente séparément (Achats et Ventes séparés).
Fermer et calculer pour tous les symboles ou uniquement le symbole actuel (Tous les symboles).
Activer le Trailing Profit (Profit suiveur).
Fermer à l’atteinte d’un profit ou d’une perte totale dans la devise du dépôt, en points (Pips) ou en pourcentage du solde.Mots-clés : Vladon, Expforex, CLP, CloseIfProfitOrLoss, Fermeture sur profit, Profit total, Fermeture sur profit ou perte, Trailing Profit, Stop suiveur intelligent, MetaTrader, MT4, MT5, Trading automatisé, Expert Advisor, Stops virtuels, Gestion des risques, Protection des profits, Stratégie Stop-Loss, Trading Forex, Fonction de Trailing, Signaux de trading, Outils de trading, Plateforme de trading.
Deutsch: CLP: Schließen bei Gewinn oder Verlust + Trailing-Gewinnfunktion
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YD6UFvGS82MVollständige Anleitung: https://www.expforex.com/?p=78
💎 CloseIfProfitorLoss MT4: https://www.mql5.com/de/market/product/2945
💎 CloseIfProfitorLoss MT5: https://www.mql5.com/de/market/product/872Zeitmarken: 00:00 Übersicht
01:53 Installation
02:44 Schließen bei Gesamtgewinn
03:18 Schließen bei Gesamtsverlust
03:50 Schließen mit Trailing-Gewinn
04:45 Schließen aller Symbole mit Trailing-Gewinn
05:41 Schließen separater Positionen mit Trailing-Gewinn
06:42 Beispiel des VirtualTradePadDer EA ermöglicht es, Positionen im MetaTrader zu schließen, wenn ein Gesamtgewinn oder -verlust erreicht wird, unter Verwendung der Trailing-Gewinnfunktion.
Sie können virtuelle Stopps aktivieren (Separate Order).
Kauf- und Verkaufspositionen separat berechnen und schließen (Separate Käufe und Verkäufe).
Schließen und Berechnen für alle Symbole oder nur für das aktuelle Symbol (Alle Symbole).
Aktivierung des Trailing-Gewinns (Trailing Profit).
Schließen bei Erreichen eines Gesamtgewinns oder -verlusts in der Einzahlungswährung, in Punkten (Pips) oder in Prozent des Kontostands.Schlüsselwörter: Vladon, Expforex, CLP, CloseIfProfitOrLoss, Schließen bei Gewinn, Gesamtgewinn, Schließen bei Gewinn oder Verlust, Trailing-Gewinn, Intelligenter Trailing-Stop, MetaTrader, MT4, MT5, Automatisiertes Trading, Expert Advisor, Virtuelle Stopps, Risikomanagement, Gewinnabsicherung, Stop-Loss-Strategie, Forex-Handel, Trailing-Funktion, Handelssignale, Trading-Tools, Handelsplattform.
Português. CLP: Fechamento de Lucro ou Perda + função de trailing de lucros
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yI4txQfDCEUGuia completa: https://www.expforex.com/?p=78
💎 CloseIfProfitorLoss MT4: https://www.mql5.com/pt/market/product/2945
💎 CloseIfProfitorLoss MT5: https://www.mql5.com/pt/market/product/872Marcos de tempo:
00:00 Visão geral
01:53 Como instalar
02:44 Fechamento por lucro total
03:18 Fechamento por perda total
03:50 Fechamento com trailing de lucros
04:45 Fechamento de todos os símbolos com trailing de lucros
05:41 Fechamento de operações separadas com trailing de lucros
06:42 Exemplo do VirtualTradePadO EA permite fechar posições no MetaTrader ao alcançar um lucro ou perda total usando a função de trailing de lucros.
Principais características:
Você pode ativar os stops virtuais (Ordem Separada).
Calcular e fechar posições de compra e venda separadamente (Compras e Vendas Separadas).
Fechar e calcular para todos os símbolos ou apenas o símbolo atual (Todos os Símbolos).
Habilitar o trailing de lucros (Trailing Profit).
Fechar ao atingir um lucro ou perda total na moeda do depósito, pontos (Pips) ou percentual do saldo.Palavras-chave:
Vladon, Expforex, CLP, CloseIfProfitOrLoss, Fechamento com Lucro, Lucro Total, Fechamento por Lucro ou Perda, Trailing de Lucros, Stop de Trailing Inteligente. -
Español. CLP: Cierre de Ganancia o Pérdida + Seguimiento de Ganancia
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FltYlihxC-QGuía completa: https://www.expforex.com/?p=78
💎 CloseIfProfitorLoss MT4: https://www.mql5.com/es/market/product/2945
💎 CloseIfProfitorLoss MT5: https://www.mql5.com/es/market/product/872Tiempos clave:
00:00 Visión general
01:53 Cómo instalar
02:44 Cierre por beneficio total
03:18 Cierre por pérdida total
03:50 Cierre con trailing de beneficios
04:45 Cierre de todos los símbolos con trailing de beneficios
05:41 Cierre de operaciones separadas con trailing de beneficios
06:42 Ejemplo de VirtualTradePadEl EA permite cerrar posiciones en MetaTrader al alcanzar un beneficio o pérdida total utilizando la función de trailing de beneficios.
Características clave:
Puedes activar los stops virtuales (Orden Separada).
Calcular y cerrar posiciones de compra y venta por separado (Compra y Venta Separadas).
Cerrar y calcular para todos los símbolos o solo el símbolo actual (Todos los Símbolos).
Habilitar el trailing de beneficios (Trailing Profit).
Cerrar al alcanzar un beneficio o pérdida total en la moneda del depósito, puntos (Pips) o porcentaje del saldo.Palabras clave:
Vladon, Expforex, CLP, CloseIfProfitOrLoss, Cierre con Beneficio, Beneficio Total, Cierre por Beneficio o Pérdida, Trailing de Beneficios, Stop de Trailing Inteligente.
TickSniper 和 Expforex 最佳顾问的交易报告
描述 我们汇总了专家顾问 TickSniper、 Good Santa、 Tick Hamster、 The X,在我们的真实交易账户上的总结和详细交易结果。我们的专家顾问的交易统计。 让我们详细检查报告并得出结论。 前言 可能每三个问题中就有一个是关于我们的机器人: 通过使用您的顾问,我能获得多少利润? 与专家合作的交易增长百分比是多少? 每月EA能赚多少钱? 回撤是多少? 应该选择哪个顾问? 我将尝试简要描述我们的外汇交易程序并回答您的问题。这些不仅仅是言语,而是带有实时交易账户的真实报告! 还能有什么更好的呢? 我们将讨论哪些交易专家顾问? TickSniper – 专业人士可调节设置的自动交易顾问 Good Santa – 为初学者提供小设置的自动交易顾问 Tick Hamster – 为初学者提供无需设置的自动交易顾问 The X – 具有21个标准指标和许多处理仓位功能的通用交易系统。 我将借助EA回答关于每月利润金额和最大回撤的问题: 交易机器人(EA)的盈利能力和回撤不仅取决于交易EA,还取决于其他因素: 此外汇交易信号来自报价!所有取决于当前价格,形成交易信号; 交易账户的初始余额; 在此交易余额中使用的风险; 交易手数; 影响报价走势并决定未平仓头寸命运的全球因素和新闻。 最佳交易顾问就在这里! 推荐经纪商和交易账户: 推荐存款 低风险 为 $ 1,000,最小手数 0.01 3个货币对(例如EURUSD、USDCHF、USDJPY) 推荐存款 中风险 为 $ 300,最小手数 0.01 1个货币对(例如EURUSD) 推荐存款 高风险 为 $ 100,最小手数 0.01 1个货币对(例如EURUSD) 浮动点差(禁止零点差!) 杠杆比例为1:300及更高 对于存款超过$1,000的账户,推荐使用PRO Standard或ECN PRO类型的账户。 对于存款少于$1,000的账户,推荐使用PRO Cent账户类型。 时间框架无关紧要。顾问仅在报价上工作。 货币对:您可以选择任何货币对。我交易EURUSD、USDCHF、USDJPY。 分析工具 Extra Report…
Forex Tester Pad 是一个用于策略测试器的外汇交易模拟器。使用指标进行交易。
在策略测试器图表上的一键交易。该工具允许您在策略测试器中手动测试您的策略。在可视化图表上一键交易。 现在,策略测试器中也提供了便捷且完整的交易技能测试功能。…
AI Sniper。MetaTrader 的自动智能专家顾问。
AI Sniper 是一个智能的、自我优化的交易机器人,设计用于 MT4 和 MT5 终端。它利用智能算法和先进的交易策略来最大化您的交易潜力。 凭借在交易所和股票市场 15 年的经验,我们开发了创新的策略管理功能、额外的智能功能和用户友好的图形界面。…
SafetyLOCK PRO 通过使用相反的挂单开仓来锁定您的头寸。锁定对冲
SAFETYLOCK:保护您的交易免受剧烈市场反转的影响 在金融市场进行交易涉及高风险,尤其是在剧烈的市场反转期间。SAFETYLOCK 是一个独特的工具,帮助交易者通过自动为现有头寸下反向订单来最小化损失。现在,您可以自信地进行交易,知道意外的市场波动不会影响您的交易。…
Close Minus by Plus,通过搜索和关闭盈利头寸来平仓亏损头寸
通过识别和关闭盈利头寸来平仓亏损头寸。 专家顾问(EA)旨在通过识别和关闭盈利头寸来平仓亏损头寸。…
The X – 通用外汇专家顾问 (EA) 使用标准指标
通用专家顾问 (EA) 适用于 MetaTrader,功能强大 专家顾问 The X 是 MetaTrader 的多功能交易工具,提供广泛的功能和可定制的设置。 它使用标准指标,并包含内置的策略构建器,允许交易者创建和调整策略以满足他们的需求。…
EAPADPRO 库 – 将我们的面板添加到您的 EA 中
EAPADPRO 库 – 使用我们的信息面板增强您的专家顾问 (EA) EAPADPRO 库为希望提升其 MetaTrader 平台上专家顾问 (EA) 功能的交易者提供了强大的解决方案。…
EA The xCustomEA: 通用交易顾问用于自定义指标。自定义策略构建器
通用交易顾问用于 MetaTrader 的自定义指标。 Exp – The xCustomEA 通用交易顾问用于自定义指标。The xCustomEA 适用于自定义指标,并且可以为 MT5 和 MT4 终端编程其交易策略。 换句话说:The xCustomEA 与可以从互联网或 mql5 市场下载的自定义指标有连接。 任何来自互联网的自定义指标! 策略构建器。…
Copylot – MetaTrader的外汇交易复制器。跨终端复制器
交易复制器,用于MetaTrader。 它复制外汇交易、头寸、订单,支持从任何账户复制。 它是COPYLOT MT4版本的最佳交易复制器之一,可在MT4-MT4, MT5-MT4之间复制(或适用于COPYLOT MT5版本的MT4-MT5, MT5-MT5之间复制)。 独特的复制算法能够精准地将所有交易从主账户复制到您的客户端账户。…
Partial Close and Trailing. 回滚时部分平仓
Partial Close and Trailing 是一个 EA 助手,在回撤期间部分平仓(即部分手数)。 当价格首先朝利润方向移动然后回撤时,EA 会部分平掉有利可图的仓位。…
VirtualTradePad (VTP) 交易面板。Trade Pad 可通过图表和键盘一键进行交易
VirtualTradePad 或 VTP – 在 MetaTrader 终端中一键交易的控制面板。用于外汇剥头皮交易和手动交易的程序。…
InfoPad,MetaTrader 的在线信息面板
InfoPad 是一个非常有用的信息面板,旨在提供 MetaTrader 终端中选择的特定货币对的关键信息。 该面板提供深入和实时的数据,如当前买价和卖价、点差、最高价和最低价等。…
Market Time Pad. MetaTrader 指标,带有交易时段
时间指标显示主要全球市场的当前时间,并突出显示活跃的交易时段。 它易于使用,占用图表空间最小,非常适合与专家顾问和其他工具(如 VirtualTradePad)无缝集成。…
TickSniper 自动化专家顾问用于 MetaTrader。Tick 剥头皮交易者
Exp-TickSniper 是一个快速的 Tick 剥头皮交易者,能够自动为每个货币对单独选择参数。 该 EA 基于近10年的 EA 编程经验开发而成。 该 EA 使用智能跟踪止损进行短期交易,并基于当前货币对数据、报价、规格和点差。…
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